Apologies for the delay today. It’s been hectic to be sure.

If you read last Friday’s blog, you know that there are no new comics from me this week because I am in Rochester, Minnesota to support my Dad as he undergoes open heart surgery to repair his mitral valve.

The goal was to have guest strips for you this week and I was going to lead off with a submission from Brandon J. Carr. Personal issues sidelined Brandon and caused a delay. Originally we thought he might have something for you this morning, but that didn’t shake out. So he’ll be along later in the week.

In the meantime, please enjoy this thoughtful contribution from Wes Molebash – the amazingly talented writer and illustrator of You’ll Have That.

I love Wes’s comic because I think he writes relationships really well. Plus, I think he captures something honest in his portrayal of a young married couple that I don’t think we get to see enough of in comics these days! Incidentally, has anyone else noticed that Wes’s art has taken a leap in quality lately? I gotta remember to pick his brain sometime!

I wish I had more to contribute right now, but I’m actually headed out the door again to have dinner with my parents.

My Dad was actually here early today where they performed an angiogram that didn’t turn up any blockage (a good thing) and tomorrow is the big show. I don’t know if I’ll be back later tonight to blog more on the subject, but I might have more to say in the next few days. So check back often.

A quick programming note, due to my absence, there will be no recording of The Triple Feature podcast.

Thanks to all of you who have sent in e-mails of support. I appreciate it. I’ll be keeping in communication, but be sure to check out the site this week for more excellent guest strips!

Take care!

↓ Transcript
I've got an idea! How 'bout we go see Made of Honor!

I've got a better idea! How about I stab myself in the eye with a number-two pencil! It's be just as enjoyable for me!

Two for Made of Honor, please.

That's seventeen dollars.