I’m becoming concerned that the audience for Theater Hopper isn’t what it could be. I see some of the more popular strips out there and wonder if there is something I could be doing differently.
The further I go with this hobby of mine, the more I admit to my pride in it’s longevity. I seriously never thought it would last past 50 strips. After kicking off this thing with the posters, I can see that there is a demand and support for things relating to Theater Hopper.
I want to push things further.
I’ve waffled back and forth about doing business with Top Web Comics from the first day I started Theater Hopper. At the time, I thought it was a shady business. There were too many controversies, too much vote whoring and generally a negative vibe about the place.
But I’ve passively observed it over the months and things have seem to have taken a turn for the better ever since the boys from True Nuff took over. It’s beginning to look like a professional venture.
I’ve always maintained that I’ve wanted Theater Hopper to succeed based on the merits of the work and not through shameless promotion. But I’m starting to soften my position. It’s like comparing it to a business. You feel strongly you have a superior product, but refuse to promote it in the Yellow Pages because you don’t like what it stands for. Think of the business you lose when no one can find you! Same goes here.
I’ve thought about kindling a relationship with the TWC on a short term basis – maybe just a month to see how it works out. In my mind’s eye, I see my regular readers voting for the site, propelling it into the Top 10 and giving others a taste of what they’ve been missing for so long. Whether or not that would actually happen, I can’t say for sure.
What do you have to say about it? Am I missing the benefits of hooking up with Top Web Comics? Please write to me with your opinions. Since this could possibly affect you, I would appreciate your feedback.
I guess my whole motivation behind this line of thought is because I feel if the site were more popular, it would force my hand into doing more things I’ve been meaning to do for a long time – that includes adding a forum or selling t-shirts. As things stand, my traffic doesn’t indicate that there would be enough of a community to support those ideas. But if the site were more popular it would be a moot point.
I just wanted to theorize out loud. Thanks for the indulgence.
In the meantime, if you write or draw for a web comic or know of a web comic that would like to trade links with me, drop me a line and I’ll make it happen.
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Sep 6, 2002 | HATERS |
Mar 6, 2006 | MAKE CONTACT |
Alternatively, if you know of any communities besides Top Web Comics that could help to spread the word about Theater Hopper, I would be interested in learning about them.
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Jun 15, 2007 | RSS HELP |
Feb 18, 2011 | BECOME AN X-PERT |
Maybe I’m being a little cruel to Angelina Joile with today’s strip, but frankly, anyone who would make not one – but TWO Tomb Raider movies, deserves what she gets.
Oh, and are the two Penny Arcade references shameless attempts to get Tycho and Gabe to pay attention to me? Yes. Oh yes.
I think there is a lot of promise with Joile. She’s probably one of the few Supporting Actress Oscar Winners that hasn’t been completely crippled by her win. Usually, you don’t hear from those people ever again. Mira Sorvino, anyone?
But truthfully, I remain unimpressed by what is/was the three ring circus surrounding Joile’s life. The whole Billy Bob Thorton fling that didn’t wash. The estrangement from her father, actor Jon Voight. The facination with knives or kinky sex. Even her work for the United Nations or her adoption of an orphaned Cambodian boy aren’t capturing my imagination.
Funny. For as much as I profess to be annoyed by Jolie, I sure seem to know a lot about her… Meh.
I held firm to my promise and did NOT see Bad Boys II this weekend – something I am rather proud of.
Instead, Cami and were feeling in a documentary type mood and rented Jerry Seinfield’s Comedian and The Real Cancun.
The Real Cancun was everything you would expect: Totally facesless college students getting drunk and making out for two hours. Occassional boobie shot. Thanks guys.
I don’t know if any of you have seen it, but the movie was a huge turn off to me. Those twins from New Mexico? Did anyone else think they looked like lizards? Maybe it’s just me.
Comedian, on the other hand, was much BETTER than I expected it. I enjoyed how it didn’t always show Seinfield’s best side. It was also interesting how it mirrored Seinfield’s story (starting over from being the biggest thing in comedy) against the up-and-comer (TRYING to be the next biggest thing in comedy).
I don’t own a lot of documentaries, but I was impressed by Comedian’s cool style. I liked it a lot.
That out of the way, I want to announce that I will be out of town starting this Thursday and won’t be back until next Monday. I’m heading out to Las Vegas.
How this will affect the strip, I don’t know. Part of me thinks I can work ahead and have Friday’s strip post while I’m out of town (I can just post Monday’s comic late).
But on the other hand, I’m thinking that this is a vacation and that I deserve a vacation from ALL responsabilities. Maybe guest strips are in order?
Tell you what. If I get two REALLY good guest strips (from people who haven’t submitted before), we’ll see what happens.
Consider the idea tossed out into the universe. E-mail me if you’re interested.
