Jared makes a good point. I totally forgot about those “wine-shooters” we were doing before we got something to eat and then see the movie.
Guess you boys can’t hold your liquor like “Mr. Bloated Kidney”.
That’s me, by the way.
I remembered some of the other things I wanted to talk about.
Seeing comic book movies at comic book conventions is starting to become a kind of mini-tradition among our ilk. You guys might remember this comic I did regarding Aliens Vs. Predator when Zach and I went to see it during Wizard World Chicago.
I guess the next big comic book movie to hit the screen will be Fantastic Four. It comes out a month before Wizard World Chicago this year (August 5-7), but since I plan on avoiding the movie like scurvy when it’s unleashed upon an unsuspecting public, maybe the radioactive half-life on the film will have expired and we can snap it up in a dollar theater when we all assemble again.
Another couple notes of interest: Yes, Zach ∗did∗ in fact wear that very same Homestar Runner shirt. And yes, Mitch ∗did∗ in fact wear a very similar Jawbreaker shirt.
I’m nothing if not a stickler for the details!
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Aug 8, 2005 | THE BLOG CONTINUES |
First, because I can’t do a strip featuring Truman without showing a real-life picture of the little guy…

There. Does that make your Wednesday or what? He’s a sweetheart, folks.
Drastically pushing the timeline forward in the “Nerd Justice” story arc, I began to contemplate what it would really mean to lose your nerd license, should such a thing exist.
Surely one of the first privileges to go would be the internet. This is not to say that nerds are the only people who use the internet. We just use it so much better than the rest of you.
I don’t know what I would do without the internet. But strapping a satchel to Truman’s back doesn’t seem that far fetched when I really stop to think about my options. It’s either that, or start writing crazed, repetitive notes to myself Jack Nicholson-style.
“All work and no play make Tom a dull boy.”
“All work and no play make Tom a dull boy.”
“All work and no play make Tom a dull boy.”
Because it is obligatory, I want to remind everyone that pre-orders for shirts WILL END next Monday, May 16. So be sure to put your order in now so your purchase will be included in the batch that I send to the printer. We have a lot of really great, new designs to choose from – So choose wisely!
I wanted to quickly call your attention to a review that was handed down to Theater Hopper from the fine web site Journey Into History. You can find it if you follow that link and scroll down a little bit. For the impatient, a link directly to the review can be accessed here.
You might not be familiar with Journey Into History because it’s just getting off the ground. But it’s a very cool idea for a site. Basically, the concept is to take a web comic and use it to review… other web comics! Artist and writer Bob Stevenson then dissects the comic in a follow up blog.
I was very attracted to the site largely because of Bob’s writing style. I think he is very concise and accurate with his opinions. I just got the vibe from reading his stuff that he didn’t tolerate much B.S. – But that any criticisms he would make were fair and delivered with a velvet glove.
While not entirely complimentary to Theater Hopper, I felt Bob has some very strong insights into the mechanics of the comic. Stuff that I hadn’t even considered, but when pointed out to me, rang true.
He had plenty of good things to say about the comic – and that’s always welcome – but it’s the politely worded criticisms one can use to really advance their art.
A lot of other “review” sites could learn a lot by Bob’s example. You can tell he really takes the time to digest the material he’s reviewing – even when the archives are huge.
For example, Bob freely admitted that while he read most of the comics in the archive, he didn’t read all the blogs. He also confessed to not being that familiar with movies from the last 5 years ago, so he wasn’t the best to judge whether my opinions on recent cinematic offerings were on the money or not.
These deficiencies on his part did not color his review at all, I felt. Some people might look at this comic and say “Well, I’m not into movies – so therefore it sucks.” Bob gave it a fair shake and worked with the material he took the time to absorb.
Anyway, I’m ranting a little bit. But it’s just so refreshing to get feedback like this. Do yourself a favor and check our Journey Into History. Read the archives. Odds are Bob has covered another one of your regular reads at some point. It’s good stuff.
In the meantime, everyone should really consider signing up for that mailing list thingee over on the right hand side, below the comic. If you were signed up before hand, you would have already known about the Journey Into History review because it was something I shared with the subscribers Tuesday afternoon.
You never know when I might drop some more knowledge. Wouldn’t you want to be the first to know it?
