Apologies if the site is acting a little funky for you. Apparently, they was a huge uptick in spam activity in the comments section, so our generous hosting server froze the database it was running from. We’re trying to come up with a solution to keep spammers out, but they’re a tricky lot. I don’t know what we have in place is keeping them out. I was going through the archives the other day and my Spider-Man 3 review had something like 1,500 comments behind it!
Does anyone have any ideas on how to keep spammers out? If not, I might have to shelf the comments function, which would REALLY bum me out. Send me an e-mail if you’ve got ideas.
Stuff like this always seems to happen when I’m up to my eyeballs in things that need to be taken care of immediately. I’m trying to keep my focus on Wizard World Chicago at the end of the week and am preparing now for that. But stuff keeps distracting me.
One distraction I look forward to is The Triple Feature talkcast over at TalkShoe each week. If you’re not familiar by now, we broadcast every Monday at 9:00 PM CST. I encourage you to participate in tonight’s show. Joe will be going over his recent trip to San Diego Comic Con, I’ll be talking about Theater Hopper’s 5 year anniversary and, of course, there was a WHOLE SLEW of movies that came out this weekend. Among them The Bourne Ultimatum, which had the highest August opening weekend ever.
So we’ll be talking about that.
See you then!