It’s Friday the 13th kids. Don’t walk under ladders or none of that crap. In the very least, do your best to avoid being hacked to pieces by any goalie mask wearing momma’s boy while camping at Camp Crystal Lake this weekend – I think we all know who I’m talking about.
Too bad I forgot today was Friday the 13th until after I finished inking, coloring and lettering today’s strip. I might have been able to get a good joke out of it. Oh, well.
I wish I could explain the conversational thread that birthed this joke and held its hand through the evolutionary process, but truthfully, I wouldn’t know where to begin. Let’s just presume that I’m brilliant and this isn’t some sort of grabbing-at-straws attempt at humor as I sit stranded, wallowing in post-summer cinematic crappola.
I’m just hoping there are Cinemark theaters near where you live. I had to pick a chain that I presumed was nationwide to make the joke work. It doesn’t hurt that the name “mark” is part of their moniker. “Mark” is a real name, isn’t it?
I feel like I should be making some sort of big play for the funny. Especially on a Friday post. I’d like to think Theater Hopper is the place you come to before kicking your weekend off right. Either us, or maybe E!’s Wild On…
Until I can think of something else, I bid you fare-thee-wells.