When my good buddy Joe Dunn jumped on our mutual friend Mitch Clem’s neckbeard bandwagon with his latest comic, I really wanted to do my own neckbeard comic as well. Alas, I couldn’t make it fit within context and had to go another direction.

I was stuck for a while until I remember Run Fatboy Run was in theaters this weekend. The rest… came quite naturally.

Did you have an overweight friend in grade school? Were *you* the overweight friend? Why is it that the only weapon at their disposal is the threat of sitting on someone? Wouldn’t they have to catch you first? Oh, well.

In case you’re not familiar with the plot of Run Fatboy Run, Simon Pegg from Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz plays a guy who left his fiance (Thandie Newton – once again cast as “the girl”) at the alter tries to win her back by training for and finishing a marathon. It sounds kind of like a premise for a sitcom to me. Which perhaps makes it appropriate that Friends alumnus David Schwimmer is directing. What? I know. Sounds weird to me, too.

I have hope for the screenplay, however, as it was written by both Pegg and Michael Ian Black, who you might remember from MTV’s The State or VH1’s infinite I Love The (Insert Decade Here) series.

I’m kind of thinking I need to get out of the house this weekend and see a movie. It’s been a stressful week for me. I started a new job and I’ve been sick as a dog with some kind of super-cold. I’ve been equal parts stressed out and exhausted. I need a little reward.

I don’t know if Run Fatboy Run is the kind of movie Cami would be interested in seeing. We haven’t discussed it since this is only something I’ve started to consider since I sat down to write this. But even if she takes a pass, I think I’m going to try and slip out of the house once Henry is asleep and try to go see it.

While I try to sort that out, I have something else I wanted to share with you guys.

Remember Boxcar Comics, the web comic collective I belong to? I haven’t mentioned it very often because, well, we didn’t do very much.

But now that’s changing! We have a freshly redesigned web site and we’ve committed ourselves to producing new content for our collective readers. The first offering of which is this:

That’s right! A jam comic! Pretty cool, huh?

Click on the image above to be transported to Boxcar’s first jam comic offering. I was really proud of how the whole thing turned out. Everyone really stepped up to the plate with their art and their jokes. In fact, I was completely intimidated because I had the last spot and I was seeing everyone’s work as we were progressing. All I kept thinking to myself was “There’s no way I’m going to be able to match this stuff.”

I think, in the end, I landed on my feet. But I’ll let you be the judge of that. Check it out!

Until then, have a great weekend everybody! I’ll see you here on Monday!

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Where are you going?

To the movies. I think I'm going to see Run Fatboy Run?

TOM! You didn't tell me they made a documentary about you!