February 23rd, 2004 | by Tom

(9 votes, average: 5.56 out of 10)
Our beagle Truman celebrated his 2nd birthday yesterday. To commemorate the event, I drew a little portrait of him you can sneak a peek of by voting for Theater Hopper at BuzzComix.
I didn’t get around to seeing any movies this weekend, but I’m not feeling too bad about it. I’m sure Cami and I will make another run through the theaters to catch up with all of the Oscar nominated films they’ll be handing out awards to on next Sunday.
This weekend was all about Sex in the City at my house. I know it’s a television show and not a movie, but once your cultural radar has been saturated with one kind of news story, it’s hard to make room for anything else. I can’t tell you how many articles I’ve come across hailing Sex in the City as the show that changed the television landscape. Cut me some slack. They’ll make a make a movie of it eventually.
I think it’s inherently difficult for those of the XY chromosome persuasion to fully grasp the importance of the show for the fairer sex. Just chalk it up on the list of other things we don’t understand about women.
For example, Cami and I gathered with a bunch of friends tonight to watch the finale. Right now, Cami is in bed watching a rerun of the show that was just on a few hours ago. I guess I have no room to be harsh. I’ll watch the same Simpsons episode on an infinite loop – even the unfunny ones.
I have to admit, as far as final episodes go, it was very fulfilling. Much higher on my list than, say, Seinfield. I’m sure it will be more emotional resonant than the maple syrup fest that will be the Friends finale in a couple of weeks.
Anyway, that’s all I have for now. Sorry I don’t have more movie news. But when you’re staring down the barrel of a weekend where Ray Romano and Lindsay Lohan are your only two options for new cinema experiences, you’d turn to television, too.
I didn’t get a chance to see Sex and The City: The Movie this weekend and I’m actually kind of bummed.
I know, I know. I’m turning in my membership card to the He-Man Women Hatin’ Club later this afternoon.
It was just one of those things we couldn’t work out this weekend. Cami was a little under the weather and we were just running in too many directions at once.
TO MY CREDIT… I asked Cami at least three time over the weekend if she still wanted to see the movie. I offered suggestions to what we could do with Henry. Take him to her Mom’s house, put him to bed and have her sister babysit, leave Truman to watch over him…
Fact of the matter was, she just wasn’t feeling well and went to bed about 8:00 PM on both Saturday and Sunday. Drag.
People are talking about the box office SaTC pulled down over the weekend. Almost $56 million, making it the largest opening for a R-rated comedy ever. I would think this would ensure a sequel. Especially considering the television show went off the air over four years ago. It’s really quite impressive.
My sister-in-law tried to see the movie on Friday and told us that the first three showings were sold out. When they finally got tickets, she talked about all of the women that went to the theater “in costume” – dressed to the nines in their fanciest clothes and shoes. Women who had their hair done up like it was a black-tie ball for the movie.
I turned to Cami and said “See! Girls will geek out for the right stuff if prompted!”
My sister-in-law also told us that she saw only one or two guys in a sold out theater and that was the inspiration for this comic.
At any rate, with Cami all riled up with her sister’s positive feedback, I think we’re in position to see Sex and The City sometime tomorrow evening. I’ll be sure to let you know what I think on Wednesday.
If you have opinions about Sex and The City: The Movie, be sure to tune in to The Triple Feature podcast tonight at 9:00 PM CST at TalkShoe.com. I know Joe saw the movie, although Gordon flat-out refused. No worries. Gordon said he would check out The Strangers instead.
As for me? Well, I watched an advanced copy of the new Futurama straight-to-DVD movie – The Beast With A Billion Backs. So if you’re looking for some head’s up on that, tune in for the scoop! I might try to post a full review here on the site tomorrow. So be on the lookout for that.
Sorry for the delay with the blog post this morning. There was something I accidentally uploaded to the comic images folder on the server that made the archive system go ker-flooey! Man, I can’t wait to make the switch to WordPress…
I realize that today’s comic probably would have went better with yesterday’s blog post. Or at least the second half of that blog post where I discussed how Universal was giving away the cow with the milk by showing our man with the plan – Tony Stark – in the opening seconds of it’s latest round of television spots.
Oh, well. No time like the present, right?
I am amazed at the marketing blitz currently going on for The Incredible Hulk right now. Frankly, I’m worried that it’s too much. I can’t turn my head without running into a commercial for it and it feels like every commercial I see has some kind of new footage.
As I mentioned yesterday, early reviews are coming back strong. Some saying it’s just as good as Iron Man. I’m excited to see the movie, but skeptical. Oh, Ang Lee! Why did you have to mute my expectations with your bland 2003 interpretation?!