Still having a little fun with Shrek 2. Vote for Theater Hopper at buzzComix to see Tom as The Gingerbread Man!
I won’t bore you with more of my opinions about Shrek 2. I mentioned that Cami and I had seen it last Thursday, and what I have to say about it has pretty much been said in blog-form. I just thought it was worthy to tackle in the comic since we were just coming down from a two-week story arc.
Frankly, it’s not surprising to me that Shrek did almost $105 million dollars of business over the three-day weekend. They’ve been hyping this film for so long, I feel like I’ve already seen it seven times!
Today’s comic is no joke. Cami and I went grocery shopping Sunday afternoon and Shrek’s goofy mug was on no less than five of the products we bought. “Shrek Toilet Paper?” C’mon, now that’s just nasty!
Okay, there’s not REALLY any Shrek toilet paper, but would it surprise you if there were? All I’m saying is that the merchandising is way out of control and I’m just going to have to avoid all commerce locations before I start dreaming green!
Onto more pressing matters. I indicated there was some pretty big news last Friday. I know the people in the forums have been buzzing about it. Actually, wildly guessing and pulling their hair out is more appropriate. Well, now I’m ready to share the news.
You might have noticed something different about the little ad next to the comic asking you to send me to Wizard World Chicago. The status bar is now full. In fact, it’s been busted clear off the scale!
You guys are AMAZING. When I last updated the tally on 16th, I had $155. You guys delivered that to me 5 days after I posted my goal. I thought THAT was really impressive. I mean, the convention isn’t until August and I was already more than one-fifth of the way there!
Since the 16th, I continued receiving donations, purchases through the store and advertising reservations. But on the 20th, I received a very shocking bit of news. One kind soul had donated $345!!! Now I’m not sharing this to brag, but in order to publicly thank the individual who topped off the status bar. Unfortunately, he didn’t want me to use his real name. But to that person, this message is for you:
Although I have thanked you PROFUSELY in private e-mails, I wanted you to know that I am announcing to my readership my undying thanks for your kindness. Your contribution will help make Theater Hopper’s presence felt on a larger scale and could potentially open up new avenues of readership. It seems cliche to say, but I can never thank you enough!
By now, you’re probably running the numbers in your head. “Tom, if you had $155 on the 16th, and were donated $345 on the 20th, then shouldn’t that add up to $500 and not $681 like you have listed? What’s that other $181 about?”
I’m glad you asked. Those are the continued contributions of OTHER Theater Hopper fans who have sought to support my goal. They too, I thank. Your support means more to me than you’ll ever know!
When I started this comic almost 2 years ago, I never dreamed that it would find a readership as kind and supportive as the one it has found. It’s because of YOU that I continue to do this strip. In fact, I look forward to it every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I love reading your e-mails and talking to you in the forums. And I know for a fact there isn’t a group of people nicer. I can honestly say I’ve made some great friends thanks to these little doodles. And what better result can you get but that?
The other bit of big news I wanted to share is a little more external in influence.
Last week I was reading Chris Ryall’s column “One Hand Clapping” over at Movie Poop Shoot and he was talking about Shrek 2. He mentioned Mike Meyers and his continued insistence on using that horrid Scottish accent in every movie he does. Chris cited the Shrek movies, the Austin Powers franchise – even So I Married An Axe Murderer.
I was elated! Finally someone of my same opinion. I had written a comic long ago addressing the very same issue! I had to share it with Chris.
So I sent an e-mail to Chris telling him about my comic and added a link. I received a very quick reply from Chris thanking me for my comments telling me that he loved the comic! Could he link to it?
It took less than a second for me to scream “YES! YES!”
And so, here we are. Linked today from the weekly question and answer column “Mail Shoot” over at Movie Poop Shoot. Click here for the undeniable proof. I’ve been a big fan of the site for a really long time, so being linked from them is a big deal for me. It’s like being recognized by Newsweek, or something!
So, for all of those new readers checking out the site for the first time, I encourage you to comb through our archives and check out our forums. I know we have a lot of content to wade through, but if you love movies like I do, I’m sure you’ll find something to latch onto.
I would post some links to some of my favorites, but I can see this news post has grown quite large, so I’ll save that for another time!
Until then, things are really coming up roses for Theater Hopper. Again, thanks to everyone for their support and here’s to continued prosperity in the future!
I have a quick question for anyone in the know.
I am trying to establish contact with either representatives of Hollywood studios or PR firms that deal with the promotion of upcoming films and DVDs. My hope is to establish more movie-centric content to you guys in regards to movie and DVD reviews while fostering a promotional relationship that might yeild something in terms of prizes for contests for you guys. It’s a win-win situation. I run contests where you guys win cool stuff and the studios and PR firms are provided a unique avenue through while their projects are being promoted on a web site with monthly unique visits in the hundreds of thousands.
