Typically this is the time and place where I welcome you back from the weekend and talk about today comic.
Today, that is unnecessary. Today I only want to talk about one thing – THIS!…
That is the full cover to "Theater Hopper: Year One" – my very first book. Either click on the image or click here. In either case, you will be taken to the page where you can place your pre-order!
Ladies and gentlemen, we’re in full swing!
This has been a long time coming for me. I’ve been wanting to do a book since probably 2003, but I didn’t know how to do it. Eventually, I asked around about the process, figured out what vendors to go to, made a schedule for myself and stuck to it. Lo and behold, the book is ready for you to buy.
This last week where I’ve been building it up has been sheer torture for me. I’m really excited for you guys to see what I’ve put together and I just wanted to get it out there! But at the same time, I think it was a good idea to tease it a little bit so you knew what was coming down the line. Hopefully, you’re as excited about it as I am!
Don’t forget about the street team! Be sure to tell as many of your friends as possible about the book and get them to place an order. Keep your eyes on the prize! If you get 5 people to order a book along with you, I’ll send you a $20 gift certificate to Fandango.com! The first 25 readers to complete the task will also win a Theater Hopper t-shirt.
As always, be sure to check out the street team page for talking points and the four-page preview. I’m going to start tossing in banner ads this week for you guys to help spread around for me.
I think there would be nothing greater than if we could really get this pre-order period off on the right foot. And if we could gather all of the orders we need and raise the nessecary funds for the printer by this week, I would be thrilled!
So if you’re thinking at all about buying this book – this wonderful, 200 page, full-color book with exclusive commentary from yours truly… commentary you won’t find anywhere else! – do the right thing and place your order this week. Don’t wait. Do it now. The faster you order, the faster we can get your book to you!
As always, if you have any questions, please contact me at theaterhopper@hotmail.com.
I appreciate everyone’s support. This is a very exciting day! Thank you for helping to make it happen!
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I just wanted to send a shout-out to the people who have been helping me to promote the book today. As you can imagine, it’s been nerve-wracking trying to guess what the resonse will be. These stand up guys have really done a great job helping to spread the word.
First, thanks to Tim from Ctrl+Alt+Del. The number of hits he’s been sending my way are STAGGERING. I think Tim linked to me once a long time ago after I did a guest strip for him. I thought those numbers were impressive. Let’s just say he’s doing pretty well these days. You never really have a concept of how popular your contemporaries are until you’re linked by them.
At any rate, if you’re new to the site, welcome. I think you’ll find a lot of great stuff here if you’re into movies. Be sure to play around with the archive search function. Type in whatever you can think of. You’ll be surprised with some of the results it returns.
Oh, and if you have some extra money to throw around, don’t forget to pre-order a book!
I also want give thanks to Joe Dunn for a very nice write-up over at Joe Loves Crappy Movies. It means a lot.
Also Web Comics in Print gave us a plug as well as the consistently Bigger Than Cheeses – which has been on quite the roll lately, I must say!
Anyway, thanks to you all!
Some other news: I’ve installed a couple of book-related graphics between the comic and the blog. One of them is a reminder for you to take advantage of our street team offer. The other is a gauge that roughly shows you how far we need to go on the pre-order front before we have the funds needed to send the whole thing off to the printer.
Today was a good day. We’re a little less than one-tenth of the way to our goal. That’s very respectable – but I’d like to make sure we keep going strong! So if you’re thinking about pre-ordering, don’t wait! We need your support! Be sure to tell all your friends as well. Spread the news around the internet. Tell people about the book in the forum communities you visit or on your LiveJournal friends pages.
On average, there about 6,000 of you who check the site daily. If every one of you told a friend about Theater Hopper and what we’re doing with the book, that’s excellent word of mouth! You CAN make a difference!
Thanks again to everyone for their support! Launching this initiative has really shown me how tight the community is and how many great friends I’ve made doing this. I consider myself exceptionally lucky.
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