As part of a promotional effort for X-Men: First Class, 20th Century Fox is making available the cast and filmmakers of the movie to answer questions submitted by fans on Facebook and Twitter.
The campaign officially kicks off on Tuesday, March 1 and fans can direct questions on Twitter to @XMenMovies or post them on the film’s Facebook wall at
Done right, this could be an excellent opportunity to show a little transparency and resolve any skepticism among fans about the franchise’s odd, continuity adverse direction. Done wrong, this could be another shallow, micro-managed and insincere publicity game that ignores the concerns long-time fans have about the silver screen versions of their favorite characters.
If you were to pose a question to the cast and filmmakers of X-Men: First Class, what would it be?
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Nov 2, 2007 | FACEBOOK GROUP |
Feb 16, 2009 | OLD PRO |
People you have NO IDEA how long this joke has been percolating. I think I came up with it months ago – on Twitter, naturally.
I don’t know why, but the term “retweeted” also kind of had this ominous tone to me. This, despite the fact that I seem to spend an inordinate amount of time coming up with pithy one-liners to achieve exactly that designation.
But, y’know, think about it. Big, booming voice like James Earl Jones bellowing at you – “YOU’VE BEEN RETWEETED!” It would kind of shake you up a little, wouldn’t it?
Something else I’ll tell you, figuring out the logo for this fake movie took a lot longer than I thought it would! I guess I’m a stickler for these things. Although, in retrospect, a Twitter bird in a pool of blood is maybe a little on the nose.
And by the way, I’m completely aware of the anachronism of having a girl talk into an phone with a cord on it when I’m proselytizing for a horror movie about technology.
Not much else to say about the comic except that I hope you enjoyed it. But I will bring a couple of other issue to the fore:
- I introduced a couple of new features to the comment area including giving you the ability to give a thumbs up/thumbs down to comments AND uploading images or files into the comment thread. Hopefully this will help promote greater conversation with the comics. Let me know how that works out for you!
- I wanted to remind everyone that you can now buy prints of your favorite Theater Hopper comics. Just look for the “Buy Print” button in the comic navigation to submit your order. All comics are printed on 8.5 x 11″ cardstock and are signed by me. For $5.00 you can have a piece of Theater Hopper mailed to you in a re-enforced envelope. It’s a pretty good deal!
- Lastly, there’s a conversation happening on the Theater Hopper Facebook page that I would like you to participate in. Recently, I got the wild idea to do a children’s book about manners at the movie theater. This project would likely use Theater Hopper characters in a different context and I think the idea has legs. The twist is that the kid already knows how to behave, but comments on the things ADULTS do that are inconsiderate. At any rate, I’d like your feedback on it and if you’re not following Theater Hopper on Facebook, maybe gimme a little “Like” action. We’re 6 followers away from 1,000 and I’d like to pass that mark sometime before I die. You could be a part of history!
Anyway, that’s all I have for right now. Thanks for checking out the comic. Don’t forget the ShareThis plug in at the bottom of the blog to share the comic through your social networks! Facebook it, Twitter it, Google+ it – Heck! Even e-mail it! Everything you do to spread the word helps.
Have a great week everyone!
John Carter comes out next week and I’ve had a hard time giving a hoot. I’ve been reading good things, I’ve heard positive reviews from people who have seen advanced screenings. But I’m not feeling the love and tweeted as much a few days ago…
That’s pretty snarky. And, frankly, kind of mean. But every time I see a commercial on television promoting John Carter, I’m having a hard time finding a reason to care. Watch this TV spot and tell me the movie doesn’t look like a Prince of Persia rehash with about 70% more jumping…
A few days after my original tweet, director Brad Bird (The Iron Giant, The Incredibles) tweeted the following:
For some reason (I don’t know why) I felt compelled to respond:
Things were well and good until Brad Bird responded… and retweeted me.
What happened next was a crazy twit-storm of retweets and replies from people I’ve never heard from and it provided me with an interesting window into the fan reaction to John Carter.
(Incidentally, the story was picked up by IndieWire and I was name-checked, so that was kind of cool.)
There are a lot of people who are really excited about this movie. I think that’s great. I’m glad they’re excited. But there seem to be just as many people out there like me who are confused about what John Carter actually is and and struggling for a reason to care.
Perhaps Disney is seeking to prevent confusion. Writer/Director Andrew Stanton’s resume is alarmingly good. But pretty much everything he’s done is for Pixar. Maybe Disney didn’t want people thinking it was a Pixar movie?
Maybe they thought John Carter as a property was attractive enough on it’s own? Lately I’ve been seeing ads propping the character as “Before Star Wars… Before Avatar… THERE WAS JOHN CARTER.” They then go on to explain that Carter was the character that inspired those franchises.
I guess I kind of have to take your word for it. But that still doesn’t mean you’ve given me a reason to care.
Arguably, you could say the same thing about The Avengers – a movie I’m positively gaga for. If you don’t read comics, you probably don’t have a reason to care, either. I guess it’s all subjective.
I don’t want to be put into the position of arguing that the studios should have to spoon-feed everything to us about their upcoming films. But first impressions count for a lot. So if I’m not seeing anything in the promotion of a film that indicates to me that it might align with my tastes, I’m not going to do any additional leg work to confirm if that’s true or not.
Now, if someone had told me before hand that Andrew Stanton was directing, I might have sat up and took notice. But I still feel like Disney dropped the ball on this one. To a certain degree, the die has already been cast.
Does that mean I won’t see John Carter next weekend? Maybe, maybe not. Disney still has a week left to convince me. And who knows? Maybe some positive reviews will come out between now and then that tips me toward seeing it.
Then again, if Brad Bird telling you the film is awesome doesn’t convince me, I guess I don’t know what would. Call me crazy, but he probably knows what he’s talking about. ;D
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