It’s very difficult to get in touch with these firms. Believe it or not, their numbers aren’t in the phone book. So I am approaching this somewhat unconventionally, announcing my attention in hopes of poppping up on their radar screens.
If you are employed by one of these firms or know someone who is, please contact me at theaterhopper@hotmail.com
Many thanks.
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Apr 18, 2003 | ONE MORE THING |
Jan 30, 2009 | PAGE PEEL |
Feb 18, 2011 | BECOME AN X-PERT |
Hey, guys. I want to try something really quick. I found this site called TagBlitz. It’s basically a promotion tool for web sites that gathers up links to all the social networking sites out there. I present the Tag Blitz link to you and then you go and catologue Theater Hopper among as many of the social networking sites out there as you please. You don’t have to be a member of TagBlitz or sign up for anything to participate. It’s free to use. But some of the social networking sites in it’s roster require you to have accounts with them before you can tag Theater Hopper in their system. Sites like Technorati, Del.icio.us and Furl are all in the mix.
Anyway, give it a try and see if you can help spread the word about Theater Hopper. I want to give this service a dry run to see how effective it is.
Thanks for your help!
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Apr 18, 2003 | STRATEGY |
Jul 9, 2009 | MORE BRUNO |
Feb 11, 2009 | LINK EXCHANGE |
By now it’s old news that the marketing geniuses at 20th Century Fox reconfigured a handful of high-traffic 7-11 convienience stores into Kwik-E-Marts to promote the upcoming Simpsons Movie. That doesn’t make it any less of an accomplishment.
As you know, I’m pretty sensitive to how I’m marketed to, but I felt this effort was very genuine and in keeping with the tone of The Simpsons. Frankly, it’s a bit of a no-brainer. I wonder why someone didn’t think of it sooner. But, you know… they kind of have all their eggs in a basket with this movie. So if you’re going to call attention to it, better pull out all the stops.
The fact of the matter is that Fox is keeping such a tight lid over The Simpsons Movie, there wouldn’t be anything else to talk about if we weren’t talking about their marketing efforts. No one knows for sure what it’s about and any potential spoilers are being kept under wraps.
Things have gotten to the point where fans are making THEIR OWN MERCHANDISE based only on what’s hinted at in the trailers. Spider-Pig, anyone? Now you can buy a t-shirt inspired by it!
Speaking of t-shirts, I thought you guys might get a kick out of this picture:

I’m getting ready for Wizard World Chicago August 9 – 12 and trying to take care as much as I can as early as I can so I’m not rushing out of the house having forgotten anything. I started folding up all of my shirts so they would take up less space in my Tupperwares and I thought this little layout was kind of interesting. (You can see the Spoiler I shirts stuffed into a Tupperware in the background)
I guess I never really mentioned that the Movie Law #948 shirts had been delivered to me. Everyone that pre-ordered one should have theirs in-hand by now. If you want to order one for yourself (or any other design, for that matter) feel free. I don’t know how much stock I’ll have left after Chicago. Hopefully none. So it would be a good idea to pick a shirt up now before they’re gone.
I’m really interested in burning off the inventory of shirts that I have. As you can see from the picture, they take up a lot of space. What I’ve captured there isn’t even all of my inventory. I still have a bunch of baby-doll t-shirts left over from back in the day that haven’t sold. There aren’t links for them on the site right now. I’m thinking of giving them away as freebies for people who buy maybe $25 or more. Most of the people who buy my stuff are guys, so I don’t know if that will be an incentive or not. But maybe they can pick up a weird shirt for their little sister or girlfriend or something.
I’m also going to have a stack of DVDs that I’m giving away to people who buy more than $75 worth of stuff – which is a tall order. But I have a few movies that have been given to me by promotion houses that I’m ready to unload and I figured Wizard World Chicago would be the place to do it.
What I’m really hoping for is to whittle down my inventory on the two books. I debuted Theater Hopper: Year One at Wizard World Chicago last summer and it sold really well. Well enough that it prompted me to fast-track Theater Hopper: Year Two for Wizard World Texas a few months later. What I want to have happen is to sell enough books that I can start production on Theater Hopper: Year Three and have it ready by Christmas. Having Henry kind of put the breaks on the whole book thing for a while. So if I can self-finance with the sales of the books I have, that’s really going to go a long way toward helping me with my goal.
In addition to all of this, I’ll be giving away buttons and sampler booklets that include the most popular strips based on YOUR votes from the Top 50 Comics page. So if you haven’t voted on your favorite strip, use the search function in the archive and let me know what you think is my best work! I appreciate the feedback!
So if you’re in the Chicago area around August 9 to 12, look me up. I’ll be on Artist’s Alley with my good friends Joe Dunn and Zach Miller. I look forward to this event all year. It’s going to be a lot of fun.
