For those of you who have been voting for Theater Hopper over at BuzzComix this week, you may have noticed a theme. Well, today I chose to continue that theme and I’m probably the proudest of this piece. It’s has a little sex appeal. Consider it a favor to the fanboys. And before you question – Yes, Cami approved it. Click the link to find out what all the fuss is about!
Today’s comic really isn’t so much of a dig against The Perfect Score – although it’s clearly a detestable slice of cinema. I think my judgment is fairly accurate when you consider the number of times I’ve seen the advertisements for this movie on MTV, I’ve been able to stitch together the entire beginning, middle and end of it without having paid a dime.
I really wouldn’t need to go to all that trouble. They basically give away everything in the trailer. Some high school kids are stressed about the S.A.T., so they decide to steal it. After much ballyhoo, they realize that, in the end, it’s just a test and they’ll still be good people once it’s over. MORONS!
Cami’s take on Scarlett Johansson (while not as violent) is pretty fairly represented in today’s comic. I dunno. She just doesn’t like her. Thinks she has attitude. Doesn’t work well with others. In a way, I can see it. Part of me knows that there won’t be much left for her once she grows out of her ingenue phase. She seems cold. Distant. A little W.A.S.P.y… Is it just me?
We have a big weekend planned. Lots of time with friends and family. Of course The Super Bowl is involved. I don’t follow football very closely, but even a casual fan like me can recognize that the match-up between the Patriots and the Panthers is going to be a real snooze-fest. There is no rivalry between the two teams and no personalities in their roster to cheer for. It’s kind of like two inner city gangs showed up to the same place at the same time expecting to fight, but then not having a problem with the people they end up meeting there. It’s kind of an “Oh, you’ll do.” situation.
Side Note: I just had the complete first and second season of The Critic dropped off on my front step this afternoon. If you haven’t seen this Jon Lovitz animated program on Fox or in reruns on Comedy Central (it was produced by the creators of The Simpsons), you owe it to yourself to pick it up on DVD. It’s essential watching for all movie satirists.
Take care everyone! Stay warm this weekend!
If I had my own clone, in all likelihood I would be overly critical. What a lousy father I would make.
Today’s comic is short on the lengthy exposition. Partially due to time constraints in my personal life, I set out to see if I could write an economical punchline.
Theater Hopper – Now with 20% less fat!
Personally, I think Tom’s complaint in the last panel holds water. There have been an unusual number of remakes this summer even without counting the quasi-meta Bewitched. Don’t forget the sequels, either. Batman Begins and Star Wars – Episode III: Revenge of the Sith could be considered guilty parties since they’re also peddling the same characters and stories we seen before.
Does anyone in Hollywood remember how to write an original screenplay anymore? The Oscars only give out 5 nominations in this category every year. Not because five is some kind of pre-determined cap. But because there were literally only five movies last year that had an original idea. Concepts that weren’t mined from a book, television show, or previous film.
To be fair, Hollywood has been strip mining other mediums since the invention of celluloid. If it wasn’t Gone With The Wind they were adapting, it was some Broadway musical or Vaudeville act.
But all of these recent remakes are really turning me off. There have been all these reports that box office numbers are down from last year (as has been the trend since about 2001) and analysts can’t figure it out. Even with rising ticket costs, overall sales are down.
I suggest the industry put itself under the microscope and realize that people by-in-large aren’t willing to spend $10 to see The Dukes of Hazzard when it hits big screens in August because they already had enough of the television show 20 years ago!
Of course, true cinemaphiles like myself will go out of plan curiosity. But the Mother with 3 kids and no time to spare? The cash-strapped college student? The casual movie-goers? It’s no wonder they’re saving their money when Hollywood keeps trying to pass off old as new. It’s insulting!
Something else that is insulting is not thanking all of the guest comic artists who helped me out last week like I said I would on Wednesday. So it’s time to amend that mistake right now.
Big thanks to Beefy, Vic Taplin and Ding, The Bros. Porter, Phil Khan, Ali Graham, Dan Beeston, Krishna Sadasivam and Dave Buist for their contributions. Without them, things would have been pretty dire around here while I was moving to my new house and totally without internet access for the week. Be sure to show them your appreciation by visiting their web sites and sending them many hugs and kisses.
Something else I don’t want you guys to forget is that I will be attending Wizard World Chicago on August 4-7 with a bunch of really cool people.
In fact, my table is smack in the middle of an awesome sandwich as I am sitting in between my friends Joe and the Digital Pimp Online crew, Zach Miller from Joe and Monkey and Mitch Clem from Nothing Nice to Say.
