September 5th, 2003 | by Tom

(10 votes, average: 5.40 out of 10)
Cami actually suggested seeing Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star this week. She caught me at a moment of weakness. After a difficult week, I considered it. I could use a goofy break.
But then I took a closer look at the premise. Basically, it’s just Joe Dirt without the mullet.
I don’t know what went wrong with David Spade. I used to be a big fan of his acerbic wit and zingers. But it’s probably been difficult to maintain that smarmy character without getting slugged in the street.
I think a lot of Spade’s potency was lost when Chris Farley overdosed. Spade’s piercing put-downs were a perfect counter balance to the Farley buoyant spirit. Without him, Spade is slowly counting down the hours until he’s the lower left celebrity on Hollywood Squares. He knows it and he knows we know it. Dickie Roberts is the celluloid proof. It’s littered with cameos from former child stars and has-beens. Hasn’t Spade heard the superstition about the company you keep?
Frankly, I think I’m going to save my movie-going dollar for next week. From the looks of it, a metric ton of worthy cinema will be displayed on screen. Once Upon A Time In Mexico, Matchstick Men and American Splendor among them.
Did all of Hollywood agree to finally glut the googleplex with watchable product all on the same day?
I hate to keep picking on David Spade, but since the debut of Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star, there has just been too much delicious Spade-related news items to pass up.
As you may have heard, Dickie was number one at the box office over the weekend. But did you know it’d didn’t earn as much as the studio originally estimated?
So instead of the $7 million they said it raked in, it actually made $6.7 million. That means it bested the number 2 movie – Jeepers Creepers 2 – by less than $100,000.
On top of it all, Paramount Pictures and Happy Madison Productions (Adam Sandler’s shingle) are being sued by Wham-O! – the company that manufactures the Slip N’ Slide. According to them, Spade uses the summertime staple in a dangerous way and that could leave the company libel to lawsuits if any morons decide to follow suit. They also charge the filmmakers violated its trademark by using the product without permission.
Read this article at CNN for the whole story.
In other news, Spade is gathering up all his former child star cronies to do a week on Hollywood Squares to promote the movie.
I just leave that one hanging out there for a minute.
Anyway, enough Spade bashing. Onto some site news.
Some of you may have noticed the site has been running slow the last couple of days. Unfortunately that was due to some hosting problems our crew over at Dayfree Press was experiencing. Those little banners on the left hand side and bottom of the site are hosted on their end and it was slowing things down a bit. Things should be up to speed now, but let me know if you run into any more slowdown.
Also, I’ve finished inking my SECOND POSTER that I will be selling on the site soon.
I won’t reveal the design until later, but I’m thinking of debuting them at the Minneapolis Fallcon (WHICH I WILL BE ATTENDING OCT 4,5). So if you’re in the area, you’ll get first dibs.
That’s about all that’s going on in my life right now. I’ll update you if there is more to tell later!
April 7th, 2006 | by Tom

(4 votes, average: 8.75 out of 10)
The David Spade voodoo doll has shown up once before. It appeared to be more effictive back in the day. Or maybe Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star was just an easier target to hit. In either case, Jared and Tom aren’t fans. Their dislike of Spade hasn’t reached Ben Affleck proportions. Spade is less visible and therefore less likely to draw their ire. But every once and a while, he drops a stinking, festering turd of a movie like The Benchwarmers into theaters and the simply have to respond! Deep six your own career, we don’t care. Having Rob Schnider along for the ride is kind of like setting a deck fire on the Titanic. Who’s gonna notice? But for the love of all that’s holy, don’t take Jon Heder down with you! He’s young and impressionable! He doesn’t know any better!
The weird thing about Spade is that he seems to have unbelievable luck. The Showbiz Show gets picked up for a second season and apparently he’s been seen making out with Heather Locklear? Uh, okay?
Not much more to say today except I’ll be putting the finishing touches on the Theater Hopper: Year One book this weekend. I need to go into the office this weekend to tweak the layout. Originally the pages were supposed to be 6 x 8.25" – but then I started getting bids from the printers. I was told that 6 x 9" was actually a more standard size and would be cheaper to produce. So I have about 200 pages to touch up Saturday morning. I don’t think it will take too long.
I’ve really been spending a lot of time on the cover trying to get the coloring right. It’s turning out well and I’m almost done. I’m thinking about offering a free poster of the book cover artwork for pre-orders. If that sounds good to you, let me know.
I don’t have the money up front to pay for the costs of the books. But if I can secure pre-orders, I’ll have the cash I need to put things into production! I’m talking about it now, so start saving up your cash. I’ve put a lot of effort into making the book as thorough as possible by providing commentary on the strips you don’t see on the site. It’ll have all the guest strips and crossovers from the first year as well. I’m really excited to get this thing off the ground!
Anyway, that’s it for now. I hope you all have a great weekend!