Last night I had an opportunity to see Thor, which I was excited about because the last film I saw in the theater was Cedar Rapids and that’s kind of pathetic.
On the whole, I would say that I found Thor extremely entertaining and it was perhaps helped by my diminished expectations of the film.
I will say that at nearly 2 hours long, the film never dragged for me. And despite the final conflict feeling a little slapdash, I definitely wanted to see more!
I’ve talked with a few people in the comments section of the last two comics about my concerns the Thor is another set up for The Avengers in a similar vein to Iron Man 2. It is and it isn’t. The film tells a crafty origin story that is unfortunately a little light on Asgardian ass-kicking. A little too much time spend on Earth in civilian clothes is good for character development, but it didn’t exactly send my geek heart racing.
But, like I said, the film is entertaining and well-crafted. I can’t criticize it for what I wanted it to be. I can only criticize it for what it is. And I would say it’s pretty darn good!
The following are some random thoughts and observations about Thor. Let’s see if any of them ring true to you, shall we?
- It’s easy to see why Chris Hemsworth was cast as Thor. He is confident, likable and not at all the dumb jock that I kind of think of Thor as being.
- That said, whatever color they dyed Hemsworth’s beard and eyebrows was really distracting in close ups.
- I kind of wish they had Hemsworth wear Thor’s winged helmet for more than one scene.
- Director Kenneth Branagh did an admirable job with the direction, providing a few fake out moments and non-linear storytelling devices that kept me engaged throughout.
- Let it also be known that Kenneth Branagh never met a Dutch angle he didn’t like. This film is littered with them, but it works. It adds to the aura of comic book dramatics without going overboard like Ang Lee’s Hulk did.
- People credit Branagh for bringing “Shakespearean gravitas” to the movie. But the fatherly themes in the plot are so pronounced, I wonder if anyone would be making that observation if, say, Martin Campbell were directing.
- Natalie Portman is very, very pretty.
- Why the hell is Natalie Portman in this movie? I mean, I know she’s no stranger to big-budget science fiction and fantasy (Hello, Queen Amidala!) but at this point, a movie like Thor seems a little below her station, don’t you think?
- There is almost no need for Kat Dennings’ character except to provide comic relief, but she makes the most of every scene she’s in and damn near walks off with this movie. I was more interested in the things her character had to say than anything Natalie Portman’s character had to say.
- I love that Clark Gregg’s Agent Coulson is running around in the background. Gregg plays him perfectly with a touch of playful impatience.
- Everyone caught Jeremy Renner’s cameo as the future Avenger Hawkeye during the scene where Thor first tries to reclaim his hammer, right?
- Jeremy Renner kind of looks like Daniel Craig’s younger brother to me. They both have a heavy brow.
- Even though I know Ray Stevenson (who most recently played The Punisher) was the actor who played Volstagg, every time I saw him on screen, I was convinced it was Chris Noth.
- Hey, is that Renee Russo as Thor’s mom? Long time, no see!
- Yes, Anthony Hopkins kills it as Odin. But he could do a role like this in his sleep.
- I feel like I’m supposed to say something about Tom Hiddleston as Loki. He did a good job making him a sympathetic villain at the outset, but kind of tipped over into cartoonish super-villainy at the end.
- The Destroyer is awesome and I want an action figure, please.
- RE: The Destroyer “Is that one of Stark’s?” “I don’t know. That guy never tells me anything.” The humor in Thor was pretty sharp.
- Bonus points for the Donald Blake reference – Thor’s mortal alter ego in the early comics. Kudos for the writers for not getting bogged down in that and telling a straightforward original story. Well, as straightforward a story about inter-dimensional warriors using weapons crafted with equal parts magic and science as you can.
- I was also very impressed with how the effects department brought Thor’s unique powers to the screen. They could have easily had him hitting stuff with his hammer or call down lightning and leave it at that. But having him take flight, carried behind Mjolnir was very well done. Similarly, Thor twirling Mjolnir around by the strap was something I didn’t think they’d be able to translate from the comics as well as they did.
- Production design for this movie is off the charts. From the costumes, to the Frost Giants, to the rich detail and rendering of Asgard – these images were truly otherworldly and God-like.
- With this in mind, the fictional town in New Mexico where Thor lands looks faker than fake. In fact, I’m not sure there were even any roads that lead to or from that town. It literally looks like it sprung up overnight by a Hollywood construction crew.
- Did anyone else find the use of the Foo Fighters song “Walk” over the end credits completely out of place?
- Stick around after the credits for a bonus scene. I probably don’t have to tell you that, but it doesn’t hurt to remind you.
