Probably a more effecitve incentive sketch would have been to draw Cami actually kicking Chuck Norris in the nuts. I wanted to do it, but Thursday was just crazy and I didn’t get started on the strip until late. So I went for some juvenile photo manipulation. I dunno. It’s kind of growing on me! NO I AM NOT ON DRUGS!
I guess Cami was watching Ebert & Roeper last week and they gave a glowing review to Queen Latifah’s new movie Last Holiday. I didn’t see it, but I guess they were going on and on about what a great movie it was. Funny and light and restores your faith in confident comedies that aren’t trying so hard. Neither of us cared dime-one about this movie until a week ago. Now Cami is all hepped up to see it. Let’s just say I’m not putting a lot of confidence into a director named Wayne Wang, okay?
I suppose one could do much worse. Bloodrayne, anyone? But I’m more interested in seeing the 1950 original than I am of this remake. It stars Alex Guinness. And although I already know how it ends, I have to think it’s a more satisfying rental. We’ll see. Cami and I are also talking about seeing Capote this weekend in an attempt to stay ahead of Oscar nominations. I suppose if we really wanted to stay ahead, we would have gone to see it when it came out back in September.
Not much else to report except to direct your attention to the Bonus Materials section. I recently added some long-lost Fan Art from some very talented individuals. Included in the works is a VERY SPICY rendition of our very own Charlie by Aikida’s Josh Meinzer. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see it. Check it out along with the other great contributions!
February 17th, 2006 | by Tom- Comics »
- Comics »
- Guest Strip

(2 votes, average: 5.50 out of 10)
Sorry, gang. No new comic or incentive sketch for Friday. Instead you’re being treated to some fan art by my good friend Beefy who is referencing this comic about Tom’s last wishes. Incidentally, you should all check out Beefy’s web site, In addition to comics, he produces some really great nerd-core rap songs, several of which you can download for free. Of course, I’m certain if you dontate money to help him pursue his artistic interests, he would appreciate it.
The reason you’re without a new comic to help you close out the week is because I went to see Nine Inch Nails live in concert and I didn’t have time to put something together for you. I had to work ahead to get Wednesday’s strip out there because I was out celebrating Valentine’s Day with Cami on Tuesday. To perform that feet twice in one week – let alone when the options in theaters right now are their worst – well, I couldn’t meet the challenge.
I feel bad. It’s not often that I willingly lay down my pen. Usually, if there isn’t a new comic, there’s a good reason. I’m on vacation, my FTP connection isn’t working, my monitor exploded – something beyond my control. This time, it’s essentially lack of time and a little bit of burn out tossed into the mix.
Maybe it’s not a big deal to some, but it’s a big deal to me. I know in web comics, deadlines always seem to be shifting around. But for the last three and a half years, I’ve been pretty good about meeting mine. Considering some of the really wonderful e-mails I’ve been getting out of the blue lately, I feel like I’m letting you guys down.
But it is what it is and I’m only human. I went to a concert, didn’t get back until late, am feeling a little overwhelmed at the moment and needed a little break. I’ll be back and ready to go on Monday and I plan on putting the finishing touches on the book that collects the first year of Theater Hopper strips this weekend. So thanks for letting my have the day off.
And if you’re thinking about it, always feel free to submit fan art. Who knows! Your stuff might end up on the front page of the site the next time I’m in a time crunch. If not there, it’ll always have a home on the fan art page. That’s not a bad deal!
I’ll catch up with you soon.
You may have heard by now that our favorite scruffy weasel Shia LaBeouf gave an interview to Details Magazine where he essentially bragged about banging Megan Fox on set while working with her on the first two Transformers movies.
If you missed it, here’s the key information:
Asked if he hooked up with Fox, LaBeouf nods affirmatively. “Look, you’re on the set for six months, with someone who’s rooting to be attracted to you, and you’re rooting to be attracted to them,” he explains. “I never understood the separation of work and life in that situation. But the time I spent with Megan was our own thing, and I think you can see the chemistry onscreen.”
When I inquire about Fox’s status at the time with her longtime boyfriend, Brian Austin Green, LaBeouf replies, “I don’t know, man. I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. . . .”—repeating the phrase exactly 12 times with various intonations, as if trying to get it just right. Finally, he says, “It was what it was.”
