Apologies to those of you who came to the site on Friday to no blog. Forty lashes with a wet noodle for me.
Pretty much I was going to talk about how excited I was for The Simpsons Movie. When I didn’t get around to it Friday night and we ended up seeing The Simpsons Movie Saturday night, it felt redundant to retroactively talk about how I was anticipating it. So I held off for the full review that was posted above. I hope you enjoyed it.
Be sure to stop by the site tomorrow for a DVD review of 300. I was lucky enough to be sent an advanced copy and I have some thoughts for you on the day of it’s release. I know it’s outside the normal posting schedule, but think of it as an apology for bailing out on you guys Friday.
Oh – and there will still be comics this week. You can expect new strips on Wednesday adn Friday as usual.
By the way – did anyone notice that I snuck three comics into the mix last week? I was hoping to keep the streak alive this week. But two movie reviews and two comics is a fair trade, I think.
Last note: Be sure to check out The Triple Feature talkcast tonight over at TalkShoe at 9:00 PM CST. Gordon, Joe and I will be talking about The Simpsons Movie, I’m sure. Well, Joe might not be in attendance because he’s supposed to be flying back from the San Diego Comic Con (lucky bastard). But I’m hoping he has an opportunity to call in and give us the scoop on all the big movies coming out in 2008. If not, I’m sure Gordon and I will have lots to talk about. Superbad, The Ten and The Bourne Ultimatum all come out this Friday. So there’s a lot on our horizon!
Call in to talk to us live! See you then!
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Apologies for the delay posting today’s comic. For some inexplicable reason, I couldn’t connect with the site’s server last night and by this morning, the site was down completely! I have no idea what happened. I didn’t receive any notification from my hosting company.
Funny – whenever my site does something that impacts their business (like the overabundance of spam that was in the database that controls the commenting system) I get an angry e-mail and they shut off the database that manages it. But when something on THEIR end impacts MY business – not a peep.
At any rate, it wasn’t until this afternoon that I noticed the site was back up. So here’s today’s comic!
I was trying to think of a way to do a joke about Superbad for today’s strip, but became paranoid that I wouldn’t be able to match the awesome humor that I’ve already seen from the film’s commercials and notorious red band trailer. I’ve been pleased to see that reviews for the film are coming back positive and strong. I can’t wait to see this movie. If for no other reason than to help cement Michael Cera as the comic talent of his generation. I thought everything he did on Arrested Development was note perfect and Superbad is exactly the kind of movie that will put his ability front and center. I’m telling you – he’s the real deal.
But I digress. Paranoid that I couldn’t come up with a joke that could sufficiently commentate on my perceived awesomeness of Superbad, I went the self-deprecating route instead. I actually came up for TWO punchlines to this joke. The other being that it would actually be high-school Cami answering the door in revealing lingerie (because cheesecake is funny!) but I opted not to go that route because of the implication that she was a big drinker in high school or… well, a whore. Neither was the case. Now that I think about it, I just wanted to draw Cami in lingerie. Next time, pervs!
I don’t know when Cami and I will get the chance to see Superbad this weekend. We have some relatives in town from Texas, so we’ll be hanging out with them. I have my fingers crossed for Sunday, but that seems kind of wrong to see a movie so crass on the Sabbath.
I’m being facetious. I don’t go to church!
I have a bunch of stuff planned for next week including a new DVD contest giveaway for Wild Hogs, which came out on DVD last Tuesday and The Ex (with Arrested Development’s Jason Bateman) which will be on DVD this coming Tuesday. Look for a review for The Ex and for Once as well along with three new comics.
Cami and I finally got to see Once the week before I went to Wizard World Chicago and I’ve been meaning to write up a review for it that will encourage more people to see it. The film is probably out of theaters in smaller markets, but if you live in the bigger cities, it might still be available. See it. That movie will change your life.
That’s it for now. See you guys soon!