The original idea of this comic was to do a riff on Groundhog’s Day and the tradition if the groundhog sees his shadow, it’s another 6 weeks of winter. In this case, if the North American Fanboy sees his shadow… we’ll you probably get the idea.

This time of year I truly do feel like hibernating. Not much is happening in pop culture that’s captured my interest. Well, except for Lost coming back to the airwaves. Thank goodness for that!

Much as if you say the words “Bloddy Mary” into a mirror three time and a ghostly woman appears to slit your throat, I’m reluctant to give too much attention to Paris Hilton in fear that saying her name aloud might make her real. I fear that by making fun of her upcoming movie The Hottie and The Nottie, I’ve already given more attention to this film than it rightly deserves. Clearly the marketing Svengali who dreamed up the film’s title should be strung up by their thumbs. I mean, I get that it’s cashing in on Hilton’s trademarked, half-lidded “That’s hot.” catchphrase, but what the hell is a “Nottie?”

Whatever it is, can we PLEASE assume that Paris Hilton is the “Nottie?”

That’s about all I have for you today. I could probably go on for a few more paragraphs about how much I hate Paris Hilton. But really, why share the obvious? It’s not like there are that many people in the world left to convince about Paris’ sub-par worth as a human being, right?

Incidentally, if anyone is trying to figure out the significance of the date in the last panel, click on this link. I promise nothing will jump out at you. But you may find this site has the power… to move you.


↓ Transcript
In the winter months – when Hollywood releases its most unpalatable films – the North American Fanboy will hibernate deep down within its burrow of goose down comforters and Taco Bell wrappers.

Come February, however, the Fanboy will lazily emerge from its slumber to search out sustenance.

Smek! Smek!

Tom! Check it out!

Paris Hilton has a new movie coming out this weekend – The Hottie and the Nottie. In it, she stars as a beauty queen who refuses to date anyone until she can fix up her homely best friend!

Unsuccessful in his hunt, the Fanboy returns to his den…

Do not disturb until 5/2/08