Let’s just get this out of the way right now. I’m not going to talk about the Presidential election today. I’ve been watching news coverage all night long and as I write this, they STILL haven’t declared a winner. My mind is baked, so I’m just going to assume you all went out and did your civic duty and go about my business promoting Theater Hopper.
To that end, I wanna ask you to vote in another kind of election, the goal of which is to get Theater Hopper to the number one spot at buzzComix. It’s been a really close three-way tie and I’m looking to break away from the pack. Remember, every time you vote, you’re treated to a special reward sketch that’s related to the comic on the main page.
For example. How does Tom propose this embarrassing situation be prevented in the future? BOWFLEX!
So now you click on the link and you figure out what I’m talking about! See how easy that works?
By the way, in case you missed it, there was an extra comic yesterday. It was a really humdinger, too. In an effort to boost our position at buzzComix, I’m doing a WHOLE WEEK of strips. So that means there will be an extra comic Thursday, too. Don’t forget to come back then and check it out.
Now onto The Incredibles!
A member of the THorum recently posted a very interesting link to the Disney Japan web site promoting the release of the movie across the Pacific. It included a very different teaser trailer than what we’ve been exposed to here in the states. Besides the interesting narration (“MEEESTAH INVINC-AH-BULE!”), the trailer shows several scenes we haven’t been treated to yet.
It’s very interesting to watch because it really puts the focus on the characters internal struggles as opposed to the WHAM! BAM! action of the American trailer. For example, Mr. Incredible misses his glory days as a super hero. His son is wrestling with the advice to “do his best” when he’s not allowed to do his best by hiding his powers. His daughter meanwhile just wants to be normal and his wife is trying to keep them all together. As per usual with Pixar movies, it reveals a very meaty emotional core to the movie and it only makes me want to see it THAT. MUCH. MORE.
Friday can’t get here soon enough.
Don’t know what you’re doing with superchunk over there, but you gots to git with me!
That costume is a little weird, but your body is totally hot!
...and I like weird!
Bite your tongue, villain!
You’re dead!