I realize that today’s comic kind of lays the melodrama on kind of thick. But I thought to myself about how high the stakes were for me personally and for my comic avatar for Iron Man to be a success. Considering the challenges I put him through in order to see the movie, I thought some sort of crecendo – some sort of resolution was in order.
If it helps any to explain it, I was listening to Nine Inch Nails’ “Leaving Hope” a lot while I was drawing this. I don’t know.
I talked about this a little bit during The Triple Feature talkcast on Monday night, but more than anything, I was just happy that Iron Man was a quality film and not some steaming pile like Ghost Rider. I really pinned a lot of my hopes on this movie – which is sort of unlike me.
After doing this comic for nearly 6 years, you kind of become jaded to the process. You do your research and familiarize yourself with upcoming movies. You digest the rumors and the spin… the wild conjecture. You run all of this past your filter for months on end before ever seeing one frame of celluloid. Does anyone remember a time when they walked into a movie blind? Does that even happen anymore unless you’re some kind of hillbilly?
Factoring in all of those distractions, Iron Man still worked exceptionally well for me. It was such a treat. Not only that, but it was a huge weight off of my shoulders. If this movie had been terrible, I would have never heard the end of it. Now only in retrospect do I realize just how far out there I positioned myself.
One of the benefits of being a total nut job is that sometimes you get to meet up with people who share your passions. These were too cool to pass up: Check out the artwork sent to me by a couple of fans who share my love for all things Iron Man.
The first piece comes from a fellow by the name of Nicholas Robert. His Godfather Dan Busha sent it to me. He was a pretty enthusiastic guy! So I would have felt bad ignoring the piece considering the effort Nicholas put into it….
![Iron Chef](/h_mag/Image/IronChef.jpg)
Oh, how I enjoy a delicious pun!
The second piece comes from Locke from the webcomic What Happens Next. I about peed myself when I saw this – I think it’s totally brilliant. Not only did Locke capture the armor design perfectly, but I just love the expression on Tom’s face.
![Iron Man fan art, What Happens Next, webcomic, Locke](/h_mag/Image/whncomic.jpg)
Why can’t reality be more like this drawing?
At any rate, I thought you guys would get a kick out of those. I hope you enjoyed them.
Not much else from me this afternoon. Just kind of plugging away, working on a couple of secret projects. I wish I could tell you about them, but you know how it goes!
Take it easy. Have a great Wednesday
Sorry for the delay putting today’s comic on the site this morning. I stayed up late working on it before having to get up early this morning to take Henry into surgery and I didn’t have time to write the blog.
Don’t worry. Henry is fine. They just put tubes in his ears to help drain his chronic ear infections. They also removed his adenoids to help lessen the blockage he experiences when he gets a cold.
It’s amazing how fast the whole thing goes down. We took him in at 6:30 this morning and we were out of there by 8:30. It takes more time to get him processed, admitted and discharged than it does to perform the surgery!
At any rate, we’re home now. Henry is sitting next to me as I type this. He’s eaten his second banana. He’s a trooper.
As far as the comic goes, I’m pretty happy with it. Clearly, I’m not a woman, but I think the strip has some funny things to say about women. If I’m wrong, tell me in the comments. I invite your criticism!
I’m sorry, but Bride Wars looks like the very worst of every terrible chick flick cliche on the books. But what I think I find most insulting about it is how clearly it telegraphs it’s ending.
In case you don’t know the plot, two friends get engaged and book their weddings at The Plaza Hotel in New York. A clerical error results in their weddings being booked on the same day thus forcing one of the brides to abandon their dream wedding.
I think you would have to be pretty blind not to see the ending to this thing a mile off. Can you say “double wedding?” It’s the only way the at-war former best friends can reconcile their differences.
To their credit, the screenwriters address the obviousness of this when one of the character mentions a double wedding to Kate Hudson’s character. “A double wedding? No! What are we – 40 year-old twins?” she barks. I’d like to think that they found a more creative solution, but I don’t see that in the cards.
What if the screenwriters did something completely revolutionary for a chick flick and abstained from the happy ending. What if one of the brides has her wedding at The Plaza, the other doesn’t and the friendship is irrevocably broken? They never speak again… CREDITS! What if the grooms left them at the alter to teach them a lesson about their superficial ways? What if the grooms marry each other in Massachusetts?
But no one ever listens to my ideas…
What do you think about Bride Wars ? Do you think it will be as bad as I’ve predicted or do you think there is an appreciative demographic for the film? If it is a chick flick that caterers to all that is catty and superficial about women, is that any worse than a film like Punisher: War Zone which appeals to the nihilistic and violent nature of men? Are these films two sides of the same “lowest common denominator” coin?
Please keep in mind that I went to Punisher: War Zone on opening weekend like a dolt, so I’m fully willing to turn a critical eye on myself.
Leave your thoughts in the comments below! Otherwise, I’ll see you here on Monday! Have a great weekend!
I’m uploading this comic crazy late on Friday night, but I wanted to get it up there before the weekend.
Yeah, I know that this comic is totally schmaltzy. But I felt since I had been building up the pregnancy question throughout this entire year-long arc, it was important for there to be that confirmation and pause to celebrate.
Frankly, I’m finding it hard to put my sentimentality in my back pocket as we’re rocketing toward the end of the comic on Monday. I can’t believe it’s actually happening.
I had to kind of force myself to do it, you know – end the comic. 2012 is creeping to a close and it just sounded profoundly lame for me to stretch out this conclusion into 2013. But as lame as I found it, I could easily see ways I could have made excuses for myself and keep the comics going.
But facts are facts. I can’t do that to these characters, to you readers or to myself.
This entire year has been about the long, slow process of letting go – both for yours and my benefit. I guess with the crush of the holidays weighing on my shoulders, I haven’t been able to look back and take stock of the last year like I wanted to. I’m feeling a little rushed, to be quite honest. I don’t know if that’s good or bad. In some ways it feels like the tearing off of the bandage that I wanted to avoid all year. I wanted things to be peaceful. Instead I feel like I’m driving a car without brakes.
It will all be over soon – and I’ll be okay with that. It hurts now, but it’s the right thing to do. In the very least, I’m confident that I’ve gone about it the right way.
Thanks for putting up with all of the “flying by the seat of my pants” antics the last few weeks as I bring the comic to a close. I hope you’re not feeling as hurried as I do. I swear I’m not trying to push these characters out the door.
If anything, I feel like I’m clutching their pants cuffs and they’re dragging me out the door with them.
See you Monday.