Buckle up gang, ‘cuz this will be the first in a series of Return of the King-related comics. I’ve got a great storyline ready to go next week and it actually pulls reference from one of my earlier strips! Which one? You’ll have to come back on Monday to find out!
Not much going on in terms of “things that outrage me about Hollywood” this week, so I wanted to take this opportunity to talk about a few site-related issues.
First, I wanted to point out to any potential advertisers that the banner space at the top of the site is now available. However, it’ll be open for a limited time as I have promised to save it for another client beginning January 1st. So if you want to squeeze your ad in before that, drop me a line and maybe we can work out a deal. See the advertising page for more information.
I also want to point out there is a new wallpaper incentive if you donate money to the Theater Hopper Walk of Fame. It’s a fun pop-art inspired piece that you’re already familiar with if you’ve been voting for Theater Hopper at buzzComix. We recently received a very generous donation from one MadMup and it earned him a portrait drawn by yours truly in the Theater Hopper style. Remember, you can score a lot of goodies when you show your support for Theater Hopper – including 100 points in the forums for every dollar you give!
Lastly, I want to point everyone in the direction of the Bonus Material pages. There’s been a recent influx of fan art and Theater Hopper cameos showing up in other comics. You’ll see work from the creators of Bigger Than Cheeses, Phancy Pants and Troy’s Bucket – just to name a few. Go check them out! Remember to scroll down to the bottom of the page for the newest entries.
That about does it for me. Are you sufficiently bombarded? Good! See you soon!
Oh, Came! Don’t be so naïve!
I’ll be just fine! Especially when you consider my extra layer of “Hobbit hair”!
Now! Onward, to Mordor!
Now from the “What were they thinking?” file…
Local moron Tom Brazelton was taken to the hospital for acute frostbite while waiting in line for a movie.
When asked for comment, he replied “I did it for Frodo.”