Now before anyone gets their knickers in a twist over today’s strip, keep in mind that I ran this joke by my wife first and she thought it was hilarious. Just goes to show how awesome she is. If you’ve got a problem, write Dear Abby.
I’m exhausted right now from spending several hours in the car. I was in Kansas City over the weekend for a wedding. That was fine. Just the drive down and back sucked. Cold and cloudy both ways. I had trouble staying awake. It makes a long drive that much more insufferable no matter how many games of I Spy you play.
I’m sad to say I haven’t been to many movies recently. August is always a dumping ground to me. Don’t believe me? Look in the paper? Does anyone want to see Pluto Nash? I didn’t think so.
So I sat and thought about some of the movies I’m looking forward to seeing this year. I just got my Entertainment Weekly with the Fall preview inside. Thumbing through it, I can see there is hope.
For some reason, Moonlight Mile has captured my attention. I don’t know if it’s because I hold great faith for Jake Gyllenhaal after Donnie Darko, or if it’s because of the trailer. Granted, it’s not shy about it’s ambitions to yank your heartstrings right out of your chest, but any role that will corers an earnest performance from Dustin Hoffman (instead of the loudmouth wankers he’s been playing lately) is a plus in my book.
Red Dragon has piqued my interest as well. From what I’ve heard, Anthony Hopkin’s Lecter isn’t in the movie much, so it might not be an greedy attempt to cash in on the brand. Plus, it’s written by Ted Tally (who won an Oscar for The Silence of the Lambs) and his script stays closer to the book than Manhunter did. Throw in Ed Norton and Ralph Fiennes for good measure and I think it will work. My only reservation? Brett Ratner from the Rush Hour franchise is in the directors seat.
Other films I’m interested in:
The Ring, Bowling for Columbine, Die Another Day, Solaris, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, Catch Me if You Can, About Schmidt, Star Trek: Nemesis, Punch-Drunk Love, Confessions of a Dangerous Mind.
Those are the films I HAVE to see. There are a few others that I’m kinda interested in seeing, but those are more likely peer-pressure movies — movies you see so you can have something to talk about with everyone else who saw them. Harry Potter?… I’m looking in your direction.
Last thing I’ll mention, I’m having trouble logging into the forums. I don’t know if any of you are having the same problem, but when I enter my username and password, this is the information I get:
Ikonboard CGI Error
Ikonboard has exited with the following error:
Undefined subroutine &BoardsView::birthday called
This error was reported at: Sources/ line 153.
Please note that your ‘real’ paths have been removed to protect your information.
If any of you are having the same problem, please let me know. If not, and this phenomenon is completely unique to me, please point me in the right direction toward getting it fixed. I’d really like to get back into the fray. We’ve had a lot of new people register and things are starting to pick up in there.
Thanks and see you Wednesday!
October 23rd, 2002 | by Tom

(14 votes, average: 6.50 out of 10)
If you think that today’s strip is some sort of late April Fool’s joke, then I suggest you check out this story.
Quite frankly, I’m sick with the idea that anyone would
A. Attempt a sequel to one of the most beloved family films of all time (does anyone remember the 10 car pile up of muppets that was Return to Oz?) and
B. Stick Drew Barrymore in the starring role of Dorothy. Never mind she’s 27 and Judy Garland was 17 when she played it. Oh, wait. You’ll probably turn her into some tough, business-minded executive that only learns a “life lesson” after a fanciful trip through Oz and reconnecting with childish innocence.
I think it would be more interesting if they sent her to the HBO version of Oz.
This is the kind of project that I can picture Drew getting really excited over. She was probably in her big-ass mansion, just having started her production company, chewing on the end of a pencil and trying to come up with a good property she could re-purpose as a vehicle for herself.
She probably thought, “Gee, I really loved The Wizard of Oz before I was strung out on coke at 11. I’ll take those happy memories, bastardize them and inflict them on an unsuspecting public!”
The point I’m making with today’s strip holds water, in my opinion because the only reason anyone will see this film is to check out Drew’s boobs.
Face it, honey. The apex of your career is when you flashed Letterman on his birthday.
Some of you might wonder why I spit so much venom at Drew. Most likely because I see her as the next in line of “girl-next-door” actresses who take their wholesome images and pad them further by developing smooshy movies I end up getting dragged to kicking and screaming.
