October 15th, 2003 | by Tom

(8 votes, average: 6.50 out of 10)
So The Matrix Reloaded came out on DVD yesterday, shortening the gap between theatrical release and home video purchase to 3 months instead of the standard 6. In the future, they’re just gonna download these movies into our brains Johnny Mnemonic-style.
I’m leery to buy Reloaded because I imagine after The Matrix Revolutions hits, they’ll collect all three movies into some super DVD package that will actually induce Matrix-like hallucinations when you remove the shrink wrap.
It’s hard to believe that Revolutions is less than 3 weeks away. I predicted to Cami that once Reloaded hit store shelves, it would mark the beginning of a media onslaught to sell, sell, SELL America on the franchise again.
The producers of the film have to admit that they lost a lot of people with the second installment. Now they have the job of convincing us that it will all make sense in the end.
They’ll probably succeed, too. Looking at the trailers, it seems as if they’re really amplifying the action and cutting back on the philosophical/religious stuff. At the end of the day, audiences will have less difficulty understanding things blowing up.
Personally, one of my favorite scenes in Reloaded was the one spoofed in today’s comic – Neo meeting The Architect. I thought the dialogue was rich and interesting, even if it was a bit wordy. I look at that scene as the lynch pin of the movie – everything before it and after it somehow relates to what was revealed in its running time.
Of course, the best Matrix spoof ever was devised around this scene. It was the opening sketch of this year’s MTV Movie Awards and featured Will Ferrell as the bearded know-it-all. If you didn’t see it, I weep for you. “CONCORDANTLY! ERGO!”
I’ve been getting a lot of e-mails recently asking me what’s going on with Brian Carroll and his excellent comic Instant Classic. If you’ve tried to access the site the last couple of days, you’ve noticed it isn’t there and is actually pointing you to another site completely.
Since Brian and I are pals (and since it’s kind of pointless to answer the same questions through e-mail over and over), I thought I would take the initiative to explain the situation here to the fans who read BOTH Instant Classic and Theater Hopper.
Basically, Brian’s web hosting server has been screwed ever since that myDoom virus struck a little while ago. The hosting provider has been working to install new security measures and in the meantime, has disabled the server on which Instant Classic resides. Brian is basically at the mercy of his hosting provider until he gets his ducks in a row.
You might be asking yourself “Why doesn’t Brian switch hosting providers?” Well, let’s put it this way. Brian, like many hard-working college students is a bit strapped for cash. His current set up isn’t costing him a dime, so it’s difficult for him to gather the monetary resources to stake a claim with someone else. Brian’s hinted at offering advertising through the site to cover costs, but I think he’s waiting to see how the current situation pans out.
That’s pretty much all I know at the moment. I hope this helps everyone who’s been freaking out over Brian’s absence. Believe me, I’m in the same boat with you! Hopefully we’ll catch up with Kate and Author soon!
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Aug 21, 2009 | THE FRIDAY FIVE |
Jun 30, 2009 | R8 IT |
Feb 18, 2011 | BECOME AN X-PERT |
I regard to Brian’s message which I posted in today’s blog, a new topic has been created in the THorum. It fleshes out the information a little bit more for those of you who had questions.
If you need a little extra incentive to donate, would it bolster your spirit to know that Theater Hopper shares a server with the awesomeness that is Joe and Monkey? So by donating, you’re not only helping TH, but another excellent web comic as well.
By the way, Zack is kicking around t-shirt ideas for his site. He came up with a great design based off his Kleptobot character. You can view it here.
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Apr 19, 2006 | DELAY |
Aug 17, 2009 | FORUM FUTURE |
Aug 21, 2009 | THE FRIDAY FIVE |
We have a thing in the THorum called The Friday Five. It’s a little tradition we’ve developed that started about a year ago. Actually, it was March 19, 2004 that we kicked things off – so this is good timing.
The process is extraordinarily simple. We ask the group 5 questions each week. You answer them. Every Friday, you get 5 new questions. Sometimes we use questions submitted by the group. Sometimes I use my own questions. Overall, it’s a great way to indoctrinate yourself into the THorum and a good way to learn a lot about the people who have already established themselves. Think of it as a primer for people who aren’t entirely comfortable in online communities.
