So by now you’re getting the gist of how this story arc works, right? Basically it’s like one, giant Opposite Day. But don’t worry. I’ve got a good punchline for Friday’s strip.

I don’t have much to say that’s movie related, so I’m going to touch on a couple of subjects and wrap it up for today. My apologies, but everyone in the house is sick right now. Henry’s got an ear infection and both Cami and I have come down with a cold.

First things first, if you missed Monday night’s Triple Feature talkcast, you missed a doozy. Our good friend Gordon from Multiplex was out of town and couldn’t participate, but Brian Carroll from Genrezvous Point stepped in confidently and and match Joe and I point for point. He gave us lots of interesting background information on his reinsertion to the web comics scene, the direction of Genrevous Point, the future of his previous comic Instant Classic and much more.

Oh, and watch out when we start talking about Citizen Kane.

Again, if you missed the show, it was a good one. There were lots of people in the chat room and from most accounts, everyone had a good time! You can still download the show to your machine, however. All you have to do is go to The Triple Feature profile page at and download it!

A good reason to download this week’s show is because it contains the first half of two clues associated with our DVD giveaway of both Wild Hogs and The Ex. (Detailed information on both movies can be found in Monday’s blog.) So listen to the show and grab those clues! The second half of the clues are as follows:

For the Wild Hogs DVD giveaway, the second half of the clue is: “PIGGY”
For The Ex DVD giveaway, the second half of the clue is “OF MY DREAMS”

Put the clues together and e-mail your answer along with your name, age and mailing address to And, so I can keep the entries organized, please label the subject line of your e-mail either “WILD HOGS” or “THE EX”. Please do not combine your answers or I will throw out your entry. Winners are chosen by a random draw.

Okay, so here’s the last thing I’m going to mention and then I’m out of here.

I recently read a couple of articles about social networking – in particular – and the ways that it can be used to help promote Theater Hopper. I’m looking for a leg up any opportunity I can get, so I was hoping to direct a few of you to Stumble Upon and convince you to sign up with the hopes that you’ll tag Theater Hopper and share you links with others. Ultimately, through networking, more and more people will become familiar with Theater Hopper.

You can tag the entire site by grabbing or you can tag individual comics that you think are funny and want to share. The idea is tag Theater Hopper enough times that it will show up in random site displays, or “stumbles,” to potentially new readers.

I figure the law of averages has to be on my side. The more people I can get to sign up and tag Theater Hopper, eventually it will pay off.

For those of you worried about adding the application to your browser, it couldn’t be easier. I signed up and already tagged a bunch of sites that I’m into. In fact, if you want to see my links, you can check them out by clicking the button below. Click under “Pages I Liked” for the stuff that I’ve hitched my wagon to. Maybe that will give you a sense of how Stumble Upon works.


At any rate, it’s kind of an experiment. If you have a little extra free time and want to give it a shot, I say go for it. Also, keep your eyes peeled in the future for requests from yours truly to tag specific comics – more topical comics, maybe about Harry Potter or Transformers or whatever (more topical than that obviously) that I’ll ask you to grab and share with other Stumble Upon users. If you want to try it out on your own and tag your favorite comics, go ahead. I’ll also be working on adding a button that will help you do that automatically.

That’s pretty much it on my end. Be sure to check back to the site on Friday for the conclusion of The Invasion story arc!

↓ Transcript
Jared, you gotta help me. Cami is acting really weird! I think she’s been replaced by evil aliens!

She’s destroying all of her Julia Roberts DVDs and wants to have sex!

And who wouldn’t want to have friendly relations with one such as yourself?

Your knowledge of movies is extensive, your jokes frequently hilarious and your juvenile antics are consistently entertaining!

You are the most interesting person I know!

Oh God they got you, too!