I must admit, when I saw the trailer for The Matrix Revolutions, I got goosebumps. My inner geek dialed up to eleven. (That is one more than ten.) Though I was disappointed in the last installment of the series, the Wachowski Brothers will not be disappointed when I pay my $7.75 to experience the revolution.
Patti and I rented The Wash, due to her fixation with Pauly Shore. I knew his appearance would be brief, so I warned her before we started the flick. Indeed, his performance was limited to a short cameo. This film did not stretch any barriers. If you are a fan of the genre, (goofball chronic smokin’ booty pimp comedy-mystery rapper films)you may enjoy it, otherwise your time is probably better spent watching Friday.
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Dec 21, 2011 | TRAILER – THE HOBBIT |
Jul 27, 2011 | TRAILER: NEW YEAR’S EVE |
I don’t know if today’s strip is too violent or too abrupt and I don’t even know where Tom would get his hands on a battle-axe, but the whole idea seemed like a riot to me. Plus, I love to write strips where I get to freak out.
So it’s true the latest, greatest trailer for The Matrix Revolutions has hit the airwaves. I saw it on TV last night.
I have to admit, when I first saw it on screen, I thought it was an ad for the release of The Matrix Reloaded on DVD. Isn’t that supposed to be coming out soon? October 14, as I recall.
I don’t know if it bodes particularly well if hard-core fans (like myself) are confusing Revolutions with Reloaded. Maybe it’s because they’re releasing them so close together. Maybe they just needed to send a different message instead of blasting us with more video-game like imagery.
Part of me thinks that the release of this trailer is pretty convenient. Especially when you consider that New Line has been advertising the release of The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King trailer in front of Secondhand Lions this weekend. Dear Lord. It’s like the trailers are as big of an event as the actual movie!
Of course, if you don’t have time this weekend to wait for the Matrix Revolutions trailer to magically appear on your TV, I’ve provided this handy-dandy link for you to see it now.
Be sure to stop back later. I have some site-related news to share with everyone.
So I was sitting around the house trying to think up a premise for today’s comic when it dawned on me that I haven’t yet talked about the brand new Spider-Man 2 trailer.
Cami and I were away in Vegas when it was given it’s world premier during the finale of The Apprentice. And like true losers, we were in our hotel room that night watching. Thank goodness for room service!
Anyway, it’s almost two weeks later and I’ve yet to bring it up. I figured it was time to address the oversight.
Like any dyed-in-the-wool comic book geek, I loved every second of the trailer. It shows a lot without showing a lot… if that makes sense. I was particularly impressed with the CG Spidey this time around. He seemed more fluid. Faster. Almost as if they’re depicting him as having greater control over his powers. That small snipped of him leaping into the subway car and hanging sideways off that handrail spoke VOLUMES to me.
At first I was worried that they had cast Alfred Molina as Doctor Octopus, but after watching the trailers, I have faith. I think it’s important that they continue to cast actors who can convey actual menace instead of some kind of gimmick casting (Arnold Schwarzenegger as Mr. Freeze, anyone?)
I remember reading that Sam Raimi wanted to spend as much time, money and effort as possible in making Doc Ock’s mechanical arms an actual working apparatus instead of a CG effect. You can really tell where the money is being sunk into this thing. Those arms look DARN good.
Anyway, that’s enough geeking out for the moment. Remember that time is running out on placing your pre-order for Theater Hopper t-shirts. Be sure to submit your order now so I can mail you a shirt when the first batch comes in! Click the link above for all the latest information!
So in addition to The Incredibles doing over $70 million in box office this weekend, the big movie news is the release of the Star Wars: Episode III – The Revenge of the Sith teaser poster and trailer.
Personally, I’m not bowled over. I felt they spent too much time highlighting the footage from the older movies and then whizzing past anything of interesting from the new movie after that.
Perhaps my expectations are a little high – it is a TEASER trailer, after all. But, surprisingly, watching the Episode III teaser has not whetted my appetite in the least in regards to seeing this movie. It has a very rushed feeling. Not in the sense that there are a lot of quick edits and all the images are slapped together. But almost like someone forgot that it was due. I’m just imagining some guy out at LucasFilm looking at his Palm Pilot saying “So when does this movie come out? MAY 19TH?! CRAP! Quick! Get a teaser trailer out there!”
All I’m saying is that I remember back in 1998 when the teaser for Episode I – The Phantom Menace came out. I was sitting in my dorm room back at college, taking advantage of the high speed internet connection and I watched that trailer with the sound cranked up. I had chills. It was that good.
Fast forward to 2004 and I think the older generation of Star Wars fans have come to the grim conclusion that George Lucas is not making these movies for us, but the next generation of 8 year-olds that want to wield a light saber. Sure, we’ll all plunk down our cash for the last chapter, but we all know the soul evaporated from this franchise a long time ago… in a galaxy far, far away.