More later. Maybe some vitriolic missives about the assured suckitude of The Fantastic Four when I have a minute later in the day.

If you’re curious about the costume Tom is wearing in today’s comic, it is the assembled product of Madison Avenue in overdrive and is available in most online and brick and mortar retailers.
Noting the success of the Hulk hands from the Hulk movie a few years ago (which some note that the merchandising made more profit than the film), producers of the new Fantastic Four movie decided to up the ante and said “Comically over-sized electronic hands weren’t enough. This year we’re doing feet, a mask and chest plate!”
Incidentally, I did a comic about the erstwhile Hulk hands on June 20, 2003. So it felt only right to do a comic about its profiteering cousin. Enjoy!
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July 8th, 2005 | by Tom

(6 votes, average: 8.67 out of 10)
T.G.I.F., homeboys and homegirls. “It’s Clobberin’ Time!” indeed!
As most of you know, the big screen adaptation of the classic Marvel comic book Fantastic Four hits screens today. Most are expecting it to land with a resounding thud. Me, on the other hand? I’m… conflicted.
I’ll admit that my initial impression of the film was very negative. The casting of the principle characters was WAY off base for me. Each of the Four felt like an ill fit except for Michael Chiklis as the ever-lovin’, blue-eyed Thing.
But even my excitement to see the erstwhile Commish in his portrayal was dulled by frequent interviews Chiklis gave complaining about wearing the laytex suit created for the The Thing.
Maybe he earns points for being the only actor that’s even READ the comics, but when you want to get hyped up for a movie, you don’t want to hear the actors complain about what a pain in the ass it was to make.
So time passes. Pictures, teaser posters and trailers come and go. Even the first round of television commercials really sucked. Heap on all of the merchandising on top of that, and I’m far past caring about this movie.
But a little voice in the back of the head keeps nagging me. “But you loved the Fantastic Four growing up! Won’t you see this movie? Won’t you see it just to placate your curiosity?”
And suddenly, as if by magic, the promotional materials started looking more appealing. There was The Thing in his fedora and overcoat trying to look innocuous. There was that commercial where the Human Torch pranks The Thing with the old “shaving cream in the hand while sleeping” routine – perfectly capturing the playfully contentious relationship of the comics. Maybe this movie won’t be so bad after all.
But the tide of negative buzz around this movie is enormous. It seems most people are beyond thinking for themselves on this one. So for even the morbidly curious to step forward and say “Hey, I might actually be interested in seeing this.” is met with a showering chorus of “Are you stupid?! It’s going to be TERRIBLE.”
Oh to be a nerd without a country.
I would totally see the film this weekend if we weren’t getting ready for our big move to the new house next week. So buckle up because that means you’re in store for a WHOLE WEEK of guest strips while my computer is packed away in Styrofoam peanuts. We’ve got some good stuff lined up. You won’t be disapointed.
I hope everyone has a great weekend! I’ll see you all again soon!
July 12th, 2005 | by Tom- Comics »
- Comics »
- Guest Strip

(11 votes, average: 5.82 out of 10)
Big-ups to Vic Taplin and Ding for writing a Fantastic Four joke that ∗I∗ wish I would have thought up!
There’s is guest strip numbero dos in a full week of guest strip offerings while I am relocating headquarters to a new house about five minutes away from where I am typing this now.
Thanks to Vic and Ding for their contribution. I got a real kick out of their comic.
Hey! It just occurred to me that maybe YOU should thank Vic and Ding for their help this week by visiting their web comic! It’s called Blues and Twos and they’re just getting it off the ground. But bookmark it now so you can check it out later. I think their efforts today prove that what they have cooking will be good!
I didn’t have a chance to see Fantastic Four this weekend, but I was very impressed by it’s $50+ take at the box office this weekend. You have to assume that the aggressive marketing campaign had a lot to do with it. The reviews have certainly been less than kind. But with an opening that strong, a sequel will surely happen. Maybe they can find a different director and tweak the problems that so many have been grousing about. I’m eager to see it, but keep my expectations cautiously reserved.