The Friday Five is open to anyone who wants to sign up for the THorum and participate. I strongly suggest you do. It’s a lot of fun, and it exercises some different thinking. We have a lot of fun with it each week and I feel that it’s gone a long way to forging the pleasant, understanding, relatively drama-free community we have.
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Jan 5, 2009 | ODDS & ENDS |
Aug 21, 2009 | THE FRIDAY FIVE |
Mar 26, 2010 | RETURN OF THE THORUM |
Hey, gang. I’m participating in a community interview (time and date to be determined) for the upstart news outlet The Webcomics Press. These guys just started out, but I think they have a really good infrastructure in place to keep people up to date in our little corner of the internet. Be sure to check them out.
At any rate, if you would like to submit questions that the interviewers will pose to yours truly, follow this link, sign up in their forums and fire away.
Do you have a question about the future of Theater Hopper? Wondering if I’ll be introducing any new characters? Scratching your head and wondering where Charlie ran off to? This is your opportunity to hold my feet to the fire and ask the unabashed, shameless questions that would make Barbara Walters wince with delight.
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Jul 21, 2008 | INTERVIEW |
May 30, 2012 | ECCC INTERVIEW |
Feb 8, 2010 | INTERVIEWS! |
Hey, guys. If you have 10 minutes, do you think you could answer a few demographic questions for this survey? Nothing complicated and we’re not sharing your personal information with anyone else. It’s basically some information gathering to help fine-tune certain aspects of the site for better performance.
I appreciate your help!
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Mar 10, 2009 | TWITTER SURVEY |
Aug 21, 2009 | THE FRIDAY FIVE |
Jimmy Olsen is supposed to be "Superman’s Pal." Let me tell you – a REAL pal would clue you in to the bubble butt issue! Maybe Jimmy just hasn’t worked up the nerve yet.
Are you like me? Do you debate the practicality of comic book storytelling methods? The whole "costume under the civilian clothes" thing never worked with me when it came to Superman. I mean, okay… the skin-tight body suit I can kind of understand. Except, how does he go to the bathroom when you’re wearing three layers of clothes? Or does Clark Kent have a super bladder to hold it all in?
Anyway, I can let the suit underneath slide… but where is that cape hanging out? Back pocket? Does he stuff it down the legs of his pants? Maybe that’s why he’s so clumsy? I had kind of forgotten about my pet theory until we went to see Superman Returns this weekend. That shot where Clark steps into the elevator and then flies straight up the elevator shaft, shedding his street clothes behind him, I started asking myself again… "Where did that cape come from?"
Another thing – is Clark just leaving clothes all over the city? In elevator shafts, phone booths, alleyways…. You’d think the Daily Planet would be reporting about a serial streaker in Metropolis! Wouldn’t he be leaving his wallet and ID behind everytime he soars into action as Superman? I imagine Clark Kent’s new clothes bill must be astronomical.
Heh, heh… I’m shattering the whole illusion for all of you, aren’t I?
Okay, enough of that crap. Onto Superman Returns. What did I think? Well, at risk of appearing lazy, I would say this recent strip from PvP sums up my opinion quite nicely. When we left the theater, I actually told Cami "I want to be Superman when I grow up." Dear God… Who doesn’t?
Something about that John Williams theme song just makes you want to leap in front of an out of control frieght train and stop it with your bare hands. All that zipping and zooming around the stratosphere makes me want to fly home.
The effects in Superman Returns were stunning. Absolutely seemless. Everything The Man of Steel did on screen was something I had been aching to see. Sure, the other Superman films showed him in flight, but not at 700 miles per hour. Amazing stuff.
Complaints? Nothing you probably haven’t read before. It’s a little long. It takes a while before we see Brandon Routh in costume. Kate Bosworth is nothing like any version of Lois Lane you’ve ever read about or seen performed by any other actress – and that’s not a compliment. Kal Penn is given NOTHING to do as Luthor’s henchman. NO SPEAKING LINES! Why is he even in the movie? He probably doesn’t care. Residuals from this flick will pay out for the rest of his life.