That’s all I’ve got on Thor. It’s quite a bit, actually! What are your thoughts? Leave your comments below!
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Jan 27, 2009 | SLUMMING |
Okay, if you’ve been on the internet at all today, you know that the first trailer for The Avengers is tearing thing up.
(Although, oddly, when I tweeted about it without linking to it, several people wrote back “Uh, link?”)
So that’s what this blog post is for. If you haven’t seen the trailer for The Avengers yet, here it is:
Immediately I was impressed that there was an adversarial tone between the individual members of the team. “I don’t play well with others,” Tony Stark quips. “Big man in a suit of armor – take that away and what are you?” Captain America sneers. Oh, and is that Thor taking a flying leap, about to smash Captain America’s shield?
This is all very much in keeping with the comics. The “friendly misunderstandings” that lead to heroes battling each other before banding together to fight the common enemy. Total “Who Would Win in a Fight” geek bad-assery on display here.
Clearly Joss Wheadon is giving Tony Stark all the best lines – at least in the trailer. I hope this is the case throughout the movie. One of the biggest advantages to the Iron Man films was Robert Downey Jr’s motormouth style. With a script by Wheadon, you’ve got the best of both worlds when it comes to words and delivery.
What I really like is how close to the vest they’re keeping Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye and Mark Ruffalo as the Hulk. Barely any screen time or dialogue for either of them in this trailer. Everyone else we’ve seen in action in other movies. But these two are the last unknown variables. Expect Marvel to continue to keep fans on a string regarding those two.
What’s you reaction to the trailer? Personally, I think it was perfectly executed and it gives me high hopes for May 2012. Why don’t you leave your comments below. C’mon. You know you wanna…
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Feb 20, 2009 | ONE DOWN |
Feb 28, 2012 | POSTER – THE AVENGERS |
If you travel in geek circles, the big news today was that Marvel aired the latest trailer for The Avengers during some… sporting event last night? Football? I don’t keep up on these things.
Let’s focus our attention on what really matters.
This trailer is the extended online edition which is somehow 30 seconds longer than what aired last night without telling us too much more about the movie.
I’d say Marvel is doing a pretty good job of whipping up a nerd frenzy. They’re showing us just enough without giving away too much. With each additional release, they show a little more, but they don’t go overboard. Clearly they know that the Hulk is their ace in the hole and they’ve done a good job obscuring him up to this point.
GeekTyrant did an excellent job of dissecting the trailer and grabbing stills – a few of which I’m going to share here. But you should really check out their article for more details.
Here’s our best look at the Hulk so far.
And because you all know what a huge Iron Man geek I am, here are the two stills that got my heart racing.
Suiting up…
…and would you look at that? I see some additional back thrusters and shoulder-mounted weaponry in that still! Looks like Iron Man got an upgrade!
Yeah, I know, I’m hopeless.
What’s your reaction to this trailer? Leave your comments below!
The Avengers got a new poster today in advance of their May 4 opening date.
Is it just me, or is Iron Man, like, ALWAYS losing his helmet. He should, like, bolt it down, or something.
Nice of them to stick Chris Evans’ Captain America in the back. Oh, he’s not that important…
What do you think of this new poster? Does it trip your repulsor blasts?
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Oct 11, 2011 | THE AVENGERS – TRAILER |
May 12, 2011 | THOR THOUGHTS |
Did you guys hear that The Avengers got a new trailer? No? THEN LET ME BE THE FIRST TO TELL YOU ABOUT IT!
Selfishly, I think the most interesting part of the trailer is Tony Stark landing on top of the Stark Industries building and watching the Iron Man armor be peeled off him like a grape.
That’s a straight-up PIMP STRUT, SON!
What’s your favorite moment from the new trailer?
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Jan 27, 2012 | TRAILER – LOCKOUT |
Jan 10, 2011 | TRAILER – THE MECHANIC |
There he is! Welcome back, Cardboard Iron Man!
Incidentally, I sat down to watch Iron Man 2 while producing this comic and realized that I had plotted something that was in the trailer, but not the final movie.
In the trailer for the film, Tony and Pepper have an exchange where Tony says he’s going on a dangerous mission and might not make it back. Pepper kisses the Iron Man helmet and tosses it out of the back of a cargo plane. Tony dives after and and says “You complete me!” before dropping out of view, scooping up the helmet and rocketing onto the stage of the Stark Expo. Watch it.
That scene’s not in the movie. Instead, Stark, in the full suit simply jumps out of the back of the plane.
That’s fine. It was just kind of a forehead-slapping moment for me.
