I always get nervous whenever a comic requires me to do some kind of caricature for multiple reasons. I always have trouble blending my style with something that makes the person in question recognizable. Also, I’m not very good at it. I’ve bought a few books to try and teach my technique. I’m sure if I spent a whole month doing nothing but caricatures, I would improve. It’s just difficult to determine what your need will be based off of the jokes you come up with.
Okay, that’s no excuse. I mean, after five years, I should at least have a Ben Affleck caricature in the bag by now!
The Kingdom comes out this weekend and the trailers have led me to believe it’s a by-the-numbers potboiler about the conflict in the Middle East. Even if it wasn’t attempting to be topical by referencing The War on Terror, I would have categorized it as rote based solely on that shot of the SUV furiously backing out of a secluded alley when fired upon by an terrorist with a shoulder-mounted rocket launcher. That whole sequence looks like it came straight out of Patriot Games to me.
However, there are a few twists to the formula that have captured my attention. First, actor/director Peter Berg is behind the lens. I know his list of directing credits isn’t setting the world on fire, but I’ve always liked the guy and I view him as a straight shooter that isn’t interested in being pigeon holed by Hollywood.
Another interesting twist is the addition to Jason Bateman to the cast. Bateman is one of those actors who is going to do great no matter where you stick him. He has a very natural style and will be a nice yang to Jamie Foxx’s hammy, over-the-top yin. As good as he is, he’s not the first actor you think of in a movie like this. Jamie Foxx, sure. Chris Cooper, of course. Jennifer Garner, you’re stretching it a bit, but okay. Jason Bateman? Wha?
My good friend Joe Dunn had a chance to see the movie at a sneak preview last week and he said Bateman was perfectly cast and adds a lot of comic relief. As for the movie itself, he said the last half hour is riveting and totally worth the price of admission. At lot of action that really makes you feel like you’re in the thick of it.
I’m curious about The Kingdom, but I’m going to wait and read a couple more reviews to see what the concensus is. Still, it’s got to be better than seeing The Rock in The Game Plan this weekend.
Speaking of The Kingdom, I’m running a contest this week for a few giveaway items in advance of it’s opening in theaters this weekend.
Be sure to listen to The Triple Feature talkcast tonight at 9:00 PM CST for your chance to win a prize package that includes a full-sized poster, hat, t-shirt, mini notepad, and jacket!
One half of a code will be given during the broadcast and the second half will be given right here at Theater Hopper on Wednesday. You’ll need both clues to be eligible for the contest! Of the correct entries, one winner will be chosen at random! So be sure to listen in!
As a matter of fact, I have a bunch of free DVDs that I’m giving away this week. So you guys should be sure to check back every day for your chance to win.
Tomorrow I will have a DVD review for the recent release of 30 Rock: Season One up on the site. 30 Rock was probably my favorite new show last season and I was thrilled to see they won the Emmy for Best Comedy Series last week. Check back to read my review as well as information for more free DVD goodies!
See you then!
You’d think after announcing my revised once-a-week schedule, I would have taken better advantage of my time to produce a new comic for you first thing Monday morning. My apologies that it didn’t happen.
I think part of me is still wrestling with my decision. Well, maybe not wrestling. “Adapting” is probably a better word. I didn’t really know what to do with myself on Tuesday or Thursday night when I wasn’t staying up until 3:00 in the morning working on a comic. By the time the weekend rolled around, I felt like I was completely out of practice!
I will say this, however. The extra time allowed me the opportunity to think up a few different punchlines to this comic and the final result is MUCH better than what you would have gotten originally when I was under deadline and firing from the hip. I won’t say what the original idea was. Just trust me that this one is better.
Before going any further, I wanted to take a moment to thank EVERYONE for their comments last week here on the site, on Facebook and on Twitter as well. I didn’t receive a single negative comment and that is really a credit to you guys. I received a few messages where people expressed disappointment. But no message expressing outright disgust or anger.