Good things about the movies? I felt both Brandon Routh and Kevin Spacey were right at home in their respective roles. There was never a moment where I didn’t believe in Routh as Superman. He put an element of grace and calm into his portrayal that I found very comforting. Sure, he could stand to have been a little older to get that fatherly vibe that Superman exudes, but that’s a quibble. Really, excellent casting all around, except for Bosworth. Parkey Posey hits a home run as Luthor’s arm-candy, Kitty. She does a lot with a role that could have been one-note or insignificant.
The concept of a world without Superman is a great idea in terms of "re-introducing" the character, but it’s never fully explored. He went to see if Krypton was still around. It took him five years to find out it wasn’t. Bummer. They gloss over his exploration, but spend a little too much time in other areas.
The whole question about Lois’ five year old son? Probably not best for me to go into it here. But I have STRONG opinions about it. Trust me on that one.
Poor James Marsden. He should change his name to "James Marginalized." Get’s screwed over in the X-Men franchise, plays the guy that Rachel McAdams DOESN’T pick in The Notebook and he just shuffled to the side here again. The shame of it is, he continues to play increasingly more likeable characters. He just can’t end up with the girl on-screen.
Overall, I left the theater on a high note. Cami and I saw the movie on IMAX which kind of screwed up some of the composition of a handful of shots, so I wouldn’t mind going back and seeing it again on a "regular" screen so I can soak it all in a second time. Other than that, I can’t recommend the movie highly enough.
Hope you guys had a great weekend. I’ve got the day off today, so I’m going to work on a new design for Theater Hopper. It’s something I’ve been wanting to try for a while, but it’s been difficult to find the time to take a swing at it. Wish me luck!
I just wanted to take a moment to call attention to a new advertisement we have running next to the comic. It’s called R8 IT and it’s a polling application sponsored by NCM.
Basically, it asks you questions about current movies and you rank them. Questions like “Rate Megan Fox’s foxiness” or “Optimus Prime on the big screen versus the original toy.” from Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Fun stuff. The great thing about the app is that you can submit your contact information for a chance to win FREE MOVIE TICKETS FOR ONE YEAR!
There are other features as well. From the app you can access showtimes, trailers, photos and more information about current movies.
NCM is kind of a big deal when it comes to delivering relevant content to movie related web sites. So I encourage you to check out the application, explore a little bit and take advantage of the promotional information they’re serving up through the site. It’s very cool.
Thanks and talk to you soon!
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Feb 18, 2011 | BECOME AN X-PERT |
Back in the day, something we used to do in the THorum every Friday was play a game called The Friday Five. The game was introduced to us by the LiveJournal community of the same name and the goal of the game was simple – to learn more about each other.
I was Twittering the other day, and someone who used to frequent the THorum reminded me of the fun they had playing The Friday Five. So I decided to introduce it to the blog.
The way it works is simple. I ask you 5 questions and you answer them! Since this is on the home page, I’ll ask that everyone keep their answers clean of language. But you guys do a really good job of that anyway, so I’m not too worried.
Anyway, since Inglourious Basterds is in theater this weekend, I thought we’d play a Tarantino-themed version of The Friday Five. Here are your questions!
- What’s the first Tarantino movie you ever saw?
- How old were you when you saw this movie?
- Tarantino has a resuscitated the career of several Hollywood actors. What down-and-out actor would you like to see him cast in his next movie?
- What’s your favorite line of Tarantino dialogue? (keep it clean, if you can)
- What’s your favorite Tarantino film?
There you go! Leave your answers in the comments!
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Jun 7, 2006 | QUICK NOTE |
As part of a promotional effort for X-Men: First Class, 20th Century Fox is making available the cast and filmmakers of the movie to answer questions submitted by fans on Facebook and Twitter.
The campaign officially kicks off on Tuesday, March 1 and fans can direct questions on Twitter to @XMenMovies or post them on the film’s Facebook wall at Facebook.com/XMenMovies
Done right, this could be an excellent opportunity to show a little transparency and resolve any skepticism among fans about the franchise’s odd, continuity adverse direction. Done wrong, this could be another shallow, micro-managed and insincere publicity game that ignores the concerns long-time fans have about the silver screen versions of their favorite characters.
If you were to pose a question to the cast and filmmakers of X-Men: First Class, what would it be?
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