Here’s part two of the Star Wars storyline I’m working with this week. I know some of you might be thinking that I’ve overlooked this weeks other high-profile DVD release, but don’t worry. I’ve got a Lord of the Rings joke waiting in the wings for Friday.
Of course, right now I’m in the 9th circle of Hell because I couldn’t run out and get my grubby little mitts on either movie yesterday. This all stems back to the holiday sanctions I mentioned in an earlier blog that prevent me from spending my money all willy-nilly.
Yeah, don’t think it doesn’t tear me up to see a gaggle of grinning jokers on the No Pants Tuesday cam portal page holding up their copies for the world to see.
They’re taunting me. I hate them.
I got a couple of e-mails asking me why I didn’t make some jokes about 8-Mile on Monday. Believe me, I would have liked to, but every treatment I came up with resulted in one of the characters rapping at some point. The fact of the matter is, I’ve got no flow. I could write a rap to save my life. So I just decided to forgo the usual helping of embarrassment and stick to something appropriately geeky.
It was really never a contest. If you’re putting up Star Wars against 8-Mile, it’s kind of obvious who’s going to garner the lion’s share of the attention. I’m just one of “that” generation.
Less is more for Wednesday. I spent too much time coloring the strip. I’m done with looking at it.
He's just showing off with all those details. He even included the knee darts. Meanwhile, I'm stuck wearing a bathrobe with the sleeves cut off.
Hey, pal! Quit daydreaming! Didja hear? We're next.