I just wanted to point out that we’ve fallen off the Top Ten at Top Web Comics. So this is just a little reminder to get everyone in gear and VOTE EVERY DAY!!!
Although, if I’m going to fall off the list, I don’t have a problem losing out to Instant Classic, I was getting so used to seeing our banner there…
The other bit of site news is that I am now selling advertising space (click on the link for more information). So if you have a site you would like to promote, please keep Theater Hopper in mind as an advertising option. More spots will probably become available on the left and right hand sides of the comic in the near future. So, look out for that, too.
I know there was some talk in the past about me redesigning the site, but that looks less likely now. Every layout I came up with just looked weird. Especially since I didn’t want to lose the curtains.
So what I’ll probably end up doing is ditching the links on the sides and replace those with advertising. Any specialty site news like merchandise or reviews will be placed directly below the comic but before the blog in a handy rotating banner set up. I’ll probably expand the width of the blog space as well so you won’t have to scroll so far to read it.
These are just minor touch-ups. But I thought you would like to be aware of them.