By the way, I wanted to let everyone know about a guest strip I did over at Filibuster. J.J. was going to be out of town for a few weeks and asked if I could whip something up for him. I don’t mind being a little political from time to time, so I decided to take him up on the opportunity. It has fun with both the Democrats and Republicans, so check it out!
I also wanted to clue everyone in on a t-shirt design I submitted to Threadless. If possible, please vote for my entry. If you could mark the box that says “I’d Buy This” along with a rating of 5, it would really help me out. You can leave comments at the bottom, if you like.
All you have to do is create an account there to vote. It doesn’t cost you anything and it doesn’t commit you to buying the shirt. Threadless just uses the votes to calculate which shirts will be considered for production. If they choose mine, then I get a percentage of every shirt sold. Plus, it would just be really cool!
Thanks to everyone for their support!