Now, if you know me, you know that I am not a fan of Shia LaBeouf. Basically, I am of the mind that he has been parading around Hollywood for the last few years in his Big Boy pants trying to prove to anyone and everyone what a badass he is. Bragging that you nailed Megan Fox in a trailer somewhere on Paramount back lot basically lines up with this.
If that doesn’t jive with your interpretation of Shia LaBeouf, then sample this quote from the same article:
…there’s an upside to posing for the occasional mug shot. “I’ve noticed that since this ‘wild child’ s— has been posted on my head,” he says, “people seem a little more respectful.”
Mmm-hmm. We’re all fawning over how dangerous you are, you little imp!
Here’s the thing: I never really bought LaBeouf’s tough guy act and I’m certainly not buying it now. But I think I’m starting to understand it a little bit more. Especially his pathological need to “tell it like it is” in interviews.
Think about this guy’s career in the last 5 years. Between Transformers, Indiana Jones and Wall Street, he’s basically acting in movies where he’s the least interesting thing in them. He’s a cipher. No one wants to talk to him about his performance. People want to ask him what it’s like working with Harrison Ford, Oliver Stone, Michael Douglas or Michael Bay.
So what do you do? You start talkin’ smack. Why? Because it gets you headlines. People start talking about you again. You can the crazy nonsense you’re spouting. Watch cable news. Politicans pull this move ALL THE TIME.
Some people like to give LaBeouf credit for being honest. I like to call these people “self-hating movie fans.” They’re basically mad that they got duped into putting down good money for a lousy movie and cheer up only when someone behind the scenes pulls the curtain back to agree with them about how awful it was. It makes them feel validated. Meanwhile, the guy doing the “truth telling” gets to look like a hero.
But here’s the thing: It doesn’t take a lot of intestinal fortitude to say Transformers 2 sucked or Indiana Jones 4 sucked or Wall Street 2 sucked TWO YEARS AFTER THE FACT. You know, after your promotional obligations are over, after the critical and fan response has been factored in or after your paycheck has cleared.
My question is, “Would LaBeouf still be doing all this ‘truth-telling’ if fan reaction to those movies had been positive?” My guess is “probably not.”
Someone with integrity might look at the final cut of a bad movie they starred in and say “You know, this isn’t very good. I’m not comfortable promoting it.” Someone with discerning taste might look at a script and say “This is not for me. I should be doing movies with more substance.”
LaBeouf is not that guy. In the Details article he talks about how he passed on recent Oscar winners like The Social Network and 127 Hours.
He does talk about how he’s trying to be more choosy and is looking for roles that are “Warren Beatty—type game changers.” He also says he’s done with action movies. Apparently it creates “animosity from men.”
“They feel like they want to challenge me,” Labeouf shares. “‘I just f—ed up Shia LaBeouf!’ It’s a story you can tell, and I guess you’re cool for it.”
Which I guess kind of explains the Megan Fox bragging. Like that’s suddenly going to make him look cool to men he feels animosity from. Meanwhile, he’s shooting himself in the foot by alienating the only fanbase I’ve ever seen stick up for him – young women. I can’t imagine bragging about the women you’ve slept with will endear you to… y’know… women.
Shia LaBeouf is basically the Mark Hamill of Generation Y. A smarmy kid who stumbled upward into a giant franchise and got into a car accident at the apex of his appeal. Except, unlike Hamill, LaBeouf wreck just mashed up his hand and not his face. So that bought him a few more years.
He’s still got a heaping spoonful of humility coming his way. I’m looking forward to the next 20 years of his obscurity.
The first trailer for The Expendables 2 came out yesterday. It’s so manly, I want to run my fingers through its chest hair.
For a big action movie, this trailer’s a little week. Just a buncha name. Then again, it’s a teaser trailer and the actual movie doesn’t come out until August 17, so what do you want?
It’s funny that I bristle at stunt casting in movies like Valentine’s Day and New Year’s Eve. But I’m TOTALLY okay with a movie that stars Sylvester Stallone, Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Chuck Norris, Jean-Claude Van Damm, Dolph Lundgren, Jet Li, Terry Crews, Randy Couture, and Liam Hemsworth.
Okay, maybe not Hemsworth. I can take him or leave him.
Actually, I think I’m probably most excited about seeing Dolph Lundgren on screen. Yeah, I know he was in the first one. I just love that crazy Swede!
Who’s YOUR favorite Expendable? Leave your comments below!
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