April 27th, 2005 | by Tom- Comics »
- Comics »
- Guest Strip

(4 votes, average: 7.75 out of 10)
Today’s guest strip comes from a pair of collaborators who met inside our illustrious THorum – joerules from Digital Pimp Online and MadMup from… well,
This actually isn’t the first time these two have paired up. They worked together to bring me a guest strip while I was away in Memphis last year. Just as they knocked it out of the part last time, they do so again! My character seems to have grown some hair since the last time Joe put pen to paper, but I ain’t complaining!
The real treat of today’s strip is the inside joke in the first panel. Keen eyed observers of the comic will understand it. But if it’s not leaping out at you, I’m not going to explain it – because it simply wouldn’t be as funny.
Anyway, as thanks for their hard work, I have drawn them at the very catalyst of their creative nexus! You can see what I’m talking about when you’re treated to the incentive sketch when you vote for Theater Hopper at buzzComix.
Do us all a favor and visit both Joe and Mup’s web sites. Joe has recently hit pay dirt with ANOTHER comic – this time taking aim at his favorite (crappy) movies. I’ve mentioned it in this space before. It’s called Joe Loves Crappy Movies! Check it out.
This isn’t the first time Tom has taken flight. It isn’t the first time he’s seen a movie with his web comic contemporaries, either. But as I place great importance on tradition, so goes today’s strip.
For the record, great thanks must be extended to the fabulous Joe “I’m So Fast I’m Already” Dunn who not only helped whip up the punch line of today’s comic, but also added some compositional suggestions to the last panel.
Anyone who dares to doubt that Joe is the most talented man in web comics needs only sit next to him for 15 minutes. The man works so fast and with such precision, the fact that he’s able to churn out work for four to five web comics a week starts to come into focus. Seriously. The man doesn’t even pencil out his work first. He reaches straight for an ink brush. He’s THAT good. I’m hoping that by hanging around him for those four days at the con that I can absorb a little of that talent. I don’t know how. By osmosis or sumthin’.
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I know today’s incentive sketch makes it look like I had a pretty rough time at Wizard World Chicago. Those things did happen, but in total truth, it was one of the best cons I’ve ever been to. Lots of success, great ideas gathered and a few doors opened through the magic of networking.
Sadly, commentary for today’s comic as well as a recap of the convention will have to wait. I drew and inked today’s comic yesterday while I was still in Chicago and immediately sat down to color it when I got home.
I have that bouncy feeling like I’m still in motion after the 6 hour drive home. I’d like to take a shower and spend some time with Cami and Truman. The rest will have to wait.
Come back to the site later this evening for more.
Today’s comic plays a little inside. Either your familiar with Joe Loves Crappy Movies and it’s creator Joe Dunn or you’re not. However, if you’re a fan of this site, I would think you would be educated in the ways of Dunn. He’s done a bajillion guest strips for us, is a friend of the site and tackles movies over at his comic with great enthusiasm.
With that said, I don’t want people thinking this comic is the start of some kind of flame war between Joe and I. It actually sprung from a real-life conversation we had about Cars on his LiveJournal. Everything Joe said in the third panel? That’s a direct quote.
Okay, okay. So Joe didn’t like Cars and I understand that. Do I think it’s as good as The Incredibles? No, of course not. Do I think it’s the worst movie they’ve ever done? No. Is it somewhere in the middle? Maybe. But then, when you’re talking Pixar, even a half-assed attempt has more craft and care in the first 5 minutes than other movies execute in two hours.
Joe and I have disagreed on movies before, so I don’t know what it is about Cars that I felt I had to defend it in a comic. Honestly, there’s not much to it. I was writing the comic backwards more than anything else. I came up with the Buzz Lightyear tattoo and needed to figure out a reason why Tom would roll up his sleeve to display it. My little conversation with Joe seemed like a good opportunity. And, frankly, I think the guy is really cool and I wanted to sent another shout out his way!
