Ryan Reynolds isn’t the only one who can grate cheese off his abs. Vote for Theater Hopper at Top Web Comics to see what I’m talking about.
I think we can all agree that Ryan Reynolds is a very attractive person. I have no shame in admitting this. In fact, I’m certain that were I disciplined enough, having abs like Ryan Reynolds would clear up roughly 43% of my self-esteem issues. If this acting thing doesn’t shake out, he could be a full-time Men’s Health cover model.
Cami’s line about me nursing a crush on Reynolds since Van Wilder wasn’t an exaggeration. In addition to his physical appearance, there’s just something about his delivery I’ve always enjoyed – even when he’s playing it broad. Van Wilder is an infinitely more enjoyable film because of what Reynolds brings to the role. For proof, watch the Reynolds-less Van Wilder 2: The Rise of Taj. It’s basically the same movie set in a different location and putting Kal Penn in the lead role.
Although can someone please explain to me how National Lampoon got away with calling the film “Van Wilder 2” when Van Wilder is nowhere in that movie?
The Proposal comes out this weekend and it looks like a boilerplate Sandra Bullock rom-com piffle. I didn’t mean to be harsh with the punchline of today’s comic by pointing out Bullock’s age (she’s actually 45). But it really sticks out to me in the commercials and trailers for this movie when she’s been paired with an actor roughly 15 years her junior.
Of course, with leading men, this is never an issue and sometimes even MORE prominent. Actors in their 50’s being paired up with actresses in their 20’s you see it all the time. Don’t misjudge me and assume that I don’t think Bullock is allowed to do the same.
But look back at Bullock’s career. She’s usually been paired with actors roughly her same age or older. And Bullock is nothing if not a creature of habit. She’s been acting in the same kind of movies for roughly a decade now. So even if the formula changes a little bit, it’s note-worthy.
I know I’m making a mountain out of a molehill, but I kind of hope they work it into the script somehow. It would be an opportunity to make it funny.
Switching gears, I wanted to talk about some of the issues we’ve been having with the site for the last week and a half. By now you pretty much know what’s going on with the malware errors, Google Chrome, Safari and the like.
I can tell you that we’re doing everything we can to scrub the site at every opportunity, but we’ve been compromised in a way that we can not immediately fix. Someone shared with me a link to this article that will hopefully shed some light on the situation and give you some insight as to the problems we’re dealing with.
I can only hope at some point someone will develop some kind of defense for this thing because every time I locate and strip the malicious code, it’s back on the site a few hours later. Until then, I feel like I’m twiddling my thumbs.
On top of this hacker problem, I’m also experiencing difficulties with the recent upgrade to WordPress 2.8. As you can see, the comic ranking system is frozen and the calendar and search functions normally to the right of the blog are missing.
Behind the scenes, the post tagging system does not work and I cannot edit the status of my posts. It’s a real drag.
Combing the internet, I can see there are several unhappy customers. People are pretty much saying it’s completely bungled on WordPress’s part.
I was thinking I would roll back the site to 2.7, but I guess I didn’t make a backup. I thought I did, but now I can’t find it. Maybe I e-mailed to myself and deleted it before I realized the problems 2.8 was having. But it’s a mess.
Anyway, that’s my problem, not your problem. But I just wanted to give everyone a status update.
Let’s talk about the weekend! In addition to The Proposal, Year One is also coming out and it looks like it’s getting trashed in the reviews. It’s a shame, because I really respect and admire Harold Ramis. But you could kind of tell from the trailers that the movie didn’t have a clear direction. What’s up with Jack Black and Michael Cera skipping through time? It looks confusing.
Is anyone still planning on seeing Year One? What about The Proposal? Or is everyone waiting for Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen to come along next week and step on everything? Leave your comments below!
Before I forget, I want to remind everyone to check out The Triple Feature podcast at 9:00 PM CST.
Tonight we’re discussing Moon, The Proposal and Year One.
Also, as a special treat, in partnership with MovieMake-Out.com, we’re discussing our picks for the Top 10 Best Sci-Fi movies with special guest Trisha Lynn!
We might go a little longer than our usual hour-long recording time, so know that you’re going to get your money’s worth!
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