Here’s hoping everyone got a chance to go out and vote yesterday. At least now I can get back to having commercials where used car salesmen yell at me instead of politicians.
And if anyone can help me decipher the difference between those two camps, I’d like to know.
Not much else to say here today. I’m enjoying the current arc if only because I get to draw myself wearing a Spider-Man mask. I used to draw Spider-Man a lot when I was younger. I think there’s a whole box of pictures somewhere in my parents basement full of my Spidey drawings.
Zach over at No Pants Tuesday says I’m missing out on some good stories in the Spider-verse right now. I wouldn’t know. I haven’t read comics in over half a decade. I don’t think I can start again now. That stuff is like crack and I can’t afford it. At least not while I’m nursing this heroin habit.
Just kidding!
Speaking of No Pants Tuesday, it might be fun for you to check out their new web cam page. Yours truly was invited to slap his ugly mug up there to scare the children.
Right now the page seems to be a web-comic creator only affair. In addition to Zach’s pic, you’ll find Carrington from Movie Punks, Aric from Fish Strips and Amber from Go Eat A Spamwich. I’m sure there will be more to come.
Anyway, if you’ve ever wondered what I looked like, now’s your chance to get a good laugh. I used to be really phobic about letting people online know what I looked like. Anymore, I’ve come to realize just how awesome and supportive the online comics community is. I see no reason to hide like some stuck-up techno artist when I already use my real name in my dealings with the public. My true form should be no different.
I guess you can say I’ve grown to trust you. Awww…
It’s kind of funny how time can change your perception of a movie.
When the first National Treasure came out a few years ago, I dismissed it as an American knock off of The DaVinci Code done on the cheap. To me, more notable than the outlandish plot was the excessive and blatant product placement in the film.
But you know how things change. A few years go by, the movie crops up on cable from time to time and you end up watching it. No matter how so-so my reaction to it the first time or how many time I had seen it since, I would always stop what I was doing to watch National Treasure on TV and… I came to like it!
Apparently enough people felt the same way because National Treasure: Book of Secrets is coming out on Friday and it looks like more of the same.
That’s not a left-handed compliment. There’s nothing especially wrong about National Treasure except that its mechanics are somewhat cliché and its ties to actual history are tenuous at best. The further the original film progresses, the further it slides away from reality.
But then again – why not? It captures the imagination in a unique way, recasting history in a way you wish it were. The performances from Nicolas Cage, Sean Bean and Jon Voight are all amiable. It’s really one of the top shelf “B” movies of the last 5 years.
Cami never had a question about her affinity for the original movie. She’s a history buff – specifically Presidential history. So the plot of the second film – a President’s book of secrets that contains all the top secret goodies we’re not supposed to know about – will be too much to pass up. That’s what I love about her. Despite her interest in actual history, she doesn’t find fake history to be a detractor. I think she just likes a good story.
Concerning today’s comic, I don’t know if anyone will find the joke funny except for me. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but Nicolas Cage seems to sport a different hairpiece in every movie and, for me, it’s starting to get distracting.
Obviously I encourage any actor to use whatever tool in their arsenal to inhabit the spirit of the character they’re portraying. If it means gaining 50 pounds or wearing a fake nose, so be it. Similarly, if wigs help you find the essence of the character, go for it.
But Nicolas Cage is the exception to the rule for me mostly because his wig choices are so damn awful. I mean, you can SEE it’s a hairpiece from a mile away and some of them are laughablly stupid.
Ghost Rider, for instance. Or Next. Or The Weather Man.

Some of his hair choices have made more sense. Like the redneck bad ass Cameron Poe in Con Air or the neurotic Charlie Kaufman in Adaptation. But in those roles, he was actually trying to do a little acting. Throwing on an accent or performing in a way contradictory to his usual character. For his more recent action fare, he’s pretty much been playing Nicolas Cage. If that’s the case, why would you go out of your way to look weird?
I don’t know. Maybe it’s just me.
Be sure to tune in tonight for another live broadcast of The Triple Feature talkcast over at Tonight we’ll be talking about I Am Legend and it’s record-breaking box office win this weekend. We hit the air at 9:00 PM CST. Be there!
That’s it. I’ve official flown off the reservation. Once you start making Prince Valiant references, there’s really no going back. Relevancy is out the window.
What’s next? Cracking jokes at the expense of the Texaco Star Theater?
Yup, I’m just digging a deeper hole.
Maybe it’s appropriate that I’m making cracks like these on a Leap Year. You’re not going to read lame one-liners like these for another four years! Scout’s honor! I’d probably be better off making jokes about Semi-Pro since it comes out today. But I kind of blew my chance by making fun of it last week.
Much has been made of Javier Bardem’s haircut in No Country For Old Men. Apparantly the Coen Brothers saddled Bardem with the unfortunate look after stumbling across a photo of a brothel patron from 1979. What I wouldn’t give to see that original photograph. I’d love to meet the man that walked around with that haircut sincerely. You know at some point in his life when he was sporting that look, he’d glance at himself in the mirror before leaving that day thinking, “I look gooooood!”
Poor, poor soul. The brothel patronage is starting to make sense.
Not much else to report at the moment except that (as previously mentioned) I have my eyes on Semi-Pro this weekend. Yeah, it’s like, the umpteenth dumb sports comedy starring Will Ferrell. But I’m still excited for it.
Actually, I just saw a trailer for another movie he’s in this summer with John C. Reily called Step Brothers. It speaks a little more to my sensibilities since, y’know… I don’t like sports. So I have to look foward to in case Semi-Pro bombs.
We have some friends coming into town this weekend who’ve expressed an interest in seeing Be Kind, Rewind. I’m not against the idea, even though I’ve heard the ending kind of falls flat. I probably wouldn’t have an excuse to see it otherwise.
Oh – last thing… Did you guys watch Lost last night? Did you happen to see the new trailer for a certain Golden Avenger? A totally EXCELLENT new trailer for Iron Man hit the airwaves last night and the internet soon thereafter. This is the superhero movie to beat this summer, if you ask me. Move over Hulk. Step aside Batman. Tony Stark is going to hand you your asses. “Talk to the repulsor, cuz the face don’t want to hear it!”
Then again, I might be a little biased…
This is about one-fifth of my total Iron Man figure collection. If the photos from the 2008 Toy Fair are any indication, I’ll be adding to it very soon! Guess who’ll I’ll be going as for Halloween!
Have a great weekend! See you here on Monday!