Truthfully, I don’t think the majority of you are even capable of that. But the internet is a pretty big place and you know how it works with negative comments – one jerk’s thoughtless comments can wipe out a dozen understanding, supportive, thoughtful replies.
But like I said, there wasn’t ANYTHING negative. You guys totally understand where I’m at in my life right now and the needs I have to address. It was a load off my mind that you guys recognized the effort required to produce Theater Hopper three time a week and could weigh that appropriately against the real life responsibilities I need to focus on now.
Thank you.
Okay, so with that said, can we talk about Sex and the City 2 for a minute? I’ve been dying to talk about it.
Now, I know I will probably catch a little grief for how I chose to portray the four women from the movie in today’s comic. They came out looking a little grotesque, but that’s because I drew them from memory.
I will admit that it was a conscious decision, though. Because these actresses – and more specifically, their characters – have become gross caricatures of spoiled American 40-SOMETHINGS that need to be stopped.
When the trailer for this movie came out, did it not look like the most insulting piece of excrement you ever saw?
And before I go too deep down the rabbit hole, let me first confess that I’m not a SATC hater. My wife watched the show religiously and watched several of the episodes right along with her. It wasn’t always my cup of tea, but I frequently found it entertaining and kept up with the individual story lines. I knew what was happening in these characters lives.
So, when the first movie came out, we went. I thought it was so broad and laughably over the top (Carrie dropping her jewel-encrusted and monogrammed cell phone in slow motion when Mr. Big gets cold feet at their wedding, Charlotte literally crapping herself in Mexico), I didn’t think anyone would be dumb enough to green-light a sequel.
Yet, here we are, two years later and this time the ladies have spirited away to Abu Dhabi so they can get away from their husbands and children so they can pretend to be the free-wheeling party girls they were OVER A DECADE AGO.
Now, when the original series ended in 2004, I will admit that it betrayed the core concept of the series that women act like men and avoid emotional detachment in their relationships. But the alternative is way, WAY worse. Because no one wants to see a women in her mid-40’s trotting around with a drink in their hands trying to pick up hot guys.
Sidebar: KIM CATTRALL IS 54 YEARS-OLD! Wanna know how old Rue McClanahan – who played the sex-crazy Blanche Devereaux – was when The Golden Girls premiered in 1985? SHE WAS 51 YEARS-OLD!!!
To me, Sex in the City 2 represents the most worthless, self-centered attitudes about Americans. The me-first mentality that permeates so much of our culture. This would be okay if the film didn’t feel it was important that you actually ROOT FOR the lead characters. I like to imagine a world where the producers of Sex in the City 2 saw fit to laugh at and ridicule these incredibly shallow, materialistic dum-dums for two hours rather than try to pull the wool over the audiences eye’s with faux-glamor and faux-romance.
Am I being harsh on the film? Undoubtedly. Have I seen the film? Not at all. Is this fair? Not in the slightest. Do I care? Absolutely not. And judging by the 15% “fresh” rating the film received from Rotten Tomatoes, I’m not far off-base with my criticisms.
People can smell a stinker a mile away. Sex in the City 2 had “shameless money grab” written all over it from the moment it was announced. If you pay money to see this film, you will get everything you deserve from it.
Hmm… That took a decided sour turn, didn’t it? I hate to leave you on that note. Let’s try a little mental exercise. I want you to think of a gorilla in a wearing party hat and swim trunks riding a unicorn in a field of cotton candy. Kind of hard NOT to think about that now, isn’t it?
Alright! There you go! Thanks for waiting for today’s update. Be sure to stay on top of things buy subscribing to Theater Hopper’s Facebook and Twitter accounts.
Oh, and it probably wouldn’t hurt to subscribe to Theater Hopper’s RSS feed, while you’re at it!
Do you have any thoughts about Sex and the City 2? What about Prince of Persia: Sands of Time (which got a cursory mention in today’s comic)? If so, leave your comments below! We have the week to hash things out now, so fire away!