Not much more to say today. I’m writing this post kind of late and I’m drowsy. Now that the artwork for the books is at the printer, I’m kicking around ideas for a new site design. Does that grab you? Oh, well. I only have sketches at this point. I need to take some time this weekend and put together a first draft. It’ll be fun.
August 3rd, 2006 | by Tom- Comics »
- Comics »
- Guest Strip

(2 votes, average: 8.50 out of 10)
You weren’t expecting to see this. To tell you the truth, neither was I.
First, let me thank my friend Daniel Pelfrey from Digital Entertainment News for putting together this guest strip. Yeah, he copied and pasted a bunch of artwork. Half of it belonging to me and half of it belonging to Joe Dunn’s creation Joe Loves Crappy Movies (Joe, don’t sue!) but I’m not hung up on the art issue. What I want to share is how awesome the internet is and the great friends I’ve made through it.
Reading yesterday’s blog about how work has been kicking my ass and how I wasn’t able to cough up a comic… the internet came to my aid. Daniel was first through the gate. All he wanted to do was give back. Then I heard about the thread that opie301 started over at the Digital Pimp Online forum. He went to the trouble of soliciting talent for me. Asking the other artists in the community to lend a helping hand. Totally selfless. By the end of the day, I had 7 guest strips in my back pocket.
That’s amazing.
I mean, just when life is handing your ass back to you, friends come calling. And that means a lot to me right now.
You have no idea.
Obviously I can’t use all of the guest strips I’ve been given. But I appreciate all of them. Be sure to check here tomorrow and over the weekend for a new comic every day until I get back from Wizard World Chicago.
In the meantime, be sure to check out Daniel’s site – the excellent Digital Entertainment News for the skinny on all the recently released video games and upcoming technology across all handheld and console platforms. A great site. I go there for all my gaming needs!
See you here in 24 hours.
Apologies to Joe Dunn for not publishing his guest strip earlier. The reason for which is two-fold:
1.) Uhh… having a newborn is time consuming. I have recently learned this.
2. Tycho from Penny Arcade linked to the site on Monday and TH was on the receiving end of a proper”wanging.” I’m not complaining. It’s a good problem to have. Service is spotty right now and we’re looking at opening up a little more bandwidth, but I’m kind of on the periphery of those changes at the moment.
Be that as it may, I wanted to get Joe’s comic in front of the new influx of readers because his web comic Joe Loves Crappy Movies is quite wonderful and I want all of you to know about it.
It may have been the lack of sleep, but when Joe sent me his comic not long after Henry had been born, I teared up a little. I found it to be very personal and touching, which is always appreciated. Love that Iron Man reference, Joe!
Thanks also to Tycho for his link. Not for what it means for the site, but so I could share my joy not only with my readers but with Penny Arcade’s readers as well. What a privilege. Not everyone can say they can share the news of their son’s birth around the globe to tens of thousands of people. It sounds like a cool story to tell him when he’s older. “They celebrated your birth around the planet, little guy.”
At any rate, if you’re new to the site, WELCOME! I hope you keep us in your bookmarks and come back to visit us when things have settled down a little.
Thanks to everyone who left their well wishes in the comments section of Monday’s blog before the site went ker-flooey. I read all of them to Cami in the hospital. Both she and Henry are doing great. He was sleeping about 3 hours at a stretch while we were in the hospital, so that gives us hope.
We brought him home today. It’s been a little rough because he’s been very gassy and nearly inconsolable. But as I was typing this, he let out the biggest gurgle of a fart you can imagine and I almost started crying. It sucks when you know what the problem is with your child and you can’t help him. So, just as he was relieved, so was I.
Pictures and whatnot are still forthcoming. We just have to find some gaps in the day when we aren’t sleeping to do it. It’s nice being home. All three of us were getting a little annoyed at how often people were coming into the room for one reason or another. I’m not talking about the friends and family that came to visit us. We were always thankful to see them. I’m really not even talking about the doctors or nurses. They provided us with EXCELLENT care and we were thoroughly impressed.
