As I posted yesterday on the Theater Hopper Facebook page, I kind of keep forgetting that the Oscars are this Sunday. I don’t know why I’m not more excited about them. I guess because the field of nominations this year feels so… safe.
In my head, it’s between The King’s Speech and The Social Network to walk away with the big prizes Sunday night. It all depends on whether or not Academy voters buy the hype behind The Social Network being the “first important film of this generation.” Considering the voters tend to skew older and that they value more traditional forms of entertainment, my money is on The King’s Speech winning them over.
At any rate, here’s my 2011 Oscar ballot – complete with who I think WILL will and who I think SHOULD win.

What do you think? Am I way off base with my predictions? Who do you think will walk away with Top Honors from this year’s Academy awards? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!
I hope that ‘Alice in Wonderland’ wins nothing.
Personally I feel that ‘Scott Pilgrim’ got screwed with its 0 nominations.
I’m surprised you thought Rush deserved the supporting actor award over Bale. Rush was good in The King’s Speech, but nothing exceptional, IMO. Colin Firth deserved the leading role though, no doubt about it.
I thought the Academy might recognize Rush’s efforts for his role in getting The King’s Speech financed in concert with the performance he delivered.
Pretty sure the best supporting award isn’t meant for those who find financing to make movies… if that was the case, Walhberg should’ve won the best actor nod for The Fighter as he was behind that movie from A-Z. In any case, as I said before, Rush was good in The King’s Speech, but the right guy won, Bale was exceptional in The Fighter, and he long-deserved that Oscar.
To suggest that politics and money don’t inform Academy voters at all is a little bit naive though, don’t you think?
I’m not saying that these are the ONLY factors. But that they are sometimes factors.
In the case of Bale vs. Rush, it wasn’t a factor.