…Marin County, California…
Something I totally forgot last week and I’ve been kicking myself over was the guest strip I did for Joe and Monkey. Zach posted it on Friday and I totally ignored it! I have no excuse. He even e-mailed me to remind me.
In any case, check out Joe and Monkey. If you want to see my guest strip, you can view it here.
I’d also like to point out our new sponsors, Niego and Wacky Comics. Both two excellent web comics for your entertainment purposes. I really dig Niego’s style. It’s simple, yet expressive. It looks like it would have no problem fitting into a syndicated comics page of a large-circulation newspaper. Wacky Comics recently celebrated their 100th comic and it has a very playful style.
I saw The Incredibles this weekend and I’m still thinking about it. I’m thinking about it SO much in fact, that I’m trying to put together an honest-to-goodness review for you guys to read! It’s been a LONG time since I’ve done one of those.
Oh, by the way. Those of you that ordered shirts? Well, I got an e-mail from the printer and the shirts are being shipped to me TODAY. That means I should have them in the next couple of days and you guys will get your shirts before Thanksgiving! How does that sound!
Yeah… sounds good. It’s a weight off my shoulders!
So, as previously stated, today is the big day. The release of Superman Returns. Personally, I couldn’t be more excited. The more and more the hype builds around the movie, the more I’m ready to see it.
Yes, I’ve seen the reviews that say it’s bloated at 2+ hours and that there’s too much Clark Kent and not enough Superman, but I don’t care. Even if it lets me down, just as I suggest in the comic, it’s a good time to be alive.
For years and years, comic book fans got the shaft when it came to reinterpretation of their favorite characters. Looking at yesterday’s confluence of events – where Superman Returns would be in theaters and the trailer for Spider-Man 3 appeared online – I recognized the amazing jump in quality we’ve experienced with these franchises in less than 10 years. If you’re a geek, it’s incredibly validating because you feel like other mediums are finally taking you seriously. Comics aren’t just kids stuff anymore. Their modern fables for all of us.
And that’s an important excuse for me to pull out of my hat whenever Cami asks me how much I spent on comics this week!
I don’t want to get too much into discussing Spider-Man 3. Otherwise I think I’m going to be all over the map with my commentary. So, for the next few days, I’m all about Superman Returns. Expect Friday’s comic to carry the narrative thread.
I probably won’t see the movie until Saturday – which sucks. Life just gets in the way sometimes, you know? But I’m not stressing. I’m sure I’ll see it two or three more times before the end of the blockbuster season.
I’m just… I’m just happy right now. Does that make sense?
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Apr 29, 2011 | HP7.2 – “NYYYAHHHHHHH!” |
Oct 11, 2011 | THE AVENGERS – TRAILER |
In real life, Cami and I saw the trailer for this holiday’s live-action Alivn and The Chipmunks movie in front of The Simpsons Movie. When it was over, the audience audibly groaned with such displeasure, it was like someone told them they would be audited after that evenings cinematic offering.
I don’t know if a great deal of outrage is needed to convince you that what transpires in the trailer is the absolute WRONG way to relaunch a franchise. Watch it and be amazed. It’s true – Alvin really does eat a chunk of chipmunk droppings and it’s not gross-funny. It’s just plain gross.
The movie is for children, for crying out loud! Do you know any children who are laughing at this? Because if you do, you might want to take them in for a psychological evaluation. They might end up torturing chipmunks in a few years and turn into serial killers not long after that. I hate to sound like a fuddy duddy, but this kind of “entertainment” for our youth has to be doing emotional damage. It’s like someone created some kind of Saturday morning cartoon version of Jackass for the kids!
As much as I would like to continue talking about rodent droppings, I have something more important I want to discuss with you…
Yesterday, Sunday, August 5, Theater Hopper crossed an important milestone. We celebrated our 5 year anniversary!
I know that in the grand scheme of things, a mildly popular web comic that has stuck it out for five years isn’t an overwhelming artistic achievement. And I’ve seen several of my web comic brethren shrug off the occassion as just another day. I was tempted to do the same thing because I didn’t want to look like I was tooting my own horn. But the truth of the matter is, by celebrating this anniversary, we’re celebrating you.
I think anyone with two brain cells they can rub together know that most artists pursue their art to be recognized by their peers – and I’m no different. So I won’t lie and say that I would be doing the comic whether I had fans or not. Granted, Theater Hopper started as an experiment to help teach me web design. But as more and more people gathered around the site, I became more and more challenged to see what I could do with it. How many more people could I turn on to my work? How could I get my voice out there?
You guys have done a lot of the legwork for me by continuing to spread the word about Theater Hopper. Telling your movie-loving friends about us. Sharing links on web sites and community forums telling people “Hey! Check this out!” Because of your enthusiasm, I’ve made great friends from all over the world who share my passion for movies, comics and comedy. It’s been an amazing ride so far and I would have never imagined five years ago that this is where Theater Hopper would lead me.
