Today’s buzzComix incentive sketch is kind of a continuation of today’s comic. Click here for a Godfather-esque homage for the 21st century…
Speaking of The Godfather – Marlon Brando, R.I.P.
If you’ve been keeping up, you know that a complete bastardization of Arthurian legend is being dumped into theaters today. You can thank producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Antoine Fuqua for that. From everything I’ve read, the basically took the story of King Arthur, stripped it of it’s mysticism and tried to root it in historical events. About 1,000 years ago when the Roman empire collapsed, to be exact.
What’s the fun in that? You may as well just call it “Medieval Battle: The Movie”. I’m not interested in seeing King Arthur one iota. I don’t care if you dress Keira Knightley in a couple of leather straps and force her to pretend that’s a reasonable wardrobe choice. I’m not going.
I mentioned Monday that I had a bit of “world-shaking” news. I hope your sitting down when you’re reading this. Things are about to get a little weird.
Okay, so last Saturday, I went to my comic book store to pick up my regular stack of books. I cracked open a copy of Amazing Spider-Man #509 when I stumble onto page 5 and encounter something unusual.
Remember that poster I made with Mitch Clem, Zach Miller and Carrington Vanston as a one-of-a-kind commemorative collectors item? A means to celebrate our collective presence at the Minneapolis FallCon last October?
Well, in the background of Amazing Spider-Man #509, page 5… you can see our poster.
I’ve been sitting on this information since Saturday (even though people in the THorum have known about it for a while) because I wanted to wait until after the holiday when readership would be higher.
I’m trying to figure out a way to contact the new ASM artist Mike Deodato, but his official web site is in Portugese! Even after translating it, the e-mail form you can use to contact him doesn’t work!
I have a few alternate leads, but if anyone has suggestions about how I can reach Mr. Deodato, please forward them here. I just want to ask him a few questions and find out where he learned about our poster.
I don’t want to give anyone the impression that I’m unhappy about this. That’s the furthest thing from the truth!
The truth is, I’m excited beyond compare. I can’t believe that something I had a hand in creating managed to find its way – however indirectly – into the pages of one of the best selling comic books of all time!
I have some other news items, but nothing pressing. I know what I’ve put out there is a lot to absorb, so I’ll just leave things at that for now.
Be sure to keep checking the site for updates of this whole saga! I’ll post everything I learn here!
Real quick, everyone needs to visit the site of our latest advertiser JDizzle Comics.
Creator Jim Duncan was out of the game for a while, but now he’s back with a vengence. Show him some love! He writes some funny stuff!
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Hey, gang! To pile good news onto MORE good news, it looks like Theater Hopper has been nominated for “Outstanding Environment” by the good people sponsoring the buzzAwards. According to them “[Theater Hopper was] deemed to have clean and organized webpages, easily navigated archives, involved and engaging authors, punctuality, and clever and intriguing bonus items.”
Can’t argue with them there. Who WOULDN’T be involved or engaged with an audience as awesome as this one?
Voting has been turned over to those that know best – the readers! So if you feel like supporting Theater Hopper, click here to enter the voting booth.
Votes are tabulated by what looks like a special forum. So in order to cast your ballot, you’ll probably need to register first.
Thanks again to everyone who supports Theater Hopper! I can’t do this without you!
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