I know a lot of you are looking at this latest situation with Cami and Charlie and thinking to yourself “Why couldn’t they just use their cell phones to call for help?”
Well, hold your horses, smarty-pants! I’ll answer that question in a future strip!
In the meantime, I want to take this opportunity to remind everyone that in the telling of the story, I sometimes feel it appropriate to call on the mystical powers of “artistic license”. In other words, blurring the edges around reality a little bit to help progress the narrative.
Trust me, people. The only way I could force Cami and Charlie to confront one another was to stick them in a bathroom with a broken doorknob. YES, I know most movie theater bathrooms don’t have doorknobs. Hence, “artistic license”! See how that works?
Real quick note of movie business before I move on to site business. Does anyone know how the hell Are We There Yet? snagged the number one spot in the box office this weekend? Is Ice Cube REALLY that big of a draw? I don’t know, but any popularity points he racked up with those Barbershop movies have to be spent by now!
Sheesh, America. I mean, I know it was a slow week, but C’MON!…
Anyway, onto site business. I wanted to announce a cool little program I’m introducing that COULD put original Theater Hopper artwork into your hot little hands!
The concept is very simple. If you check The Walk of Fame and scroll down to the bottom of the page, you’ll see that I’ve posted a new desktop wallpaper as incentive for people who donate.
For the sake of argument, let’s say you’re very lazy and just want me to post the picture of the new wallpaper here. Well said:

As you can see, it’s a picture of Cami posed as Jennifer Garner from this month’s Elektra!
The situation is this: You stand a chance of WINNING THE ORIGINAL ARTWORK by giving money to Theater Hopper. Everyone who has given ANY money to Theater Hopper in the month of January will have their name thrown into a hat. One winner will be selected and they will be sent the original artwork, painstakingly drawn and finished with inks on a heavy-duty 11″ x 17″ piece of Bristol board – suitable for framing.
To be eligible for the drawing, donations are not the only method that will put your name in the raffle. Any purchases in the store will also open up the contest to you. Also, anyone who has advertised with the site will also be eligible.
I’m talking ALL forms of payment received by Theater Hopper — the payees are eligible.
Oh, and for those of you who may have bought something or donated to the site this month, don’t worry. This offer is retroactive, so you are currently in the running!
Multiple donations, store or advertising purchases are equivalent to ONE raffle ticket. So if you bought a shirt the first week of January then donated the last week of January, you would have TWO chances to win.
Basically the way I’m running things is by looking at my PayPal records for the month of January and writing down every name I see from January 1st to the 31st.
More succinct rules will be posted to a new page soon, but I wanted to make sure everyone knew about this right now since there is only a week left in the month. Y’see, I wanted to make sure there was artwork for January because this is something I plan on doing EVERY MONTH! So if you don’t win January’s raffle, you still have 11 chances left in the year to take home some ORIGINAL ARTWORK. At the end of the year, I plan on collecting all the color versions for a calendar or some kind of print retrospective for others to purchase. But the original artwork will be yours, all yours!
So anyway, that’s where things stand. If you want your chance to win, donate to the site, purchase something in the store, or buy advertising. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me!