I didn’t get a chance to see Sex and The City: The Movie this weekend and I’m actually kind of bummed.
I know, I know. I’m turning in my membership card to the He-Man Women Hatin’ Club later this afternoon.
It was just one of those things we couldn’t work out this weekend. Cami was a little under the weather and we were just running in too many directions at once.
TO MY CREDIT… I asked Cami at least three time over the weekend if she still wanted to see the movie. I offered suggestions to what we could do with Henry. Take him to her Mom’s house, put him to bed and have her sister babysit, leave Truman to watch over him…
Fact of the matter was, she just wasn’t feeling well and went to bed about 8:00 PM on both Saturday and Sunday. Drag.
People are talking about the box office SaTC pulled down over the weekend. Almost $56 million, making it the largest opening for a R-rated comedy ever. I would think this would ensure a sequel. Especially considering the television show went off the air over four years ago. It’s really quite impressive.
My sister-in-law tried to see the movie on Friday and told us that the first three showings were sold out. When they finally got tickets, she talked about all of the women that went to the theater “in costume” – dressed to the nines in their fanciest clothes and shoes. Women who had their hair done up like it was a black-tie ball for the movie.
I turned to Cami and said “See! Girls will geek out for the right stuff if prompted!”
My sister-in-law also told us that she saw only one or two guys in a sold out theater and that was the inspiration for this comic.
At any rate, with Cami all riled up with her sister’s positive feedback, I think we’re in position to see Sex and The City sometime tomorrow evening. I’ll be sure to let you know what I think on Wednesday.
If you have opinions about Sex and The City: The Movie, be sure to tune in to The Triple Feature podcast tonight at 9:00 PM CST at TalkShoe.com. I know Joe saw the movie, although Gordon flat-out refused. No worries. Gordon said he would check out The Strangers instead.
As for me? Well, I watched an advanced copy of the new Futurama straight-to-DVD movie – The Beast With A Billion Backs. So if you’re looking for some head’s up on that, tune in for the scoop! I might try to post a full review here on the site tomorrow. So be on the lookout for that.
Sorry for the delay with the blog post this morning. There was something I accidentally uploaded to the comic images folder on the server that made the archive system go ker-flooey! Man, I can’t wait to make the switch to WordPress…
So this was the comic that I conceived over a week okay in coordination with last Monday’s comic. Admittedly, it would have worked better as the one-two punch I envisioned it to be, but real life just got in the way.
Man, I gotta build up a buffer of some kind. I feel like I’ve squandered the good will built up from that Monday comic. People really seemed to like it.
The good news, however, is that I found some great new light-effect brushes for Photoshop last night! See the light coming from behind Tom’s head? Nice, huh? Thanks, Internet!
I guess since I’m in the mood for full disclosure, I have to fess up to some Mike Myers level self-plagiarism. I stole the last panel of today’s comic from one of my previous comics. I suppose I could call it an “homage” but I don’t know if that would be entirely truthful. I actually tried drawing something different, but it came out too disturbing. Originally, it was going to be an overhead shot, almost behind the shower head. You were going to see Tom’s side butt – or haunch – entirely. Believe me, I’m saving you a lot of trauma. The panel from the previous comic was just too choice not to reuse. So, there you have it.
Don’t worry. Tomorrow’s comic will have completely original art. I’m finally starting to level out a little bit after coming home from Wizard World Chicago. Seriously – you almost need a day or two just to recover from these things. A lot of talking with people, loosing your voice, heavy lifting and extended driving. I’m always glad to do it. I’m just not as young as I used to be!
Be sure to check back on the site tomorrow. I have a great comic on Wanted ready for you. Followed by a comic about Hancock on Friday.
See you then!
First, I have to give a shout out to Jackson Ferrell over at This Week in Webcomics who gave me an idea too good to pass up for today’s comic.
Last night, over Twitter, I talked about how I needed to brainstorm ideas for Monday’s comic and was not really interested in doing a comic about New Moon (although I knew I kind of had to). Jackson suggested doing a comic specifically about my disinterest in the film and our conversation evolved into what you see today.
Twitter is great for batting around jokes or story ideas, especially when you’re stuck. In the past, I would have been very uptight about integrating anyone else’s ideas into the comic. But a good idea is a good idea and I’m not going to turn it down because I didn’t come up with it whole cloth.
If anything, my exchange with Jackson actually gave me a jumping off point to do a whole week of comics around New Moon. All it took was a little push in the right direction. So, thanks, Jackson!
So, as you know, New Moon comes out on Friday and I am as non-plussed about it as I was when Twilight came out a year ago. I’m just not in the target demo (as today’s comic plainly illustrates.)
Not that there’s anything wrong with that. In fact, I had an epiphany about Twilight that I shared last year. My attitude is basically “good for them.” Girls SHOULD have a franchise like this that they can geek out over. I mean, Harry Potter was close to becoming that franchise. But it was really more for kids and had a wider appeal. Twilight is a film franchise that (to my knowledge) is pretty much exclusive to teenage girls.
I mean, I know older women who like the books and movies, too. But that’s a case of arrested development no dissimilar from my own fascination with all things Star Wars or Iron Man.
That’s why I’m happy something like Twilight exists for the ladies — because it makes me look less weird.
Ever since the dot com boom, people have said that the geeks have taken over. But let’s face it, we’re all geeks. Every jock that has the ritual of going to a sports bar each weekend to keep track of his favorite team and favorite players, knows all the clubhouse drama and can rattle down the stats of any team from any era? Total geek. Mr. Money Guy who is on top of the stock market, monitoring the ups and downs of business? Total geek. Top Chef watchin’ foodie that has 5 or 6 restaurants they have to go to before they die and can name 10 celebrity chefs? Total geek.
THERE’S NOTHING WRONG WITH THIS! This is what living in a technological society has afforded us – free time to care about these trivial things. Only in the past was it consider odd to devote any attention to these peripheral interests because it mean you didn’t conform to societies expectations of school, marriage, work, breed, eat, sleep, die. People used to pursue their interests at the exclusion of acceptance in society.
Maybe we’re all becoming cut off from each other. Maybe we’re all standing in the center of our own little pockets of “ME.” But I don’t think so. If you love sports or money or food or robots or vampires, why SHOULDN’T you be allowed to pursue your interests and be excited about them? We should all be so lucky, right?
So, girls, go crazy for Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner. You deserve it!
What about the rest of you? At what level is your interest / anticipation for New Moon? Is anyone here planning on camping out to get tickets? What about midnight showings? Share your New Moon love in the comments below!
I’m just gonna be over hear reading production reports from Iron Man 2 in the meantime…