Posts Tagged ‘soon’
2 items.
Blog will be here later this morning. I burned too much lean tissue trying to render the background and the little newspaper dispenser in the computer. I didn’t have enough time yesterday evening to draw them “long hand.”
See you soon!
May 18, 2005 | BLOG SOON |
Jun 30, 2003 | A MAN OF WEALTH AND FAME |
May 4, 2005 | COMMENTARY LATER |
Jun 23, 2005 | BLOG SOON |
Oct 31, 2005 | SO LITTLE WORDS |
Be sure to come back later this morning for a detailed blog discussing Batman Begins – released today! – as well as some original art I’ve placed up for auction on eBay.
No linky for you just yet! But if you were a member of our mailing list, you would have known about it already! Now might be a good time to sign up so you have the inside track on these things!
Sign up using the form to the right of the blog if you’re interested on receiving direction communication from me in the future!
Apr 16, 2007 | ANOTHER FAVOR TO ASK |
Nov 30, 2005 | BIG AUCTION! |