For the record, the characters in today’s strip didn’t shrink, but are resting in a giant soda. Just spelling it out for the extremely literal among you.
It’s weird what emerges when you’re staring into the infinite abyss of a blank piece of paper. Today’s toon is the result of just such a journey.
I’m enjoying this current “summer fun” arc – if you can call it that. Of course, I’m not enjoying it quite as much as the idea that I would ever wear a hot pink tank top and neon green shorts.
If I can sneak our newest character Jimmy into every strip this week, I think I’m going to do it. If for the sake of continuity.
I’m adding some new interactive elements to the site. Everyone should check out our new free for all links section. There are a few tweaks left to be made, but I think it’s a great opportunity to allow the readers of the site to indirectly express themselves.
The concept is simple. Visit the free for all links, add a link to a site within one of the categories, then tent you fingers and fiendishly grin as you unleash the most awesome web site onto an unsuspecting public. I’m implementing the feature in hopes of being clued in on some of the best corners of the net I’ve yet to unearth.
I’ll be monitoring this area closely and have set up some roadblocks to prevent you from log-jamming the area with crap links or pop-ups. Don’t even think about adding links to dirty picture sites. I’ve got all your mothers phone numbers and I’m not afraid to tattle on you. How did I get all of you mothers phone numbers? That’s for me to know and for you to find out.
Anyway, check it out. It should be fun. It’s just the tip of the iceberg in terms of diversified content I have planned for the site. Stay tuned.
September 6th, 2002 | by Tom

(19 votes, average: 8.05 out of 10)
It’s official: I’ve lost my mind.
I feel like I kind of painted myself into a corner with this week’s story arc. I mean, once you have your characters sitting in a giant cup of soda, you’ve gotta carry it through to it’s natural conclusion, you know?
Things are beginning to shape up movie-wise. I think all we have is this weekend and then the slump will be over. All I have to say is thank God there wasn’t a baseball strike because people would have found no solace in the nation’s movie theaters. They probably would have taken to hunting man for sport just to stave off the boredom.
Is anyone planning on seeing Swimfan this weekend? I can save you some time. It’s just like Fatal Attraction except with teenagers and more chlorine. Do yourself a favor and rent the original Glenn Close/Michael Douglas thriller. It won’t be IGNORED, people.
What about this weekend’s other new release, City by the Sea. They’ve got a good cast lined up for this one. DeNiro and Frances McDormand are on board. Unfortunately, the list of movies DeNiro has done that are just like this is as long as my arm.
You know, for a web comic that advocates movies, I’ve sure been bashing them a lot lately. Ah, well. I know what I’m doing this weekend. Going to see Tool tonight and tomorrow… I’m going to the zoo. Yup.
I’ll be back later.