Anyway, sorry the comic is a little bit late. As things are winding down, I’m finding myself more and more enticed by doing larger and larger comics. Six panels here, eight panels there. It kind of adds up in unexpected ways.
I’m planning on living inside this arc for a little while. Tom’s attendance at The Avengers will likely live on the site for the next two months or so. Looks like that won’t be a problem considering the movie did over $207 million in box office over the weekend.
Much like everyone else, Cami and I went to see The Avengers last Friday night. I hadn’t been to a big, popular movie on opening night in a while and immediately wanted to kill all of the teenagers in attendance.
Okay, that’s a generalization. But I definitely wanted to kill the kids sitting behind me. They took up the whole role, shifted around in their seats constantly and Would. Not. Shut. Up.
Waiting for the movie to start, I can hear one of them sitting directly behind me whine “Why did we have to sit behind tall people?!”
Expecting there would probably be a problem later on, I turned around and said, “Hey, I can hear you.”
Sure enough, there was a problem later on.
Look, I don’t have a problem if your loud and rowdy waiting for the movie to start. It’s annoying, but you’re excited. I get it. I don’t even really have a problem if you’re talking through the trailers. Nine times out of ten I’ve already seen them online anyway. But once the opening credits start and you’re still squawking? Then I have a problem.
I think I’ve addressed this on the site before, but I have a three-phase approach to dealing with obnoxious movie goers.
STEP 1: Calmly look over my shoulder, try to catch the offender’s eye to let them know that there are other people present that they are disturbing.
If that doesn’t work, I move on to…
STEP 2: Turn around completely in my seat and stare at the offender until we lock eyes and they know that I am certifiably crazy.
And if that doesn’t get the point across, I jump right to…
STEP 3: Turn around in my seat and tell them at normal conversational volume “SHUT. UP.”
With these goons, I had to employ my three phase technique in the first 15 minutes of the movie. It worked. The girl that wouldn’t stop talking pretty much immediately shot straight up in her seat.
What’s always funny about this is that the people who are talking almost NEVER notice that I’m staring at them until it’s too late. It’s always their friends that notice me first. In this case, this girl’s friends were trying to interrupt her and make her aware that there was a man with blood-red eyes staring holes into the back of their head. But as it goes, these people are typically too self-involved to listen to anything but their own yapping maw.
Incidentally, Cami hates when I do this. She hates confrontation. She saw that I was getting annoyed with these teens before the movie even started and suggested we move elsewhere. I might have entertained the idea if the teens were there first and we sat in front of them. But it was exactly the opposite. We were there first and – as juvenile as it sounds – they invaded our space. I’m not one to retreat in those situations.
Civility in theaters blows and it’s getting worse. I’m not the first one to comment on this. But it sure as hell doesn’t get any better if you quietly slink away from these loudmouths. I pretty much view that as an endorsement of their behavior. Nuh-uh.
Incidentally, there was a family sitting next to us that brought what looked to be a 3 year-old with them. I don’t really have a problem with parents bringing young kids to PG-13 movies. It’s not what I would do, but I’m not in a position to say that’s not what other parents should do.
But what was interesting was that it was the Dad who was kind of out of control. Very loud commentary throughout. Wasn’t annoying, exactly. Just kind of… interesting.
I’ll give you a for instance. There’s a scene in the movie where Captain America (played by Chris Evans) chases after Thor, who has just abducted Loki. The Black Widow (played by Scarlett Johansson) tells Captain America not to go after them – they’re basically gods. Cap responds with the line “Ma’am, there’s only ONE God and he doesn’t dress like that!”
It’s a funny line, ruined somewhat for me when the guy sitting next to me responded “THAT’S RIGHT!”
Nevermind you’re talking at the screen for a minute. Why are you treating it like someone in the movie suggested there WASN’T one God? It made me wonder if – the whole time – he was mad at the idea that Thor and Loki were in the movie. I immediately pegged him as a Glenn Beck fan, or something – looking for an excuse to be offended.
I dunno. People are funny.
You might have noticed that I have spent very little time actually reviewing The Avengers in this space. That’s intentional. I don’t really want to review it. All I can say is, if you haven’t seen it yet, you need to get on it quick.
I actually have to applaud the internet for not dumping a bunch of spoilers leading up to the film. Considering that Europe got The Avengers a full week ahead of the United States, you’d think web sites would be littered with information. But that wasn’t the case. People kept a lid on things – which I think reflects and endorsement toward the quality of the film.
People don’t really have a problem spoiling a movie that sucks. Who cares, right? But if the quality is there, people generally want you to have the same experience they had so you can form a little bond around it. That’s exactly what’s happening with The Avengers.
