In order for you to get today’s joke, it may help if you are one from “The Love Boat Generation”. By that I mean the era when television shows featured guest stars famous for little more than being famous. George Hamilton is one such celebrity.
George has quite the reputation regarding his deep and ever-present tan. In fact, his nickname is “The Tanned One” and there have been several jokes made at his expense to this effect. I’m merely jumping on the bandwagon. Tan. Leather. Leatherface. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It’s kind of like Six Degrees of Separation except not. For more information on George Hamilton, click here.
Frankly I’m not too interested in the remake that is belching onto screens nationwide this weekend. I think it’s more indicative of the decline of Jessica Biel’s career more than anything. Who’s bright idea was it to remake this film, anyway? Didn’t they know it was going to be impossible to get away with all the tricks that made the original so shocking? The fact that they didn’t involve the original Leatherface Gunnar Hansen in the remake only adds insult to injury. Oh, well. I guess they were able to snag John Larroquette as The Narrator. Did you know the that the 1974 version of the film was his first movie role? Small world.
I wanted to call everyone’s attention to the brand new Theater Hopper store. I’ve got a ton of great merchandise for you including TWO new posters and Jared’s Theater Hopper documentary now on DVD! You’d better pick this stuff up while you can. Supplies are running short. We’re still selling the original Theater Hopper poster, but there are only 28 left! Better move fast!
I want to give a shout out to Movie Comics who is sponsoring Theater Hopper for the next week. It looks like Mr. Furious has put the past controversy behind him and he is churning out new comics left and right. Visit his site and welcome him back to the web comic community.
Beyond that, I’m still tinkering around with the forums and it’s going to be great. More features, better color scheme, the whole nine. Hopefully I’ll have some more news on that by the end of today.
Take it easy!
Some of you may have noticed the handy, new graphic underneath the comic navigation. This is a link to buzzComix – a top 100 webcomic resource list not unlike Top Web Comics.
Since it appears that the TWC is no longer functioning and is without aim to bring its service back to those who rely on it as a source of free advertising, I’ve turned to buzzComix to help spread the word about Theater Hopper.
The way it works is disarmingly simple – Just click on the graphic every day and watch as our vote totals rocket us toward the top. I know many of you have fallen out of the habit of doing it, so when you remember, just give us a little clicky-click. To help things along, you might see this graphic in the news post from time to time:
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Well, they may not be much to look at, but the forums are up and running again.
I pretty much had to start from scratch since we moved servers, so if you had registered in the past – I’m sorry – you’ll have to register again. For those of you who never got around to it… Well, now’s a great opportunity!
I can’t tell you everything I tried to make this work out better the first time around, but it just didn’t happen that way. In the meantime, you can expect more features and styles to be added to the forum in the coming weeks and months. Get in on the ground floor and your suggestions could help to shape how things develop!
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