Supporting Theater Hopper
I’m sure you’re not staying awake at night in sweat-stained sheets wondering “How can I help Tom promote Theater Hopper?” But you’ve ended up on this page either by hook or by crook, so I have to assume you’re somewhat interested in helping to spread the word.
Don’t worry. This list of suggestions is small and practically takes no effort on your part! It’s what we love most about the internet.
- Social bookmarking
If your a fan of social bookmarking, please consider submitting links from Theater Hopper. To make things easier, we’ve added the “Share This” application to the home page. You can find a link to it at the bottom of every blog. Find your favorite comic and submit to the social bookmarking site of your choice. Doing this is the most impactful way you can share Theater Hopper with others and is very much appreciated! - Forums and comments
If you visit sites with a forum or a comment section in their blogs, let them know Theater Hopper exists! If they’re talking about movies and there’s a comic of ours the leaps to mind, tell them about it!I’d do it myself, but they wouldn’t appreciate some loon bombing their communities with spam. But you! You have credibility. If you post a link to Theater Hopper, they’ll think it’s cool and want to check it out because everyone thinks your totally cool. Jenny told me so in home room.
- Buying stuff
This one kind of speaks for itself. - Email the comic to others
You know how your Mom sends you an annoying e-mail whenever she reads Dilbert? Now you can return the favor! Once again, please consult the "Share This" link at the bottom of each blog. There’s a tab labeled "Send/Email." I’m pretty sure you can figure it out from there.
Again, these are just suggestions and certainly not manditory. It’s just our way of getting you to think about a few options that can help Theater Hopper in the long run. If you have suggestions of your own, drop us a line. We’d love to hear them! As always, we appreciate your continued support.