I can say that The Avengers was everything I wanted it to be. They did a hell of a job juggling the story lines of each of the main characters and it felt very balanced to me. While Robert Downey Jr. tends to get the best lines, The Avengers is not Iron Man 2.5 – it could have very easily been that. It would have made sense to put the other characters in orbit around him. But they didn’t play it that way and the movie is better for it.
Something else I’ll say about the movie is that I loved the fights. I won’t spoil anything except to say that the film does a great job of mixing different characters together in a myriad of different combinations. Some fights you expect to see, others you don’t. But all of them are satisfying.
Last thing I’ll say, there’s a scene in the film where the characters are kind being torn apart at the seams – a lot of interpersonal conflict. There are so many barbs and insults flying back and forth across the room. Everyone gets dealt on by one character or another. Watching made me think that I never want to get into an argument with Joss Whedon, ever. He’s kind of a master at a withering put-down.
So that’s it. Go see The Avengers and expect more adventures with Cardboard Iron Man in the coming weeks!
Like this comic? Share it with your friends using the buttons below! Facebooks, Twitters, Google-y Pluses! Whatevers!
See you soon!
Not much going on in this comic other than Cardboard Iron Man leaping into action!
I’ll admit it, this is total fan-service. But I had a lot of fun drawing it!
It always surprises me, the reaction that Cardboard Iron Man receives. I’m starting to think there’s a little bit of wish-fulfillment to it. As adults, how much fun would it be to make your own costume out of cardboard and run around town for a while. Pretty fun! Y’know, if it weren’t for EXPECTATIONS and RESPONSIBILITIES.
Anyway, I wish I could take credit for the dramatic pose I drew Cardboard Iron Man in, but it actually comes from a variant cover of Iron Man #14 by Marc Silvestri.
I thought it was important to note that and include the original artwork because it is awesome.
More Cardboard Iron Man and Avengers action coming your way soon. Please share today’s comic with your friends to help spread the word! Use the little buttons below. It makes it easier!
I’m posting this week’s Theater Hopper extraordinarily late on a Tuesday evening. I actually finished the comic late Monday night, but didn’t have a blog ready. I presumed it would have gone live this morning, but I woke up with what could only be described as “crippling nausea.” I don’t know what it was, but it was enough to put me down for the count on Tuesday. I spent most of the day slipping in an out of consciousness.
I’m much better now, thank you – although still a little foggy. A 24-hour bug, I presume. I’m looking forward to getting up on Wednesday morning and kicking ass again.
I don’t get sick very often, but when I do, it’s debilitating to me. I think because I don’t get sick very often, I assume I can’t get sick. That’s kind of a ridiculous way to operate.
Certainly since having kids, I’ve been sick more frequently. Nothing serious. The odd cold here, a sniffle there. Pearl has been wrestling with an ear infection, which is where I’m sure I picked up my bug. Fun times!
Anyway, let’s talk about the comic! Sexy, no? The first time Cami appeared as the Black Widow in this comic from 2010, I proved very popular. So, like the hustler I am, I decided to up the ante a little bit. Yeah, maybe it’s a little salacious. But I’m putting a ribbon on this in August. What do I care, right?
Actually, considering how well the splash page of Cardboard Iron Man turned out last week, I thought it was only fair to give Cami as Black Widow something with a similar impact. I’m really happy with how the artwork turned out! It might be fun to make mini-posters of these, or something. We’ll see!
I wanted to take this opportunity to let you know that I will be attending the Midwest Comic Book Association’s Springcon Comic Book Convention this weekend at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds in St. Paul, Minnesota.
This will be my last convention appearance promoting Theater Hopper. It is strangely appropriate because Springcon was the first comic book convention I ever went to back in 2003. I split a table with Mitch Clem from Nothing Nice to Say, Zach Miller from Joe and Monkey and Carrington Vanston from the erstwhile Movie Punks. At that first show, I established friendships that still stand to this day. Who would have guessed (for at least three of us) that webcomics would still be a thing we do to kill time.
I have it on good authority that Zach Miller will be in attendance this year and that newly-minted Minnesotan Gordon McAlpin from Multiplex will be there as well. I’m thrilled that I get to see them again on my last lap around the convention circuit (even IF I just saw Gordon a few months ago in Seattle).
I was actually very much surprised to learn that Mitch Clem will be there as well! For those of you who follow him, you know he’s living in Texas these days. But as it worked out, he’ll be in Minneapolis this weekend and splitting a table with Zach!
I don’t much by in to kismet, but you have to admit there’s something kind of cool about that. I probably haven’t seen Mitch in 5 years. It’s oddly fitting that I get to see him one last time at the convention I kicked things off at.
