So lately my comics have kind of de-evolved into weird sexual deviancy, haven’t they? I blame these early fall indie films. They all try to be so quirky and idiosyncratic. What with their loose morals!

Oh, who am I kidding. I’m a freak. Lock me up and throw away the key.

Lock me up in the basement, mistress.


Actually, Lars and the Real Girl looks like a real winner to me. Believe it or not, whenever the commercials come on, Cami speaks up immediately and tells me “I want to see that!”

In case you haven’t heard the plot, Ryan Gosling plays a kind of lovable dufus who purchases a very authentic looking sex doll off the internet and tries to pass her off as his girlfriend. It sounds twisted. Kind of like if Jan Brady saw her invention of fake boyfriend George Glass taken to it’s ultimate conclusion. But for Gosling’s character, it’s not about sex or deviancy. It’s about forging a deep emotional connection with someone – something. Sad and pathetic in it’s own way, but also very honest and brave. So, his family and friends indulge him.

I think it’s pretty smart of Gosling to take a role like this. It’s still in that “daring” category that he like to frequent, but it’s less dour and “Serious” with a capital “S” like his roles in Half Nelson or The Believer. Heck, that moustache alone is comedy. Since when did the Burt Reynold’s late 70’s porn ‘stache become instant comedy? For reference, see My Name Is Earl.

I’m going to tell you right now that next week is going to be kind of squirrely for me. My day job is sending me to Chicago for a three day training seminar in ActionScript. I’m looking forward to learning something new, but it’s going to suck to be away from Cami and Henry for so long. Maybe my good friend Gordon from Multiplex will keep me company. We’ve talked about trying to be in the same room together for our weekly broadcast of The Triple Feature.

At any rate, the point is that updates are going to be screwy next week. Because of my responsibilities at home, it’s difficult for me to work ahead. So I don’t have any comics on deck. I’ve sent out a few e-mails asking for guest strips, but I’m having trouble. If anyone thinks they can knock one out of the park, e-mail me before Sunday.

I will mention that next week Robert Rodriguez’s Planet Terror comes out on DVD and I have a review copy sitting on my desk at this very moment. I didin’t get to see Grindhouse in theaters earlier this year and I regret it. But at the same time, I’m a little worried about sitting down and watching Planet Terror because I’m not a big fan of zombie movies or excessive gore. But what I’ve heard from friends is that the gore is so comicly over-the-top, it’s not as bad as I’ve probably built it up in my head. So, with any luck, I’ll sit down this weekend to watch it and have a review for you next Tuesday. If there are no comics, in the very least, you’ll have that.

Oh, and I have another contest lined up next week related to Planet Terror you might be interested in. No, sorry. I don’t have extra copies of the DVD to give out. But I do have something… unique.

See for yourself…

Planet Terror Cherry action figure

Stay tuned for details on how to make this yours.

Have a good weekend everybody!

↓ Transcript
What’s up with this poster for Lars and the Real Girl? It looks weird!

It’s about a guy who buys a sex doll of the internet and tries to pass it off as his girlfriend.


So did they pay you for the rights to your story or do you get some points off the back end?

Ugh. Good bye, Tom

I really wish you would get rid of that damn thing.