Since today’s comic is (in part) about shadowy deception (and getting slapped crosswise), I decided to take a more stylistic approach to the buzzComix incentive sketch. Click here to see it!
I don’t really have a lot to say about today’s comic or really anything to say about Vanity Fair, for that matter. I guess some people are saying this performance could net Reese Witherspoon an Oscar nomination, but I find that hard to believe. Costumer dramas are SO 15 years ago. Yeah, Reese? 1989 called. It wants its copy of Dangerous Liaisons back.
Doesn’t Reese know the only way for actresses to win Oscars these days is to ugly themselves up? Charlize Theron in Monster, for example. Or Nicole Kidman in The Hours. For the men, playing a mentally challenged person is still the quickest way toward Oscar gold.
In any case, we’ve found ourselves in that dire cultural limbo that is the end of summer. Studios are coming off the blockbuster season and tossing nothing but garbage into the theaters as kids go back to school. The end result is very little for me to make fun of during the course of a week. Such is life!
The only movie I’m holding my breath for is Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. With its 1940’s adventure serial looks, it’s right up my ally. I don’t even care that it has Gwyneth Paltrow in it!
A few notes of business. Cami wanted to thank everyone who sent her birthday wishes on Wednesday. She sincerely appreciates it and she had a wonderful day.
Also be sure to check out our latest advertiser Beefyness. They’ve got lots of great comics for you to look at.
See you here next week!
A couple of you have written in asking me what I thought about Just Like Heaven. I suppose I ∗did∗ mention I was going to see it Sunday. After a whole week of jokes about the movie, I probably owe you something, right?
I thought it was a very servicable film and did a pretty good job not overplaying its hand. For example, Mark Ruffalo’s character lost his wife a few years ago. It’s what colors his outlook, but they don’t hammer this point home so you realize “HE’S SAD! HE’S SAD! HE’S SAD!” Instead, they let the actors do their work and they craft the character very well. It’s very economical movie making in that respect. Both Ruffalo and Reese Witherspoon are incredibly likeable and have great chemistry.
I don’t know if there was ever a point in the film that made me laugh out loud or feel like I was on the very of crying. It’s cloy, sure. But like I said, it doesn’t over do it. Instead you’re left with something very pleasant. When all was said and done, I enjoyed it.
I was kind of surprised that Jon Heder wasn’t in it as much as the trailers led you to believe. He pretty much makes an appearance at the beginning at the film and then pops up for a second at the end. I’m thinking the actress who played Reese Witherspoon’s sister was given more lines.
Most people are going to watch this movie and be a few steps ahead of the action in terms of where Ruffalo’s and Witherspoon’s relationship is going to end up. But it’s a fun, light-hearted diversion that won’t insult you. It’s a fun time.
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From the way some people were talking about Crash’s Best Picture upset over Brokeback Mountain, looting and rioting were only moments away!
I have a deeper meditation about all of the controversy/non-controversy wrought by this ruling, but since it is late on a Tuesday night, I do not have the mental capacity to share those thoughts at the moment. I’ll be back later with some more well-composed thoughts.
A brief artistic summary of today’s comic might include the declaritive statement that it was fun to draw Tom throwing over tables. That’s something that needs to happen more often. Me likely.
Y’see? There’s that lake of mental capacity I was talking about earlier.
Something that takes ABSOLUTELY no brain power is schilling my cheesy wares. And by that I mean the t-shirts I currently have for sale in the store. TODAY IS YOUR LAST DAY TO PLACE YOUR ORDER. At midnight tonight, I am ending the pre-orders and sending everything off to the printer. Hopefully, I’ll have your shirts in stock a few weeks after that and I can ship them out to you.
I know you guys are probably strapped for cash, but if you enjoyed ANY of these designs, I strongly encourage you to order yours today. A couple of them didn’t sell as strongly as I had hoped and I’m not wholly encouraged to do another run of them in the future. I might try something different instead. So the underlying message here is "Don’t expect these designs to be around forever."
Because they won’t.
Additionally, once I conclude this run of shirts, I’m going to start focusing on a pre-sale of the Theater Hopper: Year One book. I’m collecting bids from printers at the moment and hope to have them in production soon.
Something to keep in mind on those; You get a price break the more you order and in order to make it worthwhile, you have to order a lot. Like 500 to 1,000 (and actually, that’s a very small run in the book world). As such, I’m going to have to do pre-orders until I can meet costs for the entire run and that might mean needing anywhere from 200 to 300 pre-orders in the bag before I can send the whole thing to production.
Just something to keep in mind if you’re on a budget and pinching pennies. I’m going to need everyone’s support in a big way when this goes full steam. But I’m very proud of what I’ve accomplished so far and I think you guys are going to see the value of the extra effort I put into this book.
Back on the subject of shirts, many thanks to those of you who have already placed orders. I appreciate your support!
I don’t know why I insist on drawing strips where people blow chunks on Thanksgiving, but I guess that’s how I subconsciously interpret the holiday – Stuffing your face until you puke.
I should add that I do not speak from experience in this matter. Carrot sticks only for me, please!
In advance of the Thanksgiving holiday, a bunch of movies have landed in theaters today. Four Christmases is among them. I certainly don’t begrudge an Academy Award winner from taking a straight paycheck movie from time to time. Certainly we all have to pay the bills. But it does seem a tad wasteful to have FIVE Academy Award winners in a movie that is tantamount to Fred Clause 2. Personally, I think they should play up the fact that they have this level of talent in their movie with the marketing. “This holiday season, see the movie with five Academy Award winning actors… A movie that will tug at your heartstrings and teach you the importance… of family… FOUR CHRISTMASES! Hey, hey, hey, hey!”
That said, Vince Vaughn is really the only draw on this movie for me. I guess I’m just a sucker for that whip-smart improvising he does from movie to movie. He’s really a unique brand. When you think about how he launched this fast-talking smart aleck persona in Swingers over 10 years ago and how he tried to bury it in movies like A Cool, Dry Place, Return to Paradise and The Cell it really makes you think about what a dumb move that was since he decided to bring it out of mothballs for Old School and crystallize it for Wedding Crashers. The dude has never been more successful! You’d feel cheated if you went to a Vince Vaughn movie and he didn’t act like that!
So, yeah. I’m a Vince Vaughn fan.
Not much else to talk about today. If you’re here in the states, have a safe and happy holiday and I’ll see you here on Friday!
Happy Thanksgiving!