Looks like we’ve got another war of words brewing in the magical land of the Web Comic Kingdom.
Mitch over at Nothing Nice to Say took a swipe at Movie Comics concerning a dispute over votes at Top Web Comics.
Do you see what I’m talking about with this voting crap, people?! It breeds nothing but dissent among the ranks! It’s not like anyone gets free cookies when they’re voted number one. Loosen up!
I can’t say he was justified, but if I were to pick sides, I’d step in line with Mitch. He’s a friend of the site and give me good linkage.
In the interest of diplomacy within strips of similar genre, I’ll keep my personal feelings regarding Movie Comics to myself. But isn’t it suspicious that there are no banners on their links page for either this site or Movie Punks? Just thinking out loud…
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I forgot to mention a couples of new strips I’ve added to the links page. Both of these are new entries into the world of web comics, but their creators are as nice a lemonade on a hot summer day.
Why do I feel like whistling a jaunty tune?
Anyway, be sure make Go Eat A Spamwich and Scene Rascalin’ part of your weekly reads.
Also want to send a shout out to Mitch over at Nothing Nice To Say. He was cool enough to put a link to us in his blog and we’re seeing a flood of people coming in from his site. Thanks, Mitch!
Sidenote: I checked out Go Eat A Spamwich before posting this update and they’re currently down due to exceeding their bandwidth. But you should definitely bookmark them and check them out later. Great color penciled work.
This temporary stay is no doubt the Mitch’s handiwork. He also linked to G.E.A.S.
The power one man wields… scary…
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Oct 3, 2005 | ALL ABOARD! |
Oct 21, 2002 | HAT TRICK |
Oct 7, 2003 | CONVENTION RECAP |
Oct 26, 2005 | LINKIES! |
It’s always a real treat when another web comic links to your site from theirs. It’s a real validation to have your work recognized not only by fans, but by others in the industry who like what you do.
Imagine my utter pants-wetting glee when upon checking my counter logs, I was deluged by hits from the main page blogs of not one, not two, but three big web comics.
Many thanks to Troy’s Bucket, Nothing Nice to Say and, in a surprise revelation, Something Positive for giving me notice on their sites today.
A link back on my end is but a small gesture. One not truly indicative of my appreciation. Please check out all three sites and let them know their awesomeness is far-reaching.
And, as long as I’m directing traffic, everyone should be sure to check out LINKS
No Pants Tuesday. Zach finally got it together and purchased himself a fancy new domain. You can now find him at (appropriately) http://www.nopantstuesday.com. Be sure to pay him a visit and check out the new strip he put up today.
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Jan 30, 2003 | WEB COMIC PLUGGIN’ |
Jul 23, 2003 | GUESS WHO’S BACK? |
Oct 3, 2005 | ALL ABOARD! |
Something I wanted to mention earlier, but forgot: Both Nothing Nice To Say and No Pants Tuesday are back in full swing.
Anyone who already checks this site, probably already checks theirs – so this information may not come as a surprise. But both of these guys are buddies of mine and I wanted to give them a shout-out. It’s great to see them back on the horse.
…and nooooo, I’m not talking about heroin!
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Apr 28, 2003 | MONDAYS SUCK |
Jul 23, 2003 | GUESS WHO’S BACK? |
Mitch from Nothing Nice to Say has announced that he is cutting back production on his strip from 3 times weekly to once each Monday for personal reasons. I am unbelievably bummed, but wish nothing but the best for Mitch and his emotional heath.
Here’s to Mitch Clem – a great talent much less deserving of the crap being flung his way. Chin up, man. And take care.
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Sep 5, 2003 | MEET ME! |
Mar 31, 2004 | BIG NEWS!!! |
I don’t know what it is about summer, but it seems to instgate a lot of change.
First It’s All Been Done hangs up its hat, then I learn that Force Monkeys closes up shop, NOW I’m reading that my beloved Nothing Nice to Say is ending its run in 5 days? Nevermind Zach from No Pants Tuesday has seemingly taken a vacation to Mars, or something. What the hell am I supposed to do with myself now that all my favorites are leaving me?
I guess I’ll have to make some new friends.
Never-the-less, be sure to visit all of these fallen brothers and make sure their archives remain strong.
In more positive news, Mark Velard of Jayhoo and Jawhoo is upping production to FIVE TIMES A WEEK! I guess it just goes to show when a door is closed a window is opened. Check it out!
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Jun 1, 2005 | I NEVER KNEW! |
Jan 3, 2005 | IT’S AWESOME |
May 26, 2003 | IT’S ALL BEEN DONE… DONE? |
Sit up straight, kids. Cuz I’ve got big news.
Mitch Clem is in the house. Tanned, rested and ready to rock – NOTHING NICE TO SAY IS BACK!!!
It looks like Mitch will be updating whenever he damn well feels like it, which I think is a smart move. But just to see that guy back in the game puts a big smile across my face.
Visit his site now and show him the love.
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Apr 28, 2003 | MONDAYS SUCK |
Oct 16, 2002 | GOOD LINKAGE |
Sep 6, 2002 | HATERS |
Well, it’s not 100% official, but it looks like I’ll be going to Minnesota soon for my VERY FIRST comic book convention! I’m getting really excited for it.
Setting up a booth at a convention is going to be a really big step for me. It’ll be an opportunity to meet the fans and maybe sell a little merchandise in a market a little larger than Des Moines.