The movie I’m REALLY looking forward to this week is Wedding Crashers. From everything I’ve heard, the dialogue is whip smart and Vince Vaughn knocks it out of the park. This seems to be a role written specifically for the charming schemer persona he’s been grooming since Swingers.
But I imagine there will be plenty of time to discuss the film in the next coming days. I have strips lined up every day until Sunday, so be sure to come back for more!
July 14th, 2005 | by Tom- Comics »
- Comics »
- Guest Strip

(7 votes, average: 3.57 out of 10)
Although I was a little concerned with the direction the punchline might take after the mention of a “bigger Thing” in panel 3, I thought this guest strip from Phil “Insert Obligatory Shatner-esque Scream Here” Kahn did a bang up job writing dialogue that sounds fairly close to how I typically dismiss lousy movies.
Phil actually has his own web comic. But, honoring his wishes, I’m not going to tell you what it’s called! Instead, Phil has asked me to refer you to Biscuit Press – the web comic collective of which he is a member. There are five great comics there for you to check out and Phil’s is one of them. How’s ∗that∗ for solidarity!
Thanks again Phil for the great comic!
Just because summer’s over doesn’t mean the studios aren’t trying to squeeze in some of their outright stinkers before Oscar season heats up.
Into the Blue, for example. A treasure-hunting picture with Jessica Alba and Paul Walker. Wouldn’t this move have been more interesting if it were released in June or July when the weather is warm? It must be a real turkey. In fact, Tom’s convinced he’ll be in sore need of something if made to watch it.
Today’s comic isn’t about Into the Blue specifically, but about the abysmal state of commercial movies in general this year. I only had Jared list a handful of the worst offenders this year, but could have gone on indefinitely. There were a lot of bad movies this year. A lot of sequels and a lot of retreads on franchises that already had footing in television or books. Very little in terms of original screenplays were put in front of audiences this year and I think the industry was punished accordingly with some of the lowest box office receipts in the last 10 years.
I’ve gone on in the past about Hollywood needing to provide more in terms of fulfilling content when in competition against satellite television, video games and even themselves with the Goliath DVD market. Give us something to care about, something we’ve never seen before. We’ll come back. We promise. People are still hungry for authentic theater experience, but there is only so many obstacles you can put in front of them before they decide it’s not worth the effort.
Thank goodness for the autumn. More cerebral films are starting to fill up the multiplexes. I feel like I can start using my brain again.
When you’re married, you’ll put up with a lot of crap in the name of love.
Today’s comic is kind of true and kind of false. Yes, I did score an awesome haul in Christmas DVDs and yes I did receive all those mentioned. Cami’s reluctance to watch is where the comic embellishments come in.
All weekend long I kept talking about how awesome Sin City was when I saw it back in April. But I didn’t run out and buy it when it came out on DVD in August because I knew that it wasn’t the full version. There would be another version released before Christmas with tons of behind-the-scenes extras and deleted scenes added back into the movie. I knew I wanted the FULL experience, so I patiently waited.
I get the extended edition for Christmas and I’m chomping at the bit to see it. But here’s the thing – I don’t want to half-ass this. I don’t want it on in the background. I don’t want it to be part of the din in our holiday festivities. When I sit down to watch this thing, I want to totally dedicate my attention to it. I want to study it.
Plus, it’s not like people getting their heads cut off and their intestines ravaged by wild dogs is really the kind of holiday-themed entertainment we want penetrating the bubble of a Rockwellian family gathering. Sorry, we’re just not that kind of clan.
Imagine my surprise yesterday when Cami e-mailed me at work on a couple different occasions asking me "So, do you want to watch Sin City tonight?" What a gal!
Part of today’s comic that’s half-true deals more specifically with Fantastic Four – a movie I didn’t see when it was in the theater, but was curious enough to ask for this Christmas. I guess there was a bit of eye-rolling involved when Cami saw the film on my Wish List. She was with her parents when they bought it for me and she said "I don’t know why Tom says he wants that. He said it was lame when it came out this summer."
It’s strong logic. Why would I want my own personal copy of a movie that I’ve never seen? One that could potentially ruin the good memories I have of a comic book franchise I grew up with? The honest answer? I don’t know. Morbid curiosity, I suppose. I mean, maybe it’s bad – but it can’t be any worse than the Roger Corman version from 1994, right? And I’ve seen that one at least twice. I guess if there was a movie out there that I wanted REALLY badly, but couldn’t justify spending the cash on, Fantastic Four would be that movie. THERE’S a ringing endorsement for you!