It’s just that… after a while… it all becomes a little overwhelming and you need a quiet moment. Coming home with Henry today was all about having that quiet time together. Phones were unhooked, televisions were turned off and we spent all of our time just staring at him.
Oh – for anyone who was wondering, Truman took to Henry immediately and their introduction couldn’t have gone smoother. We put him down in his car seat and Truman stuck his nose in under the blanket we were using to cover him up. We took the blanket away and Truman sniffed him all over, wagging his tale happily. He didn’t lick or bark or do anything to startle him. I think he was happy to see Cami and I after three days and really happy to meet the newest member of the family. He’s been great all day. He can certainly sense that Cami is a little tender from her surgery and that’s she’s recovering. He’s not as rough as he sometimes can be. He’s curling up at the foot of our bed and sometimes giving us our space by sleeping on his floor pillow – which he NEVER does.
Anyway, we were thrilled that he took to Henry so well. We were a little worried he’d get too excited and would be careless.
As for me? What can I say? I’m happy and that sums things up perfectly.
Come back to the site again on Friday. I’ll have a whole new comic from yours-truly posted on the site. Hopefully on time.
Thanks for your patience and support as we sort things out around here. Cami, Henry and I appreciate all the kind words!
October 17th, 2007 | by Tom- Comics »
- Comics »
- Guest Strip

(2 votes, average: 6.00 out of 10)
Wednesday is my last day here in Chicago while I am undergoing training in ActionScript for my 9 to 5 job. As such, I had to call in the big guns to provide some support. Today’s guest strip is courtesy of my good friend Mighty Joe Dunn!
If you don’t know Joe’s work, you’re living under a rock. To shine a little light under that rock, I strongly advise you to visit Joe Loves Crappy Movies.
I love this strip. Joe was a little self-conscious about it when he sent it to me because it wasn’t in color and not up to the standard that he usually holds himself accountable toward. But I told him not to sweat it. I thought the joke was great and I love the multi-panel approach.
You have to keep this in context, folks. I dropped my guest comic request on Joe at the 11th hour just as he had one foot out the door to attend the Small Press Expo that was going on in Bethesda, Maryland last weekend. He got this strip done while he was on the convention floor. Giving up his valuable time when he could have been making mad money. So, more than a tip of the hat to Joe. The man is awesome. Period.
If you’re a fan of The Triple Feature – the weekly talkcast that Joe, myself and our friend Gordon McAlpin run every Monday night – you might have noticed we were out of commission yesterday. Notorious TalkShoe “technical difficulties” got in the way and we had to scrap the show.
The deck was kind of stacked against us to begin with. Joe was going to log in as me since I was without an internet connection and then Gordon and I were going to call in from my hotel room. Y’see, Gordon lives in the Chicagoland area and swung by after work to hang out.
Due to no fault of our own, the show failed to materialize, so we had to abandon it. We’ll be back next week to talk more movies with you!
Speaking of movie talk, did you guys get a chance to check out my DVD review for Planet Terror? I posted it yesterday. You should read it. I’m going to post another review tomorrow. One for Transformers. So be sure to check that out as well.
By the way, I still have this awesome piece of movie memorabilia to give away:

It’ll probably be another mailing list giveaway like I did with Evan Almighty last week. Mailing list message go out every Friday, so if you want a chance to win this action figure, sign up now!
Something else happening Friday – I have some important site-related news I want to share with all of you, but I have to hold off until Friday until things settle down a bit. There is a subtle change behind-the-scenes that I think will improve what I’m doing on the site that I want to talk about. It’s kind of a long-winded deal and I want to wait until I’m back home and in my routine again before I talk about it.
Have a great day and be sure to visit the site again tomorrow!
I would have been content to let the message I posted about my illness on Wednesday run throughout next week, but this guest strip from Josh Anderson was too timely – and too funny – to pass up. I love how he tossed Gordon and Joe into the mix. And, frankly, the hundred-yard-stare he gave Tom was pretty much how I was feeling for the last two days. Only clammier. Also, a chance to infect Shia LaBeouf? Priceless!