What? I like an extra slice of bread on one end of my sandwich!
All of us will be on Artist’s Alley, so you should certainly plan on visiting us if you’re in the area. It will be a good time.
Sidebar: I keep forgetting to post what my table number will be. Gotta remember to put that up in the near future. I want as many of you to visit as possible.
Sidebar #2: I’m planning on taking every t-shirt I have in stock to the convention, so if you’re on the fence about wanting to buy one from the store right now, I would get off the fence and make your purchase if I were you. I can’t promise that when I come back from Chicago that I won’t be totally sold out of merchandise. Just a little head’s up.
Also, if you’re in town for the convention, I’m informally trying to set up a little excursion to one of the local theaters on Friday or Saturday night. It’s been the tradition of Zach, Mitch and myself to see a movie whenever we get together for a convention. I think it would be a real trip if we tried to pull together as many of our fans as possible so we can all go as one giant web comic mass of nerd! So when people see us strolling through the lobby, they’ll ask “Who are they?” And we can respond, “We read web comics!”
Oh, yeah. So nerdy.
Anyway, swing by our booths the day of the con for the details. Like I said, we’ll probably play it by ear.
Everyone have a good weekend!
I got the idea for today’s comic from the comments section of Friday’s comic. It actually hadn’t occurred to me that we haven’t heard Scarlett Johansson speak in-character as the Russian spy, The Black Widow. You’d think after two theatrical trailers and a few online profile pieces, it would have turned up somewhere.
But, no. Production is keeping her under wraps for some reason and it doesn’t make a lot of sense. I mean, isn’t Johansson considered an A-lister? Maybe not. At least not when you look at her resume. But I think her appearance in a comic book movie would certainly be an advantage?
But, yeah… The complaint that we don’t hear Johansson speak cropped up again in the comments section on Friday. It’s kind of an old complaint, but a valid point. I’ve been hearing people speculate on this for a while now. It’s a minor quibble that I think is representative of Johansson’s status as a sex object than a serious actress. People automatically assume the worst.
I dunno. I’m kind of rooting for her. Despite her sometimes wooden acting, Johansson has always been a favorite of mine. Considering she’s kind of been floating around, doing cameos for the last couple of years, she could probably use a hit.
Not much else for me to talk about this morning except that I’ve been busy packing up orders of Theater Hopper: Year Three from the Kickstarter campaign that ended in December. So, if you’re one of the people that pre-ordered a book, know that I’m trying to get them out the door. It’s just been difficult since Pearl doesn’t really settle down until after 9:00 PM. So that only leaves a couple of hours to work on book orders until I have to crash out myself.
I have all of the envelops addressed, though. So, hopefully, with that prep work out of the way, I can hit the ground running. Custom sketches will slow me down, but I plan on posting pictures of them for you guys to see.
Which reminds me, I should probably change the store so those of you who didn’t pre-order can actually BUY a copy of the book now if you want to. I’ll be selling the regular edition for $15 and an “artist edition” with sketch for $20. I’ll post an update here when I get around to that.
That’s all for now! Any thoughts about Johansson in Iron Man 2? Leave your thoughts below!
Okay, if you’ve been on the internet at all today, you know that the first trailer for The Avengers is tearing thing up.
(Although, oddly, when I tweeted about it without linking to it, several people wrote back “Uh, link?”)
So that’s what this blog post is for. If you haven’t seen the trailer for The Avengers yet, here it is:
Immediately I was impressed that there was an adversarial tone between the individual members of the team. “I don’t play well with others,” Tony Stark quips. “Big man in a suit of armor – take that away and what are you?” Captain America sneers. Oh, and is that Thor taking a flying leap, about to smash Captain America’s shield?
This is all very much in keeping with the comics. The “friendly misunderstandings” that lead to heroes battling each other before banding together to fight the common enemy. Total “Who Would Win in a Fight” geek bad-assery on display here.
Clearly Joss Wheadon is giving Tony Stark all the best lines – at least in the trailer. I hope this is the case throughout the movie. One of the biggest advantages to the Iron Man films was Robert Downey Jr’s motormouth style. With a script by Wheadon, you’ve got the best of both worlds when it comes to words and delivery.
What I really like is how close to the vest they’re keeping Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye and Mark Ruffalo as the Hulk. Barely any screen time or dialogue for either of them in this trailer. Everyone else we’ve seen in action in other movies. But these two are the last unknown variables. Expect Marvel to continue to keep fans on a string regarding those two.
What’s you reaction to the trailer? Personally, I think it was perfectly executed and it gives me high hopes for May 2012. Why don’t you leave your comments below. C’mon. You know you wanna…
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