Anyway, after I get back from working out at 7:00 o’clock tonight, Cami and I are going to settle in for some stark-contrast and watch Sin City together. It’ll be her first viewing, so I’m very interested in her reaction. I’ll let you guys know what she thinks.
Real-life Tom would love nothing more than a trip to the former Soviet Union. Comic-strip Tom just doesn’t get it.
I don’t have a lot to say about today’s comic, so I’m just going to blow over that fact and direct your attention to something very important.
If you visit the store, you’ll see that I’ve put all t-shirts, hoodies and baby-doll tees back on the site. But more importantly, EVERYTHING IS ON SALE!
In an attempt to burn through the last of my inventory and raise money to cover the up-front production costs of the Theater Hopper – Year One book, I have cut costs on everything. T-shirts are now $9.99. Hoodies are $24.99 and baby-doll tees are $14.99. The best part of all? FREE SHIPPING!
Now I have to forewarn you: There are a limited number of sizes in the available designs. So if you’re thinking about placing an order, don’t wait. It’s very likely that your shirt could be snapped up by someone else!
This sale will continue for the next two weeks through February 6th. I don’t think prices can go much lower. So if you want a good deal on Theater Hopper shirts, hoodies or baby-doll tees – now is the time!
June 15th, 2007 | by Tom

(4 votes, average: 6.75 out of 10)
As you probably guessed, today’s sketch is in celebration of Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, in theater’s today. At this point I’ve pretty much given up any justification as to why I feel the need to see this movie. I’m a comic book nerd. I need to stop apologizing for it. Because I was considerate of other individuals tastes in movies, I totally missed out on seeing The Punisher and Ghost Rider in theaters. Yeah, I know. I probably didn’t miss much. But it’s the principal, you know? Stick with your team. It’s probably the reason so many people voted for Bush in 2004. Just out of habit…
My original sketch was supposed to have the entire Fantastic Four in a groups shot. Since he’s the most awesome, I drew The Thing first. Then, as I got to thinking about it, the one aspect I love most about the Fantastic Four is the ribbing that The Thing and The Human Torch give each other. In the comics, it’s merciless and in the first movie, it was actually one of the few things that they got right! So I put my focus on these two and left The Invisible Woman and Mr. Fantastic out of it. Their dynamic never really interested me much.
Above the two is The Silver Surfer flying out of frame. Originally, I needed something to fill in some white space, but I really like how it turned out. I think I was able to capture one of his poses with only a few lines and that’s a good feeling.
Commercials for the new movie are everywhere right now. I can’t turn on a TV without seeing one. I think it was all over MySpace yesterday. And even though Jessica Alba still looks like a man (seriously, I saw her Adam’s Apple!) and some of the TV spots are showing Galactus-as-a-cloud, I’m psyched to see it.
I mentioned on Wednesday on how Cami is letting me off my leash and how I’m seeing it by myself. I think we figured out how. I would have felt guilty to leave her and Henry alone on Saturday or Sunday during the day and especially during the evening. I probably wouldn’t even be able to enjoy the movie because I would be paranoid that Henry would say his first word, or something, while I was away. It would probably be “deadbeat,” or something similarly heartbreaking.
So I suggested that I go to the late-late show on Friday night. We typically put Henry to bed around 10:00. Once he’s down for the night, I’ll sneak out of the house to hang out with a couple hundred nerds for two hours and then slink back into bed while Cami is still asleep.
I don’t mean to make a big deal out of seeing a movie alone. I’m an only child, so doing stuff by myself isn’t alien to me. But with movies… well, for Cami and I, it’s been the nucleous of our relationship for almost 13 years. So it’s just weird when I go to one without her. There’s a chance I might go with my sister-in-law. I think Cami told me she was interested. But probably because she just moved into a new townhome and wants to get away from painting for a few hours. I’ll have to confirm that.
All the same, it’s probably for the best Cami isn’t going. She’d probably be too distracted by Alba’s hairy knuckles to enjoy the movie anyway.
Have a great weekend, everyone!