April 26th, 2005 | by Tom- Comics »
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- Guest Strip

(8 votes, average: 5.50 out of 10)
Chris is maybe jumping the gun just a little with his Dukes of Hazzard comic – The movie starring Johnny Knoxville, Sean Williams Scott, Jessica Simpson, and Willie Nelson (!) doesn’t launch itself into theaters until August 5 – but I don’t care for two reasons:
1. Any Dukes of Hazzard joke is okay in my book. The television show was high camp at its finest. Just thinking about it brings a grin to my ear.
2. Chris’s writing and illustration is so sharp, it’s like someone delicately painted my eyes with some sort of liquid happiness. Possibly LSD. I can’t be sure. Just look at that rendering of the General Lee. But a beauty to behold!
I think it’s criminal that Please Rewind does not get the recognition it deserves – especially considering Chris’s pedigree with The Asylumantics.
If you’re already reading his comics, then you are extremely switched on and I am preaching to the choir. But if you’re not, then you are doing yourself a grand disservice. Anyone who likes Theater Hopper will find more than enough to love in Please Rewind. The characterization is top notch.
That said, I hope you enjoy my rendering of his characters in my buzzComix incentive sketch. Vote for Theater Hopper to view it.
Beyond pimping Chris’s work and thanking him profusely, I have little else to say. You might want to click back one day and read the second blog I posted late yesterday afternoon. It has a lot of details you shouldn’t mix.
For example, I’m doing 5 guest comics this week in preparation of unveiling the new site design and marking my return to the comic on Monday, May 2!
Set your watches!
Chris, It’s scary how you knew about that childhood dream. I bet you know about the one where I am smurfette and… what? You…didn’t … know about that one? Everyone loves the General Lee? Aw Crap!
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