If any of you came to the site first thing yesterday, you may have noticed it wasn’t here.
The reasoning for that is pretty simple. It’s because I recently moved hosting over to Futaidnet.com and my domain started pointing to their servers on Wednesday.
Recovery time should be minimal. There were some issues with the comic and news display scripts that needed attention. Many thanks to ComradeF and Futaid himself for helping set things straight!
The only other problem the site is having right now is that the forum is down. This is partially due to having no database behind it on the new server and partially because I’m so swamped with other things, I don’t have time to get it up and running just yet.
Fortunately, I made a back up of the forum on Tuesday, so those of you who visit there should be in good shape when it comes back.
If any of you have had the experience of moving servers and tring to resussitate a forum let me know. I’d be interested in your input.
Last bit of site news I’ll mention – we have a new advertiser! Everyone say hello to Comic Stack! It’s a great web site that covers EVERYTHING comics. All the way from Marvel to the tinest web offering. I love combing through their articles for the latest news. Check it out. It’s a great site.