According to Vulture, Jon Favreau will not be directing Iron Man 3. No reason has been given at this time, although I think it is a profoundly dumb move on Marvel’s part. Speculation is that the issue revolves around money. Considering what went down with Terrance Howard on Iron Man 2 and Edward Norton on the sequel to The Incredible Hulk, this seems feasible. Others suggest a creative split between Favreau and The House of Ideas. Considering the Iron Man 2 was basically a giant set-up for The Avengers, this, too seems feasible.
Business is business, I understand that. But considering the care and dedication Favreau took with what was – admittedly, at the time – a second-string Marvel property, it seems profoundly stupid of them to let him go. Considering his vision and dedication to practical effects (which I think was a large part of what made the franchise successful – a strictly CGI suit wouldn’t fly, so to speak), you’d think Marvel would be bending over backwards to keep Favreau happy.
What’s your reaction to this news? Who do you think the best candidate would be to replace the erstwhile Swinger behind the lens? Does this also mean Happy Hogan won’t be in the third film? DISCUSS!
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