The events in today’s strip are 100% true. Cami and I did go to see Lost in Translation on Friday night and the picture was out of frame for nearly 3/4ths of the movie.

Why didn’t I go into the lobby and try to find an employee to fix it? The answer to that question, dear reader, will be revealed on Wednesday. In fact, the rest of the week will be devoted to this grand annoyance.

Maybe it’s a little cheap to take a real life event and stretch it across a full week of content – but frankly, I find this kind of lackluster presentation disgusting. Since I have a forum unto which I can air my grievances, I plan on doing just that.

I apologize if all the strips aren’t “piss-your-pants” funny. But perhaps you can appreciate them on a observational level.

It just that indie theaters are supposed to be the last refuge from this kind of laziness. Art houses are supposed to cater to the kind of people who actually CARE about movies – about content, presentation and quality! Now we’re getting the shaft in our last safe haven? Where else can we turn?

What I managed to watch of Lost in Translation, I immediately liked. I knew half way through that I would probably see the film again (if it ever comes to another theater) and would instantly own it on DVD once it becomes available.

Bill Murray’s performance was heartbreaking. I won’t give away any particular scenes, but in several of them, he does such great emoting with his eyes and his expressions, you know exactly how his character is feeling. If people cried foul when the Academy didn’t nominate him from Rushmore, they’ll riot in the streets if he doesn’t get a nod from Translation.

The movie does a great job of interpreting the experience of travel in a different country – how it can be both exhilarating and terrifying.

Tokyo was a city I’ve wanted to go to all my life. While I was watching the movie, I didn’t want to go there anymore. Through the characters eyes, it’s a very scary place. Very busy. Very loud.

But as things progressed, I grew comfortable in the surroundings just like the characters. Now I want to go there more than ever.

I’m going to cut the blog short for now because there are still things I want to talk about for Wednesday and Friday. Plus, I’m working on a great poster for FallCon in Minnesota this Saturday and Sunday. Did I mention I was going to that? I am.

↓ Transcript
In Des Moines, there is an independent theater called The Varsity. It's across the street from a college campus and they've been around a really long time.

They're very proud of their tradition and flaunt their longevity and success. Being small and exclusive is part of their pitch and they want you to know this.

Now you'd think a one screen indie theater that has been around for such a long time (and faces growing competition) would take great care in the presentation of their films...

I can't wait to see this movie!

Well, not at our showing of Lost In Translation. The projection was low and revealed the boom mic in almost every single shot! We were not pleased. This is our story...