Super Bowl, commercials, trailers, movie, webcomic, internet, hype, football

Discussion (19) ¬

  1. trevor

    I was rather disappointed at the SuperBowl ads this year. Nothing really stand-out funny (well, the Betty Wyte commercial was kind of funny). And not a lot in the way of new movie trailers – nothing that hasn’t already been released before.

    Overall, it was worth it for the food and the company – but not the ads.

  2. Staatz

    I would have seen it except now I watch all my tv online and I was to lazy to go to a bar.

  3. Kris

    Some people actually “debuted” their commercials during the week before…which was odd. Why do that? No one will need to watch the game anymore.

  4. doobjank

    I saw From Paris With Love on Sunday, and it is so far my favorite movie of the year. Funny and full of action. Looking forward to it coming out on DVD so I can see it again.

  5. WG

    I watched the game, rooted for the Saints. The commercials weren’t as good this year though, which is the primary reason I even watch the superbowl. I always like the Budweiser/Bud Light commercials. Most of the Doritios ones were pretty good, and the first dove for men commercial was pretty funny.

  6. wren1313

    Watched the game as an excuse to throw a party. Fun was had by all & agree with everyone else that the commercials were pretty lame for the most part (liked the Dorito & E-Trade Milkaholic which poked fun at LiLo). Glad Saints won because New Orleans needs good things to celebrate whenever they can.

  7. menkent

    there was also an ad for Robin Hood (ie Gladiator 2?)

  8. Archangel

    I thought it was odd, having an ad for the Toyota Prius (or any Toyota right now since they stopped all sales until they get the problems fixed). However what struck me as funny is the advertising slogan “Going Forward” (due to a stuck accelerator and non-working brakes?)

    • Tom

      I can’t remember where I saw it (probably on Twitter), but I read a riff on Toyota’s current slogan:

      “Going Forward – At an unstoppable rate of speed”

      Something to that effect.

  9. Dustin

    You aren’t alone Tom. I couldn’t care less about football or watching any other sport. So many better things to do to take up my time.

  10. Molnek

    Yeah I used the superbowl to get free beer. A good home theatre setup is always a good thing to have.

  11. Chris

    I pretty much never watch TV and the Superbowl was no exception. Granted I’m in a different time zone and Monday morning isn’t nearly as appealing as Sunday night, but still TV just doesn’t do it for me anymore, I’d rather catch the highlights on the net and save an hour and a half.

  12. PhantomFox

    Call me weird, but the reason I get wrapped up into sports games sometimes is because it’s a story in its own way. It’s a vicarious thrill to watch your team fight and compete, with some drama going on. There’s a storyline in there if you know where to look. “A bold and fearless leader turns the tables on the reportedly superior foe with a surprise. But despite their comeback, the enemy looks to quell the counterattack in its tracks. Can our heroes summon the strength to pull out victory? Stay tuned…”

  13. Fate Strikes
    Fate Strikes

    Yeah weird… I never like football but this year no one else seemed to either. I’ve heard less about it than any other year, and what I did hear everyone was like ‘who cares?’

  14. Gray

    Pheh. Couldn’t care less about the Superbowl. As for the ads, the ones I’ve seen online just haven’t struck me as particularly clever or creative.

  15. Brian Mac
    Brian Mac

    Well, for the record, I like football (and movies!), so I watched the Super Bowl, and I thought it was an excellent game. In the past, the Super Bowl has tended to be an embarrassing blowout, but there have been several great games in the past five years or so, and this years may have been the best. It was exciting, it was fast, the quality of play was top-notch, and it was close right up until the last few minutes. I loved it!

    Commercials? Were there commercials this year? I remember something about guys in their underwear, but then my brain shut down in self-defense.

  16. Kevin Hayden
    Kevin Hayden

    My girlfriend and I used the Super Bowl as an excuse to steal free pizza and wings from a party downstairs in our res hall’s lobby and then vanish into the night. It was good times.

  17. Trackrick

    My wife and my in-laws were all born and raised in New Orleans – aunts, uncles, cousins, every last one of them – so I have had a very different Superbowl experience than you. My wife doesn’t like football much at all, but this season she has been obsessed with watching the Saints, even going so far as to get tickets to see them play when they played the Redskins in DC (we met, married, and live in Baltimore.) She was bouncing off the walls throughout the whole playoffs and is still over the moon about how the Superbowl turned out. So much so, that she was considering ditching me and the kid and heading down to New Orleans to see Drew Brees lead the Bacchus parade at Mardi Gras.

    This has been a welcome change from the uncontrolled sobbing into my shoulder as we watched the Katrina coverage on CNN four and a half years ago. I live in a world where Superbowl XLIV was much, much more than just a football game. It was a team bringing someone good to a broken city, led by a quarterback that joined the team for that exact purpose.

    Not to put a guilt trip on anybody who didn’t care about the Superbowl. Just saying my perspective has been a bit different.

    In an alternate timeline where I’m not married to a New Orleanian, I still would have been cheering for the Saints, because I’m always a sucker for the underdog. And there’s still that whole Colts thing here in Baltimore.

    And the commercials… yeah, it’s been downhill for a few years now. Pepsi had the right idea bailing out and focusing their marketing elsewhere.

  18. Gabs McGee!
    Gabs McGee!

    I, for one, can’t wait for the Avatar: The Last Airbender movie but I’ve always been a fan of the cartoon. (Interesting sidenote, do you remember the comic you did a looooong time ago about the kid from the movie Hook? The one where you and Cami are looking up at clouds and she asks you what you’re thinking? And you say you’re wondering what happened to that kid? Well… Avatar: The Last Airbender did. He plays the voice for Zuko, the cartoon’s resident emo kid/ badass. I was really hoping he’d be in the movie. :[ )

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