Other actresses in this category would include Meg Ryan (although she’s a little long in the tooth) and the worst offender, Sandra Bullock. I really used to like Sandra Bullock back when she was in Demolition Man and Speed. She was a fresh face. Fun to watch. Then While You Were Sleeping happened. Then Hope Floats. Then Practical Magic. Then 28 Days. Then Miss Congeniality. I’m sure you get the picture.
And I’m sorry, but it doesn’t matter how many films like Murder By Numbers you make, you’ve carved your peg, now sit in it.
Drew is falling into the same trap. Her popularity has afforded her some sway in the industry, and she ends up producing and starring in such obvious ego-centric pieces as Charlies Angels, Never Been Kissed and Driving in Cars With Boys (featuring the most flagrant misuse of Steve Zahn if there ever was one).
I guess it’s just difficult to watch actresses you like water down their appeal by churning out the same tapioca productions. Reese Witherspoon? I’m looking in your direction…
August 8th, 2012 | by Tom- Comics »
- Comics »
- Guest Strip

(6 votes, average: 8.17 out of 10)
I gotta hand it to Wilson Parker. His guest comic today felts totally in-sync with the kind of bizarre rants that I would not only produce for the comic, but like debate in real life with friends.
I also think Wilson hit on a universal truth about the three-breasted prostitute scene from the original Total Recall. If you’re not going to at least try to improve on the original, what’s the point?
I don’t know about the rest of you, but that scene left an indelible mark on my childhood. When I was growing up, we didn’t go to the movies very often, but we would rent stuff on occasion. Christmas was a big at-home movie watching holiday for us. My Dad would rent four or five movies and after we’d open presents, we’d watch them.
One year, he rented Total Recall. Now, let’s see… Total Recall came out in 1990, so I would have been 13 or 14 years-old at the time. Kind of an important time in a young man’s development.
Lo and behold, it’s the three-breasted hooker scene and I’m watching this movie ON CHRISTMAS with my Dad… AND my Mom.
You know when you’re younger and you watch a movie with your parents with embarrassing content? You want to crawl under a rock and die. That scene was my first exposure to that. Heck, I can remember a few year’s later when Cami and I were dating. We watched the original Austin Powers with my folks and I remember being mortified during the scene at the end where Austin and Agent Kensington hook up.
Maybe I’m just sensitive.
Incidentally, Wilson has a comic of his own called Unwinder’s Tall Comics. I highly encourage you to check him out and say thanks for this fantastic guest strip. Thanks, Wilson!
Switching gears, I was actually kind of interested in seeing the remake of Total Recall. The cast looked interesting and I’m really starting to appreciate Colin Ferrell as a genre actor. But the reviews haven’t been encouraging. For the most part they say the movie just kind of sits there. Not good – especially for an action movie.
But then director Len Wiseman is no Paul Verhoeven. That’s like comparing Dear Abby to Hunter S. Thompson. It’s simply impossible to out-weird that gonzo Dutch bastard.
Switching gears again, I wanted to address something that should have happened this week… but didn’t.
Sunday was Theater Hopper’s 10th anniversary. The milestone felt pretty underwhelming to me. Frankly, I didn’t realize it was the 10th anniversary until a day later.
It’s funny, because an anniversary is something I used to make a pretty big deal about on the site. I remember the 7th anniversary coming and going with more fanfare.
Perhaps I didn’t make a big deal about it because Monday was the day the comic was supposed to end. Obviously, that didn’t happen.
I’ve outlined the reasons why in earlier blog posts. I basically miscalculated how many comics I would need to finish the story – even though I had been producing double-sized comics for several weeks. But, yeah. I blew the deadline.
I kind of wonder if it’s self-sabotage. But it’s not. It’s just poor planning. So you guys are the benefactors of my poor planning. Revel in it.
I’d say I have maybe 5 or 6 more comics until I wrap things up. When I do, I hope you guys will be there to send Theater Hopper out with a bang. I’ll be sure to keep you updated as doomsday draws closer through Facebook and Twitter.
As for this week’s comic, I’m working on it. It’s a single-panel strip. But there’s a lot of action and detail I need to build into it, so it’s taking longer.
I’ll be glad when it’s done, though. Because it means I can stop adding fire and smoke effects to everything. That stuff takes a long time!
Thanks again to Wilson for the great guest comic and tiding everyone over with teh funniez. I appreciate it!
See you all soon!