The real kicker to this event is that there is a strong likelyhood that I will be sharing table space with Zach from No Pants Tuesday, Mitch from Nothing Nice to Say and Carrington from Movie Punks (driving all the way from Toronto!)
This little scheme of ours has been in the works since late spring at least. Finally things are coming together.
So if you feel like coming to Minneapolis to meet the 4 of us, mark your calendar for Saturday, October 4 and Sunday, October 5. It’ll be a blast. If you’re interested in learning more about the convention, you can find their website here.
Oh, and Carrington, if you’re reading this – Send me or Zach an e-mail with your instant messenger address if you have. We need some information to submit to the convention organizers to confirm our table reservation.
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Aug 23, 2002 | CONTROVERSY |
Apr 21, 2010 | C2E2 RECAP |
Oct 7, 2003 | CONVENTION RECAP |
In my rush to post a comic today for the one I missed on Monday, I totally neglected to post a blog recapping my experience at the Minnesota FallCon comic book convention this weekend.
I had been geared up for the event all last week. As I was making final preparations, I could hardly contain myself. I started having trouble sleeping Thursday night before we were to make the 4 hour drive to Minneapolis on Friday. By the time the first day of the convention rolled around on Saturday, I couldn’t sit down.
Being as amped up as I was (and also trying to navigation an unfamiliar city), I decided to head out to the convention center early. I was there to greet everyone when the doors opened. I met Zach from No Pants Tuesday first, then Mitch from Nothing Nice to Say arrive and finally, Carrington from Movie Punks . Suffice to say, they were all really cool.
It was weird to meet these guys in person after corresponding with all of them in one form or another over the last year. I knew what they looked like, I knew their sense of humor, but it’s like they weren’t real people until they were right there in front of you.
Conversation flowed like wine and we were all getting along great. Sometimes, we’d be so deep in conversation, we’d ignore people checking out our booth! Whoops!
But I’m glad things turned out that way and not the other. It would have really sucked if we were all just sitting there, staring off into space with nothing to say to one another.
In terms of people who came to check us out, I’d say the turn out was pretty good. True, the majority of people who stopped by didn’t know who we were or what our comics were about. And when we told them they were on the web and that we update multiple times a week, we got some interesting reactions.
But I’d say most of those reactions were positive! A lot of people promised to check out the site. And if you’re one of those people and you’re reading this right now – I love you!
Carrington and I would sometimes have some odd overlap when were explaining our sites to people. People would ask one of us what it was about, and we would say “Well, it’s a comic that makes fun of movies and it’s updated every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.” Then they would turn to the other and we’d say “Ditto.” We had fun playing around with people and charge that one was ripping off the other. Good times.
The biggest treat of the convention was meeting the people who were already familiar with the site. The crew from Still Untitled came to visit and we chatted them up for a good while. They were really cool. BobaBen from the forums also said hello and it was good to see him.
All in all, it was a great experience and it was great to sit around and talk shop with the other creators. I had so much fun, I’m thinking about heading out to another convention in Kansas City this November. Theater Hopper Tour ’03!
Be sure to keep checking the site because I’ll be offering TWO posters that were on sale at the convention. I have a new one for Theater Hopper and a SPECIAL EDITION poster created by the four of us who shared a booth together. It’ll be a trip!
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Oct 21, 2002 | HAT TRICK |
Feb 15, 2005 | ART AUCTION |
Jul 21, 2003 | BONUS! |
Sep 6, 2002 | HATERS |
I’m looking forward to the trip to Wizard World Chicago, but a little nervous, too. From Des Moines, it’s a 6 hour drive to Chicago. That’s the furthest I’ve ever driven somewhere by myself. Hopefully I won’t get desperately lost and end up dead in a crack house somewhere.
I’m also a little panicked that I didn’t bring enough stuff to sell. I only have maybe, 20 of my original posters left. Jared gave me his last 6 copies of the DVD to sell. I’m bringing, like 8 t-shirts – all mediums and larges that I’ve been waiting for someone to order and that I’ve been sitting on. I still have a lot of the Trainspotting parody poster. But the item I worked the hardest on – the 24 page sampler booklet with a new, never seen before comic – well, I only have about 150 of those. Still, if I sell out of merchandise, that’s not really a bad problem to have, is it?
I went totally D.I.Y. on this booklet. They’ve all been lovingly arranged by hand. I was going to take them to a professional printer, but they wanted $300. Sh’eah, right!
Once I get to Chicago, I expect things to be in full swing. I’m sharing a room with Zach Miller from Joe & Monkey. Let’s hope he doesn’t snore!
The two of us are sharing a booth with Nothing Nice to Say’s Mitch Clem. We were also supposed to be booth-buddies with Neil G from Robot Stories, but he had to drop out at the last minute because he’s buying a house and needed to get his stuff together. We’ll miss Neil, but I’m sure we’ll have a good time. It’s like a reunion of the Minneapolis FallCon!
…except without Carrington, who we will also miss.
Before I wrap things up, be sure to check out our latest advertiser Built For Comfort. These guys are just getting off the ground with their comic, but I think it looks pretty good. The site design is tight. BOOKMARK’D!
I prepared Friday’s comic in advance and it’s sitting in the display cue ready to go. Hopefully I didn’t screw things up with the code and you’ll have a nice comic about Aliens vs. Predator to kick off your weekend.
See you soon!
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