Buckle in, kids. Because we’ve got a lot of clicking to do!
It’s a brand new month and that means all the vote stats over at Top Web Comics has reset. Do your part and VOTE FOR THEATER HOPPER EVERY DAY! Right now we’re at number 22 on the list, but I’m sure we can crack the Top 10 by the end of the day with your help!
With that out of the way, I want to draw your attention to TWO new sponsers that I want you to check out.
The first is Digital Entertainment News. This is a great site chock FULL of news, reviews and information regarding all of the latest home console and PC video games. Digital Entertainment News has one of the best and most professional looking site-designs of any game review site out there. Articles are easy to find and extremely well written. And don’t forget about the contests! Check them out now!
Our second sponsor is Twisted Kaiju Theater – a web comic of an entirely different breed. Using tiny Godzilla and Monster Island-related figurines, Twisted Kaiju Theater has produced over 400 comics of Japanese-flavored wackiness. It’s hard to explain. You’ll just have to experience it for yourself!
If you could check out both of our sponsors, I would really appreciate it. These sponsorships help to keep Theater Hopper going and I would like to return the favor to anyone who has faith enough to advertise with us. It means a lot.
Thanks again to everyone for their support. Things just keep getting better and better!
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I just wanted everyone to take a little time out to investigate our latest sponsor Digital Entertainment News – an excellent resource for all things video game related. Reviews, interviews, news – these guys have it all. You won’t believe how much content these guys have crammed into their site. They’re constantly updating and it’s ALL. GREAT. STUFF. Please pay them a visit and let them know we think they’re awesome.
Speaking of awesome – YOU GUYS are awesome! Your votes have landed Theater Hopper in the Top 10 over at buzzComix and I couldn’t be happier! Keep up the great work! I really appreciate your support. Be on the lookout for new incentive artwork soon!
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Jul 11, 2005 | PARTY WITH A REINDEER |
Oct 27, 2003 | SLAPS FOREHEAD |
Jul 21, 2004 | NEW SPONSOR! |
Jul 9, 2004 | NEW ADVERTISER |
Jan 31, 2005 | AND ONE MORE THING!… |
Something kind of neat happened recently. For the first time in a long time, Theater Hopper has filled all five advertising spots available on the site!
To celebrate this momentous occasion, I thought it would be fun to run down the list of advertisers (with links, of course) and talk about what makes them so great.
You know. Aside from the fact that they were willing to spend money with me.
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Jan 31, 2005 | AND ONE MORE THING!… |
Jan 3, 2005 | IT’S AWESOME |
Oct 20, 2004 | NEW SPONSORS |
Wanted to tip you guys off to some good links worth checking out.
First, be sure to visit our newest sponsor Chuck & Elmo. It’s a fun comic and features characters who can talk to squirrels! How can it fail?
Also be sure to check out Taking the Bi-Pass. My good friend Dave is helping to do some coding work on the site right now and I wanted to repay him with some advertising. It was an easy decision to make since I’ve been a fan of Dave’s comic since he started. It’s very good. ENJOY IT!
Lastly, if you’re a gamer, you’re probably familiar with the whole debacle that has pitted Florida lawyer Jack Thompson against seminal gaming web comic Penny Arcade. If you are unfamiliar, the story is probably way to long to go into here.
But at any rate, if you’re following along, my good friend Monk over at Digital Entertainment News scored quite the "get" and was able to sit down with Mr. Thompson for an extended interview.
The interview doesn’t cover the controversy with Penny Arcade, but covers some of the finer details of Jack’s arguments against the gaming industry and it’s marketing practices. Typically Thompson’s bombastic tactics and palpable contempt for his adversaries obscure the work he’s actually trying to accomplish. This interview does a good job of pulling back the veneer and gets to the heart of what motivates this guy to tackle the billion dollar gaming industry head-on.
So it’s clear, I’m not a fan of Jack Thompson. I think he’s a huckster of the highest order. An ambulance chaser building notoriety for himself by standing a top the corpses of violence and somehow trying to tie it to the gaming industry.
But at the same time, I am very much interested in understanding the mechanics of my enemy. I think too many people see Jack’s action as an assault against their pastime – and it is! But instead of shouting the guy down or making fun of him outright, try for a minute to crawl inside his head space. Figure out what makes him tick. What are his motivations?
An interview like this helps to do that.
If you’re a gamer and this issue is of interest to you, please read. If motivated to do so, please share it with others. Thanks.
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Oct 16, 2002 | GOOD LINKAGE |
Nov 7, 2005 | MORE LINKS |
Jul 24, 2006 | TOM MAKES A CAMEO |
August 3rd, 2006 | by Tom- Comics »
- Comics »
- Guest Strip

(2 votes, average: 8.50 out of 10)
You weren’t expecting to see this. To tell you the truth, neither was I.
First, let me thank my friend Daniel Pelfrey from Digital Entertainment News for putting together this guest strip. Yeah, he copied and pasted a bunch of artwork. Half of it belonging to me and half of it belonging to Joe Dunn’s creation Joe Loves Crappy Movies (Joe, don’t sue!) but I’m not hung up on the art issue. What I want to share is how awesome the internet is and the great friends I’ve made through it.
Reading yesterday’s blog about how work has been kicking my ass and how I wasn’t able to cough up a comic… the internet came to my aid. Daniel was first through the gate. All he wanted to do was give back. Then I heard about the thread that opie301 started over at the Digital Pimp Online forum. He went to the trouble of soliciting talent for me. Asking the other artists in the community to lend a helping hand. Totally selfless. By the end of the day, I had 7 guest strips in my back pocket.
That’s amazing.
I mean, just when life is handing your ass back to you, friends come calling. And that means a lot to me right now.
You have no idea.
Obviously I can’t use all of the guest strips I’ve been given. But I appreciate all of them. Be sure to check here tomorrow and over the weekend for a new comic every day until I get back from Wizard World Chicago.
In the meantime, be sure to check out Daniel’s site – the excellent Digital Entertainment News for the skinny on all the recently released video games and upcoming technology across all handheld and console platforms. A great site. I go there for all my gaming needs!
See you here in 24 hours.