JCVD comes out this weekend and, if you’re like me, you haven’t been paying attention at all.
I had a few friends buzzing about the movie, but I guess I wasn’t paying attention because the concept sounds great. 90’s action star Jean-Claude Van Damme stars in a mockumentary as a real-life version of himself where he stumbles into the middle of a bank robbery. High kicking and movie staged heroics are no match for real bullets, so what does an actor do when confronted with a gun to his temple?
That synopsis is a little clumsy. Maybe as clumsy as the movie title itself. Watch the trailer. It does a better job explaining things than I do.
Now that I have an idea what the movie is about, I’m kind of interested to see it play out.
I should say that I’m not a big Jean-Claude Van Damme fan. I liked Lionheart and probably saw it a half-dozen time in syndication on Saturday afternoons. Growing up, it seemed like either Lionheart or Big Trouble in Little China was always playing sometime, somewhere on the dial. But by the time Timecop hit theaters in 1994, I had all but rejected Van Damme and his mullet. I was always impressed by his athleticism, but his acting was always hammy and atrocious. I know that’s supposed to be part of the appeal for a big, bloated action movie. Certainly Van Damme is no less ridiculous than Stallone, Segal or even Schwarzenegger. But when the market was flooded with those kind of movies, he was the first actor to be cut from my list.
So now, over a decade later, here comes JCVD featuring Van Damme in hyper-awareness mode peeling away his soul for entertainment. Critics actually like the performance. They’re calling it a comeback! Anything is possible, I suppose. But I don’t know if Van Damme is doing himself any favors by taking that good will and announcing he’ll star in Universal Soldier III. Follow the money, I suppose.
Something equally preposterous is the news I shared in today’s comic. It’s absolutely true that Van Damme has canceled promotional appearances to take care of a dog he is adopting from Thailand that has fallen into a coma. I read that story and thought it sounded like a lie that someone is making up AS they’re telling it. Like “I’m sorry, but I can’t come to your birthday party because I have to help my cousin fix his canoe so he can by antibiotics for a staph infection. Yeah, he lives in Nova Scotia. Sorry!”
I mean, I don’t want to sound insensitive. It’s good that Van Damme is taking responsibility for a sick animal. But, first of all, why Thailand? They didn’t have any dogs up for adoption in Brussles? Second, when you have critics at your back for the first time in a LONG time (in some cases, the first time EVER), why wouldn’t you want to take advantage of that, put your face out there and remind people that you’re still alive. You know the old saying in Hollywood: “Here today, gone today!”
Maybe Van Damme has good reason to stay out of the public eye. Have you seen a picture of him lately? Looks like he’s been doing some hard livin’. The man is 48 years-old and he looks 78. See for yourself.
Yikes. The last time I saw lines that deep I was visiting the Grand Canyon!
Oh, who am I kidding. He could still kick my ass.
Look, Van Damme has been a joke in the industry for a long time, but obviously the guy has some smarts about the business or he wouldn’t have hung around as long as he has. Heck, he probably wouldn’t have broken into the business to begin with if he wasn’t at least somewhat ambitious and smart about his decisions.
But at some point he lost his way. Started making crap like Leigonnaire and Replicant and then got shipped back to Europe to make more bottom of the barrel flicks. All I’m saying is I would be happy is Van Damme could at least salvage some respect out of a smart, self-aware turn like JCVD. But instead, he seems to be displaying more poor decision making and it’s a shame.
That’s it for me this week. I hope to see Role Models this weekend, which has been getting some surprisingly good reviews! Probably stronger than it deserves, but I can finally unclench and stop worrying about Paul Rudd starring in some career-killing bomb. Hey… there’s no telling what could happen to your career when you’re doing time with Sean Williams Scott. Just ask Johnny Knoxville.
Thanks for swinging by today and I hope you have a great weekend. See you here on Monday!
Did you guys see the new page peel ad I have in the upper right hand corner of the site? What do you think?
Right now I’m going to use it to promote the Theater Hopper – Year Three pre-order. But in the future I might use it as a sponsorship location for other advertisers.
I really like it, but I’m curious to know how it’s working for you? Is it slowing down the site at all or making things display unusually in your browser? Let me know!
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Since I don’t have a lot to discuss regarding the comic, I thought I might take this opportunity to promote a feature of the site that may have gone otherwise unexplored.
Under the Links heading, I have a Link Exchange page. Nothing fancy. You link me, I link you. If you have a web site and you’d like a little more networking, let’s trade! Either leave a link to your web site in the comments or send me an e-mail where we can discuss things privately.
Incidentally, if you want to grab a banner for your site, I have a bunch of banners available now, too.
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Sep 11, 2002 | ONE GOOD TURN… |
Jul 12, 2006 | TagBlitz |
Jul 7, 2003 | NEW BANNERS |