August 1st, 2003 | by Tom

(2 votes, average: 10.00 out of 10)
Alright, it’s the first of the month, and I want to put this up front and center:
Last month, we climbed all the way up to number 11 and we were within a handful of votes to the Top 10. Let’s see if this month we can actually do it. I know you have it in you. As a matter of fact, why don’t you click that link above you right now and take care of it before finishing the blog. That’s it. Thanks.
To help increase our odds of crakcing the Top 10, don’t forget to come back on Saturday and Sunday to vote again. I would really appreciate it. Thank you for your support.
Anyway, onto the movies!…
So I’m taking another dig at American Wedding and what of it? Frankly, I think it’s one big gimmick that they’ve made a wedding between two of the characters the “finale” (yeah, right) of the franchise. It’s like something a soap opera would do – a cheap grab for attention to boost ratings. Or, in this case, ticket sales.
I got a lot of interesting feedback from Wednesday’s strip. There were several supportive e-mails telling me I nailed what high school is really about. I even got an e-mail from a guy who went to school with American Pie screenwriter Adam Hertz. He said apparently a lot of stuff in the first movie was true (excluding the pie) and that he hated high school, too.
There were some people who took me to task for my insecurities – basically attacking a movie for rekindling grudges. That’s fine. I just make the point that if you ever break up with someone and you hear a song on the radio that reminds you of them, chances are you aren’t interested in listening to that song over and over again.
Probably the weirdest reactions I got regarded the comments I made about lacrosse. Several people told me that where they’re from, it’s a big deal. Even a few people said their high schools didn’t have a football team, but had a lacrosse team. I guess it must be an east coast thing…
Frankly, none of this has changed my opinions about high school or the franchise. I still hate both as much as ever.
The sad thing is, I’ll probably go to American Wedding tonight. Cami is really interested in seeing it, and we haven’t been to the movies in a while, so I’ll probably just bite the bullet and go. I’ve got my fingers crossed, hoping it’s somewhat tolerable. Even though it’s cheap, the wedding gimmick might play closer to home for me. THAT was an event in my personal life I happened to enjoy a great deal, and don’t mind reminiscing over. I’m older, the characters are older. Maybe this time things will be different…