September 12th, 2003 | by Tom

(10 votes, average: 8.50 out of 10)
I gotta say I’m pretty pumped to see Once Upon A Time In Mexico. I’m a big Robert Rodriguez fan and I’m looking forward to his return to more kinetic, adult storylines. Hey, the Spy Kids movies were fun, but how about something for those of us who don’t eat Happy Meals these days?
I think the fact Rodriguez scored Johnny Depp is some kind of gift from heaven. Even though filming was completed in 2001, Depp couldn’t be hotter right now. I see his portrayal of psychotic CIA agent Sands as another in a long line of fun and interesting characters.
I was watching IFC last night and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (Jared’s favorite movie) happened to be on. That movie is so weird, Depp’s performance as Hunter S. Thompson sometimes gets buried under all the craziness. But watching it just reminded me how awesome he really is.
Has anyone else noticed that all of the ads for this movie almost entirely feature Depp? If you didn’t know the history of the franchise, you totally wouldn’t know Antonio Banderas and Salma Hayek are in it, too! I guess that’s just the studio trying to milk a little interest off of Depp’s turn as Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean.
As excited as I am for this movie, I was also pumped to learn Thursday night that Christian Bale has been tapped to be the new Batman in the film being lensed by former Memento director Christopher Nolan.
I think Bale is a really good choice. He can be very polished and W.A.S.P.y on the surface, but underneath, you can see the cogs turning. And when he erupts, it’s brilliant to watch. I think physically he’ll be the closest to Batman we’ve ever seen on screen. That’s good news for the comic book geek community.
I’m looking forward to the weekend. I’m planning on catching up on some films. It seems like forever since I’ve been to a theater!
Hey gang. I just wanted to leave a quick note to inform you of a small change to the front page of the site.
I’m not sure if everyone was aware of it, but beneath the blogs, there used to be a little drop down menu called “CHOOSE YOUR FAVORITE STRIP!”
I’ve removed this option from the front page because, frankly, it was bogging the site down. It occured to me after looking at the source code from the page and it included the date, name and numerical order of every strip. I realized it just wasn’t worth it.
I don’t know if it was a feature many of you employed or not, but hopefully you should notice an decrease in the amount of time it takes the site to load. Besides, we’ve got a great archive page that will help you find everything you’re looking for.