After I drew today’s comic, I was a little bit lost as to what incentive sketch I should throw together that tied in with it. Then, looking back at the first panel, it kind of hit me and, well, this was the result.
Why is Goth Jared such a happy Goth? Because he feels so AWESOME!
After a summer of nearly no romantic comedy releases, Cami is suffering withdrawal and is jonesing for a fix. To that end, she is supremely excited for Just Like Heaven. I have to say that I agree. I am also very excited for this movie.
Sweet Home Alabama excluded (I thought it was cloying, regional hucksterism – trying to net that “NASCAR Dad” dollar), I greatly enjoy Reese Witherspoon in romantic comedies. She seems smart and winning and I think she’s fun to watch.
I’m also quite fond of Mark Ruffalo, who is charming in every film he appears in. His performance was the only thing redeeming about 13 Going On 30 and I like that he’s able to switch things up. His role as Detective Fanning in Collateral was also satisfying. To me, he’s an actor that’s pretty much good in any genre even if the film around him is total crap. He’s the next John Cusack without all of the “boombox-over-the-head” romanticism in his background.
Of course, the big news about this movie is that it’s the first post-Napoleon Dynamite role for fro-less Jon Heder. Gotta admit I’m suckered by his trailer closing line delivery of “I’m ninety-nine percent ∗parched∗ right now. I could sure use a ∗co-la∗.” What can I say? I’m easily amused. It’ll be interesting to see if he can trump such an instantly identifiable and unique character like Napoleon.
Not much news right now except I know there are a handful of you out there waiting for me to deliver a few shirts. I’m getting to it! Haven’t forgotten you.
I’m steering myself toward a sea change in my life right now and I’m kind of doing some stuff to put me on firm ground, mentally speaking. I’m making a couple of changes to my habits and routines. So hopefully I can kind of fold it into a pattern that allows me to be a little more productive while being a little less exhausted.
I’m looking forward to it.
Oh – I’m still looking for some programming help with the site. Mostly archive functions. So if any of you out there have experience with PHP or maybe even databases, please contact me!
If your face is the roadmap to your emotions, then I have sectioned off Cami’s emotional state with a handy pie chart. Enjoy!
Today’s comic kind of sprang from real life. Cami keeps dropping hints about how badly she wants to see Just Like Heaven as if I’m not interested in going or need some kind of reminder. As I outlined in Monday’s blog, I think it looks purty darn good!
It’s true, though. There have been hardly any romantic comedies this year. The only other movie that comes to mind is Must Love Dogs and look how fast that fell off the radar. It seems like every third movie has been about superheroes.
I don’t know if I should even be complaining. I mean, I really like superhero movies. Even when they’re really bad. Almost every romantic comedy shares the “Will they get together in the end?” premise and is about as clich
For those of you concerned that today marks the last appearance of Goth Jared, fear not. His lack of planning and available resources see to his continued status as a member of the living. Click here to learn his fate.
I hope you don’t find today’s comic too macabre. I’m certainly not aiming to make fun of suicide. But think of it this way – If your kids can handle the concept of an animated Johnny Depp marrying the rotting corpse of woman while cavorting around town with a bunch of dead people (Ala Tim Burton’s The Corpse Bride), then they should be able to handle today’s comic. After all, how many times have we seen Tom and Jerry inflict mortal harm upon each other?
All in good fun people!
No really commentary for today except to say that Cami and I are planning to paint the afternoon red when we catch a matinee of Just Like Heaven on Sunday. After that, expect a full week of strips continuing to have fun with The Corpse Bride.
Not ∗that∗ kind of fun, you sickos.
In the meantime, if you have a LiveJournal account and would like to add the Theater Hopper feed to your friends list, I would be much obliged. You’ll get all the latest comic and blog postings delivered directly to your friends list. Can’t be that kind of service with a stick.
Or a corpse.
Or whatever.
Have a great weekend, everybody!
A couple of you have written in asking me what I thought about Just Like Heaven. I suppose I ∗did∗ mention I was going to see it Sunday. After a whole week of jokes about the movie, I probably owe you something, right?
I thought it was a very servicable film and did a pretty good job not overplaying its hand. For example, Mark Ruffalo’s character lost his wife a few years ago. It’s what colors his outlook, but they don’t hammer this point home so you realize “HE’S SAD! HE’S SAD! HE’S SAD!” Instead, they let the actors do their work and they craft the character very well. It’s very economical movie making in that respect. Both Ruffalo and Reese Witherspoon are incredibly likeable and have great chemistry.
I don’t know if there was ever a point in the film that made me laugh out loud or feel like I was on the very of crying. It’s cloy, sure. But like I said, it doesn’t over do it. Instead you’re left with something very pleasant. When all was said and done, I enjoyed it.
I was kind of surprised that Jon Heder wasn’t in it as much as the trailers led you to believe. He pretty much makes an appearance at the beginning at the film and then pops up for a second at the end. I’m thinking the actress who played Reese Witherspoon’s sister was given more lines.
Most people are going to watch this movie and be a few steps ahead of the action in terms of where Ruffalo’s and Witherspoon’s relationship is going to end up. But it’s a fun, light-hearted diversion that won’t insult you. It’s a fun time.
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I will freely admit to stealing the “shoegazing” moniker from My Bloody Valentine’s Wikipedia page and I link to it freely to provide context that would otherwise be unrequired for certain other webcomics.
I’m no great fan of the band, but I am familiar with their work. In particular, the instrumental tracks off the Lost in Translation soundtrack which were penned by My Bloody Valentine’s lead singer Kevin Shields. I like that album a lot.
As for the movie, My Bloody Valentine 3D, it looks like pure, Grade-A shlock. I’ve been making fun of the trailer for this film since it came out last fall.
At first, I thought the trailer was a put-on. Something The Wayans Brothers cooked up for an extension of the Scary Movie franchise. But it’s 100% for real. A bunch of anonymous pretty-somethings getting hacked to death by some guy in a gas mask. Brilliant.
My favorite line in the trailer isn’t from the movie itself, but a great bit of marketing all the same: “Nothing says ‘date movie’ like a 3D ride to Hell!”
Sounds like something my wife would really like!
I guess that’s something I don’t understand about the positioning of this movie. Once again, a horror film jumps the gun by being released months in advance of the terror-filled “holiday” it shares a name with. Rob Zombie’s remake of Halloween was released on August 31 of 2007 – two full months before the actual holiday. At least the remake of Black Christmas managed to get it right by being released on Christmas Day in 2006.
But if the producers of My Bloody Valentine 3D are trying to promote the film as a date movie, why not wait a month for Valentine’s Day to roll around in February?
Obviously this movie is trash. I mean, look at the teaser poster. It looks like an advertisement for a ride at Universal Studios!
But what do you guys think? Does it look like a fun time at the movies to you with the potential for a great audience experience? Does the 3D gimmick hold any value for you? In other words, do you think My Bloody Valentine 3D is a movie you would see if it weren’t in 3D?
I’m curious as to everyone’s take on this film. Leave your comments below and let’s discuss!