Actually, I’m sure that’s exactly the reason we’re seeing so much coverage in the days leading up to the film’s release. It’s basically the marketers saying “Look, we know you weren’t pleased with the first movie and a franchise reboot 5 years after the original does seem a little soon… but look! Iron Man is in it and there’s going to be a lot of punching and kicking! Holy crap! Did you just see Edward Norton’s shoulder pop out of his socket?! Cool, huh?”
My partner in crime Joe Dunn mentioned Monday night during our recording of The Triple Feature podcast that he thought it was a little bit of a bait-and-switch to show Iron Man in the commercials for The Incredible Hulk. His assertion is that Iron Man isn’t going toe-to-toe with ol’ Jade Jaws and the less educated members of the audience might feel cheated.
Personally, I tihnk that’s kind of a leap. I mean, if the trailers had Iron Man flying around in his armor, that would be one thing. But having Tony Stark show up in a suit to talk to Thunderbolt Ross over drinks doesn’t imply anything.
:: Please take a moment to go outside and get some air if you find the ambient geekiness overwhelming ::
Any way you slice it, I’m officially on board for this movie now and I’m really looking forward to the midnight test screening I get to go to tomorrow. (I have to keep mentioning that because it makes me special.)
I’m a little worried that I won’t be able to stay awake, though. Recently, I’ve started working out 6 times a week for the first time in over a year. I was doing pretty well taking care of myself in 2005 and 2006. But after Henry was born, I completely fell off the wagon and gained back all of the weight I lost. So I’m participating in an intense 10-week exercise program to get me back on track.
I work out every night at 7:30 and come home shuffling around like Frankenstein. Last night I struggled to finish the comic before going to bed around 12:30 am – and that’s typically early for me.
On Thursday, I have to get the comic done by 11:30 to be out the door in time for the test screening. Then I’ll be up, watching the movie until probably about 2:30 am before coming home, sleeping for 3 hours and getting up for work at 6:00. I haven’t been to a
midnight screening since Star Wars – Episode III and that nearly wrecked me.
The things I do for the movies.
That’s it for me! Have a great Wednesday, everyone!
September 25th, 2008 | by Tom

(6 votes, average: 2.83 out of 10)
Clear in my understanding that I am not a member of the targeted demo for Sex and the City: The Movie (on DVD September 23), I decided to do something a little unconventional and interivew my wife Cami and ask her questions about the film.
I concede that I show a little bit of bias in my line of questioning, but at least you’re getting a rebuttal from a fan of the series and not a concentrated blast of cynicism on my part. Frankly, I think Cami handles herself quite well as you can read for yourself below…
Tom Brazelton: What is it that you like about Sex and the City?
Cami Brazelton: The clothes, the “love conquers allness” of it all, the NYC backdrop….It’s an escape from my drab Iowa life in these harsh economic times.
TB: Did you feel the movie was a fair continuation of the television show?
CB: In a lot of ways I enjoyed the series finale better—it provided all the closure that I needed on the TV show in a magical, fairy tale sort of way. This was a nice revisit, but not at all necessary for me as a fan.
TB: What was your favorite part about the movie?
CB: When Charlotte poops her pants, of course!
TB: What was your least favorite part about the movie?
CB: Seeing SJP with no makeup in the scene where she’s in Mexico looking in the mirror. Scary!
TB: Do you feel the movie betrayed the show’s original concept by having Carrie marry Mr. Big and and accepting the “dowry” of a fabulous shoe closet?
CB: No…although the series touted the “women behaving as men” theme, the Carrie character always seemed a bit outside of that—she tended to prefer monogamous long=term relationships–Big, Aiden, Aleksandr Petrovsky. As a fan, you always knew that Carrie wanted commitment…she wanted to walk down the aisle one day and you knew that the only man that she would consider marrying was Big.
TB: Did you feel the promotion of Jennifer Hudson’s character was warranted when it came at the expense of established characters like Charlotte’s husband played by Evan Handler?
CB: Given that Jennifer Hudson’s performance was fresh, fun and a great way to balance the heaviness of the Carrie character, I was OK with the little we saw of Charlotte’s husband. The series probably explored the extent of the character: Jewish, lawer, loving husband and father.
TB: Considering the box office sucess of the film, would you watch a movie sequel? How do you feel about the movie’s conclusion celebrating Samantha’s 50th birthday and the women toasting “the next 50?”
CB: How else would it end?
What would the sequel be about? Carrie and Big having a child? Charlotte raising her daughters? Miranda still being a workaholic? I think a sequel would be boring and utterly predictable. I was fine with the ending…it shows that their friendship will endure for 50 more years.
TB: Were you at all disappointed by the lack of special features? (we were sent the bare-bones widescreen edition) Would you have paid more for the special edition DVD?
CB: Yes and yes.
TB: Final thoughts?
CB: I hop this intervue don’t make me sound dum.
And there you have it!
Sex and the City: The Movie is available to own on DVD, Blu-ray, On Demand and by download at iTunes. For more information, check out the official site at www.SexAndTheCityMovie.com