Even though I mentioned it in Tuesday’s blog, I want to cover this again really quick right off the bat in case you didn’t read the old stuff.
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Today’s comic is pretty close to real life. In fact, it’s exactly like real life.
People know I’m a movie nut. I advertise it pretty loudly. They also know I run this site and my brain is host to a buzzing swarm of useless movie trivia and knowledge. Just try to beat me at Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon! It’s can’t be done, I say!
Regardless, whenever I get into a situation where friends or family ask me what good movies I’ve seen when poor selection has me avoiding the theaters like the plague… well, it’s awkward.
“I haven’t seen any good movies lately. There hasn’t been anything I’ve wanted to see.”
You should see their faces drop. It’s like someone let the air out of their tires. Then they give you that “Well, then what are you good for?” look. As if I couldn’t carry my own weight in a conversation if it wasn’t about George Clooney’s latest team-up with The Cohen Brothers. I can talk about lots of other things.
Television… for example…
It’s true, however, that August is a notoriously arid month for new releases. This is the time of year when Hollywood takes a breather after blowing their load during the summer. A small time to reflect and turn a blind eye on all the turds that will never get an advance showing for reviewers. Hasn’t anyone stopped to question why Marci X even made it to theaters? It should have gone straight to video. Do not pass “Go”. Do not get $200.
When things are lean in the theaters, it forces me to switch my mode of thinking when it comes to the strip. That’s why you haven’t seen my tackling specific films or much in the way of the now obligatory goofy dress-ups.
It reminds me a lot of when I started Theater Hopper in August of last year – probably the worst time to start a movie-related comic strip when there is so little source material to goof on.
I’m amazed we’ve made it this far.
I did a comic somewhat similar to this one back in August of 2007 when Rob Zombie’s remake of Halloween hit theaters. For me, it makes no sense to release a movie CALLED “Halloween” two months before the holiday. You’d think that it was a marketing no-brainer.
Consider the thought that there are potential ticket buyers who have no idea what Halloween is about or who Michael Myers is. What are the odds that, come October, they might be standing in front of a box office somewhere, see “Halloween” on the marquee and say “Oh, we should see that because Halloween is next week.” You’d think the odds of that occurring would improve, wouldn’t you?
After the first remake of Halloween was released in 2007, it was explained to me later that the studio dropped the movie in August so they didn’t have to compete with Saw IV. They appear to be doing the same thing with Halloween II to stay out of the way of Saw VI being released on October 23. That makes sense. The Saw franchise has basically owned Halloween since 2004.
But why late August? Why not September? There are four horror movies being released in September – Carriers, Sorority Row, Jennifer’s Body and Pandorum. Each one is being released on a week separate from the other and none of them are franchise films and none of them appear to be serious contenders. It stands to reason that Halloween II could wipe the floor with any one of them.
Instead they’re going head-to-head with The Final Destination, the fourth movie of a popular franchise that decided to make their film 3D to boot.
To me it shows a real lack of faith in Zombie’s movie. If the studio had any stones at all, they’d at least slate it in the first week of October. No horror movies until Zombieland the following week (which is really more of a comedy) and maybe you stand a chance of taking the wind out of the sails of Saw VI.
If there’s something I’m missing, please explain it to me. Am I crazy? What about the rest of you guys? Any plans on seeing Halloween II this weekend? If you were forced to choose between Halloween II and The Final Destination (in 3D!!!), what would you pick? Leave your comments below!