So to ignore the occasion? Impossible. Because ignoring the milestone would be ignoring you – and that’s just stupid!
To thank you for your support – we’re running a little promotion on our two books: Theater Hopper – Year One and Theater Hopper – Year Two. For the next 5 days – from now until Friday, August 10, I am SLASHING prices on the books down from $15.00 to $10.00 a piece! If you bundle both of them together, you can save an extra buck and get them for $19.00 (you’ll save on shipping, too!)
I want you guys to spread the word about this awesome opportunity. If you have a MySpace page, a Facebook listing, a LiveJournal page, a tall cliff and a megaphone – WHATEVER! I want everyone to know about this awesome, once-in-a-lifetime chance to snag over 400 pages of content in full-color with complete commentary you won’t get anywhere else! If you’ve been sitting on your hands waiting to pick up these books, NOW IS THE TIME TO DO IT! If you want to get a little early holiday shopping done, pick up these books now and squirrel them away until December because it’ll never happen again!
Please keep in mind that this offer is not available for our books and t-shirt bundles. This offer is exclusive to books only. My goal is to move as many books as I can as quickly as I can in hopes of raising funds to start production on Theater Hopper – Year Three.
Remember, this sale lasts for five days only – from now until Friday, August 10. Once it’s over, prices go back to normal. So order today and THANK YOU for your support! I couldn’t have made it five years without you!
For some people, watching the Super Bowl is all about the football. For others, the commercials. I fall into the later category and last night I was interested in one commercial in particular.
Go watch it. Right now. Done? Good.
Look, I know I’m probably setting myself up for a serious fall. I’ve got my hopes so high for this movie, they can’t possibly be matched. I know I’m also opening myself up against would-be detractors who are ready and willing to crap on something I hold dear. It doesn’t surprise me. I spend most of the year taking the piss out of all the big movies out there. For example, I didn’t make a lot of fans when I said Spider-Man 3 was a huge let down. So if Iron Man sucks, I have to be prepared for others to rub it in my face.
But for now, I’m in a blissed-out state. I can’t wait for this movie and every little snippet they release makes it look better and better and better to me. So right now I’m just riding a wave of good feelings until May 5. Don’t harsh my mellow, dude.
Speaking of harshed mellows (marshmallows?), what about that Super Bowl game last night. Pretty boring during the second and third quarter, but an excellent finish! I think what was great about this particular match up is that there was a good story in it for everyone regardless of which direction the wind blew. If the Patriots won, we’d all get to see history repeat for the first time since 1972 when the Miami Dolphins played a perfect season. If the Giants won, we’d get to see the underdog triumph.
Well, the underdog won and I couldn’t have believed if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes. Two spectacular last minute plays by both teams. Your heart has to go out to Tom Brady and the Patriots. Can you imagine being 30 seconds away from perfection only to have it torn from your grasp? I wonder if the NFL provides grief counselors to the losing team? Sad stuff.
I know people like to beat up on the Patriots because they have a lot of money and they’ve been winning a lot of Super Bowls in the last few years. It’s like hating the Yankees. I get it. It’s easy to root for the favorite. You’re never in the minority.
While I typically align myself with the underdog out of a similar disdain for “sure things,” it would have been really cool to have witnessed the end cap to a perfect season. That just doesn’t happen that often anymore.
Anyway, enough sports talk. Can you guys believe that the Hannah Montana concert movie made almost $30 million? A new record for a film released over the Super Bowl weekend. I guess they said it pre-sold over $18 million tickets before Friday. That’s crazy.
Personally, I can’t wait for the whole Miley Cyrus gravy train to come to a screeching halt. I guess she’s already making the move away from the Hannah Montana character and striking out as her own performer. But by the time she’s ready to declare herself a “serious” songwriter, you know here teeny-bopper fan base will have grown up and moved on to something else. It’s going to be spectacular.
But enough music talk! Now is the part of the blog where I would tell you to be sure and check out The Triple Feature podcast over at TalkShoe. But here’s the skinny – there won’t be a show tonight. Gordon, Joe and I discussed it last week and decided we needed a little break. Not a whole lot to talk about in movies anyway, so it was a good time for us to cool our jets a little and recharge the batteries. This will give all of you who are new to the show a good chance to go through the archive and download some of our old broadcasts. Lots of good stuff in there. I’m especially proud of our Cloverfield episode from a few weeks ago.
Did you know that you can subscribe to our podcast through iTunes now? Really handy! All the latest shows are sent directly to you! Check it out!
It’s probably a good thing we decided not to broadcast tonight because I’m pretty sure I would monopolize the entire conversation talking about the Iron Man trailer. And no one wants to listen to that for an hour!
In the meantime, for more Iron Man-inspired lunacy, check out this post from my LiveJournal account (friend me, while you’re at it). I took pictures of my Iron Man action figure collection. That’s right. I’m 30 years-old and collect action figures. Wanna make something of it?
Have a good day and I’ll see you here again on Wednesday!