I got a couple of e-mail from people who were spooked when I said I was dying on Wednesday. Sorry about that. Didn’t mean to put the fear of God into you, or anything like that. Sometimes I forget the impact words have.
So, to clarify – NOT dying. Just felt like death.
I went to the doctor yesterday and it turns out I have acute tonsillitis. That sounds bad, like I have to have my tonsils removed, or something. Not the case. It’s basically an upper respiratory infection that causes white spots on the tonsils – and they’re filled with pus! Yum!
The good news is I’m no longer contagious and he has me on a steroid to reduce the swelling an antibiotic to kill the infection. As of this writing, I’ve already taken two doses and I feel much better. Not 100%, but not wincing from the back pain and migraines my body was delivering as part of the fever that was trying to get rid of the infection. So, yeah. Better.
I still plan on going to Wizard World Chicago this weekend. So if you’re in attendance, look me up at table #4308 on Artist’s Alley.
Oh, and be sure to send thanks to Josh Anderson for his guest comic by visiting his site Game U. I think you’ll like what you find there.
Thanks again for the well wishes and concern. I’ll see you all here on Monday!
I was so wrapped up talking about, well, Up, that I completely forgot to remind you guys to check out The Triple Feature tonight.
In case you’re unfamiliar, it’s a podcast I host along with Joe Dunn from Joe Loves Crappy Movies and Gordon McAlpin from Multiplex.
We record every Monday night at 9:00 PM and you can listen to us record the show LIVE!
Not only that, but the show has a chat room where you can interact with other listeners or maybe even Joe or myself (when Gordon gets to ranting too much.)
Be sure to check us out this evening. We’ll be discussing Up and Drag Me To Hell!
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You have no idea how long I’ve kept that terrible pun in my back pocket. I don’t care if it isn’t original. I wasn’t going to pass up using it!
I think this might be the first time in since, well… ever that I’ve had a comic up and running while I’m away at a convention. Usually I have a string of guest strips lined up for you. But I figured since I made such a big deal about the 7th anniversary and the 1,000th comic milestone, it would benefit me to keep things going a little bit.
I finished this comic and blog Wednesday night in preparation of being away. So that means right now, as you’re reading this, I’m hanging out at table #3414 on Artist Alley at Chicago Comic-Con. If you’re in town, I sincerely hope you come to visit me!
G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra comes out today and it is very likely that I will be seeing the movie with my friends Gordon McAlipin from Multiplex, Zach Miller from Joe and Monkey and Joe Dunn from Joe Loves Crappy Movies as I have depicted here. At least, I hope that’s what happens. We have a nice little tradition of seeing movies together when we’re in town for the convention and I hope everyone can make it.
As for the movie, I kind of think it’s a win-win situation. Based of the awful trailer, I am fully prepared for this movie to be terrible but plan on having a good time soaking up the cheese. If it turns out to be awesome (as some early reviews have suggested in a guilty-pleasure kind of way) then that sounds good, too.
In the meantime, if you want to stay up to date with me on the convention floor, but sure to check out my Twitter account. I’ll be posting status updates from my phone as well as taking advantage of AudioBoo. I noticed a lot of web comic guys using it during San Diego Comic Con and I’m eager to try it out.
Basically, it’s like a mini-podcast. I record up to 3:00 minutes of audio into my phone and AudioBoo posts it to their site – complete with a link from Twitter, so you get complete coverage! Fun little app.
If Twitter isn’t your thing, then please feel free to enjoy this shot by shot remake of the trailer for G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra that replaces the actors with action figures. Considering the movie is basically a 2 hour long toy commercial, the piece seems to cut to the heart of the matter.
Is anyone planning on seeing G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra this weekend? What are your expectations? Are you excited? Did the trailer make you skeptical like it made me skeptical? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!