Anyway, that’s what my weekend looks like. If you’re in the neighborhood, please come by and say “Hi.” I’m selling books and drawing sketches. Mostly I’m just going to soak in what a crazy trip the last 10 years has been…
I will say this… if you’re thinking about buying any Theater Hopper merchandise before it’s all said and done, I’d get on it sooner than later. I’ve already sold out of Large, X-Large and 2X-Large sizes of the popular Spoiler I t-shirt. It’s only a matter of time before the rest of it goes as well!
Remember, buy ANY TWO shirts OR books and get the third one free. It’s a pretty sweet deal, folks. I’d hate for you to miss out on it.
Oh, one last thing, I added a bunch of photos of the sketches I did at Emerald City Comicon a few months ago to this gallery on the Theater Hopper Facebook page. Check them out. I’ll be adding more sketches from C2E2 soon!
That’s all for now! If you could use the little links below to help share the comic (y’know, on account of the lateness) I would appreciate it. Just tell your friends that boobs are involved. I’m sure they’ll want to check it out.
Cardboard Thor! I bet you didn’t see THAT ONE coming, didja?
Well, maybe you did. You guys are a pretty perceptive lot.
Although I’m sure some of you are wondering why Jared didn’t got with Tom and Cami to see The Avengers at the same time. I actually thought up a reason for that. I was going to make a comic about it, but then I realized it wasn’t funny.
Basically, it involved confusion about what time they were supposed to me. Tom said 7:15 and Jared thought it was 8:15. Y’see? Not really funny? Besides, I got the whole “casual conversation inside a burning building joke” done with this comic. No need to drag it out.
I have to apologize for there not being a new comic from me last week. It’s inexcusable, but allow me to explain.
Cami and I went on a little vacation the week before last to Chicago. We got back last Tuesday. Then last Wednesday was July 4. Then I pretty much spent the rest of last week getting caught up on work and life. So, no comic.
I’m starting to wonder if I’m self-sabotaging a little bit. I’ve been producing Theater Hopper almost 10 years and for 98% of that time, I never missed deadlines. If I did, I always made it up with an extra comic or at least a better explanation than “We went on vacation! Hurrr!”
Now that the comic is supposed to be ending in a month, I’m blowing deadlines left and right. It’s not acceptable and it’s not the way I want to go out.
I’ve been trying to hit a Monday deadline each week and that hasn’t been working out so great. The comic ends in a month and I think I have WAY more than 4 comics left in me in order to bring this last story across the finish line.
So here’s the thing: I’m throwing the Monday “deadline” out the window and I’m going to try and update as often as I can leading up to August 6. If I make it to August 6 with the story completely told, that’s great. All’s well that ends well. But if I go a little long… well, there are worse things that can happen, right?
The point is, from today forward, be sure to check the site frequently. With any luck, updates are going to be coming a lot faster. And don’t forget the guest strips I’ll be tossing in from time to time!
By the way, if you still want to get in on that action, I’m still accepting guest strips. Feel free to e-mail me what you’ve got to and help me send Theater Hopper out in style!
In the meantime, make sure you don’t miss an update by following me on Twitter or Facebook. I know that sounds a little counter-intuitive since I’m ending the comic soon, but I intend to keep updating those accounts.
The Twitter account is my “main” Twitter account anyway and I’m pretty likely to continue sharing movie news, thoughts and reactions on the Facebook page.
That’s it for now. Thanks for your patience and I hope you enjoyed the comic!
I don’t know about you, but I’m kind of eager to get Tom, Jared and Cami out of that burning theater. Not just because they’re my characters, or whatever. But because I’m sick to death of fire, smoke and lighting effects! I takes a fortnight to put these comics together!
I’m not kidding, people. I’ve been working on this comic in fits and starts since Thursday. I hope it shows, but I honestly can’t tell anymore.
I’ve had a few people ask me if we’d get another chance to see Truman again before the comic ended. This comic is my response to that.
Is it unreasonable to assume that a dog can dress himself in a Hawkeye costume, learn archery and saves three people? No less unreasonable than a dog who can fly a bi-plane.
That Truman. He’s full of secret talents.
After today, things will start winding down for the comic in earnest. I’ve got the last few strips plotted out. Maybe 5 or 6 left. Depends how desperately I cling to them. Next week was SUPPOSED to be the last comic. That’s not happening because I didn’t plan things out right. But that’s okay. Consider it bonus material.
I just thoroughly bummed myself out. I think I’m going to leave it there.
But, hey! Dog in a Hawkeye costume! Nothing more adorable than that!
See you in a week or so!